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PFT.com - Report: Group of players want to intervene into mediation


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I wonder how this will impact the current state of the lockout, if at all.

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There is reportedly a break in the ranks among NFL players, and it’s happened earlier than anyone would have imagined.

Daniel Kaplan of SportsBusiness Journal has the scoop, saying a “breakaway group of players” want a seat at the mediation table and they are close to hiring a lawyer to intervene in mediation.

As many as 70 players described as “mid tier” players could be committed to the law firm. Kaplan reports they are unhappy that talks broke off in March in Washington D.C. They reportedly won’t contest the “Brady vs. NFL” antitrust case, but just want a seat at the table.

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I feel the same way. I think the owners are watching this giving each other high-fives and chest-bumps. Since its going according to plan....Actually it has me thinking about the Selvish Capers piece with his financial issues during the lockout and how dependent he is on the offseason money (workout money). And I'm wondering how many other players in the league are in the same situation.

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The NFL better not comment at all!!! Let the NFLPA deal with it and the NFL should just stick to there side and continue the mediation.

I had a feeling this would have to happen. How can a set up 12 players represent thousands. They all have a selfish bias on what needs to get done in the CBA.

Each and every day uncertainty sinks in for the players who have no real voice, the more they will want there voice heard.

Hey De Smith.....Great job so far. Not only hvae you pissed us fans off, now your own side is starting to turn on you.

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Hey De Smith.....Great job so far. Not only hvae you pissed us fans off, now your own side is starting to turn on you.

yeah, this is going to get real ugly for the NFLPA or the "trade association" or what ever they call themselves. I just want this crap to be over with already.

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If this group continue to make noise then I wonder how long it will be until other interest groups come forwards like retired players and rookies .

The retired players are already suing the NFPLA - although its about image right deals not the CBA. This all just needs to end somehow someway.

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Since DSMITH is NOW only a lawyer and not the head of the union anylonger could he just be fired by the current players? And a new head of the NFLPA VOTED on after a new cba is signed?

If this is the case then why according to Vrabel ”We’re players here to represent players and De works for us. They do (have a seat). And if they’re unhappy with that seat, we have to vote in a new executive committee, and a new board of reps.”

***Dee Smith works for them?...Oh and an executive committee of what? I thought they "decertified". I'm confused.

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If this is the case then why according to Vrabel ”We’re players here to represent players and De works for us. They do (have a seat). And if they’re unhappy with that seat, we have to vote in a new executive committee, and a new board of reps.”

***Dee Smith works for them?...Oh and an executive committee of what? I thought they "decertified". I'm confused.

De does work for them as a lawyer now. The executive committee is the 12 players or whatever that is on the case. I believe that is what he is talking about. But that could be the board of reps as well.

In the end, I think the players need to vote internally to ensure this doesn't get out of hand quickly for them.

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Any news on whether the judge is going to rule on the lockout anytime soon? I thought there was a chance that she could force the owners to stop the lockout (which of course would then got to an appeal) which would allow the teams to have FA, trades, etc.

yeah, she's expected to rule on the lockout on Monday.

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I think D Smith has done a horrible job so far as the head of the NFLPA*. I think he never really wanted to work out a deal with the owners during mediation and that his whole intentions were take this to court from jump street. That being said I think because of that the NFLPA* is starting to splinter like what you’re seeing right now with the 70 to 75 players that would like to intervene in the mediation process. Then you have the Retired NFL player association President George Martin who can't even get a sit down with D Smith and is making noise about that. And Vrabel doesn't help the situation either by basically acknowledging that the union is still a union and giving the owner more firepower to prove that the decertification was a sham. The owners are licking their chops now and the players are walking a very fine line.

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Wow...I'm surprised this isn't a bigger deal. I suppose that means that, in theory, there could be business as usual sometime next week?

Not really the NFL will have an opportunity to look over the decision and then (potentially) days if not weeks later appeal the decision. So for the short term even if judge Nelson lifts the lockout on Monday nothing will change for a very long time.

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I don't blame these other players for being nervous about how all this is working out at all. If the "union" or whatever they're calling themselves gets a collusion ruling against the NFL, then it means that their is no salary cap minimum OR maximum, so 10% will make all the money (ie Brees, Manning, and the others that brought the lawsuit against the NFL). I was saying this would be an issue for the players a MONTH ago. I don't think the Union did a good job of educating these players about the risk they were taking when you drop the NFL into a court, sure it will work out fantastic for the best players in the league, but when the guy that's 2nd or 3rd on the depth chart is getting paid $30k a year, then it doesn't feel so good for the other 90% of the players.

They were really dumb to decertify because the 10% that now have the union lawyers on their side can push this thing through as far as they want, unless: A. the rest of the players get together and form another union, B. they get a judge to stop the Brees Brady Manning lawsuit, or C. they convince the union to re-certify and get a new CBA.

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