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Inside Job (Movie). An important part of understanding the financial crisis.


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I recently had a chance to watch this movie and while it addressed mostly what I already knew I would certainly recommend that you watch it if you haven't. I didn't feel it was terribly partisan especially considering it blames Clinton's people as much as any other administration. Some people will see it as partisan however because it does talk about deregulation and lack of any regulation at all played in the economic collapse. It also points to tax cuts at the top which won't please my friends on the right. It goes on however to blame university professors of major ivy league schools which is a hilarious turn around of the standard political beliefs. Obama doesn't escape criticism either and he's shown to have done nothing at all despite talking the talk during the election. In fact Obama is shown as being key to everyone getting away with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, a month goes by and not a single follow up post....

Just watched this movie, and if I had owned a cheaper television set I would have thrown something through it!

I think my wife is going to call the doctor tomorrow as she thinks that movie gave me Turret's Syndrome.

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I enjoyed the movie thought it was very well done, however, I am always leery of these types of films that don't really present both sides of the story.

The other side had their opportunity to tell their side of the story....but as so clearly stated in the film....they declined comment. What was said in the interviews of those who did go on camera was quite telling. People should not make the mistake in thinking that this documentary is a Micheal Moore knock-off, if they do they will be sadly mistaken.

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I'd recommend this too for an eye opening analysis on the epic con job Wall street, Bankers, politicians etc [are] perpetrat[ing] on the American public. This documentary has been around for a while.

Fixed it for ya, after watching Inside Job my disappointment with the current administration grew......

The damned "wink and a nod" interrogations on Capitol Hill with the Wall Street execs were a complete joke, at least when Enron defrauded it's people the execs went to jail....but NO ONE has gone to jail and there is NO investigations of wrong doing!!! Those jerks lied, cheated and stole and brought the world the brink of economic collapse and then saddled us with the bill and they get to keep on doing what they've always done!! There isn't a smiley that can convey how mad that makes me.

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I'll have to check this out. I'm currently reading The Big Short which is about the financial crisis as well.

that's mandatory reading.

And to Michael Lewis's point that he makes so well in that book, I'm not surprised nobody is in jail. I'm actually not convinced that it was outright fraud.

Michael Lewis says it well. The REAL story is much more interesting. Mass Delusion

---------- Post added May-10th-2011 at 09:33 AM ----------

Watch at the 2:40 mark. (better yet, watch the entire thing, and part II as well, then read the book)

"I'm afraid that our culture will come to the (easy) conclusion... that everyone was just a bunch of criminals... but I think the real story is much more interesting"


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that's mandatory reading.

And to Michael Lewis's point that he makes so well in that book, I'm not surprised nobody is in jail. I'm actually not convinced that it was outright fraud.

Michael Lewis says it well. The REAL story is much more interesting. Mass Delusion

So he doesn't think that it was fraudulent for companies to convince investors to invest in CDO's that they knew by their own admission were crap, and that they knew their own companies were betting against even as they sold them? I mean the banks were investing more in the insurance of these crap CDO's in order to cover their losses when the CDO's failed, yet they kept selling them as AAA graded investments....:mad:

That IMO is a violation of their fiduciary responsibility to their clients, and it is a fraud.

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So he doesn't think that it was fraudulent for companies to convince investors to invest in CDO's that they knew by their own admission were crap, and that they knew their own companies were betting against even as they sold them? I mean the banks were investing more in the insurance of these crap CDO's in order to cover their losses when the CDO's failed, yet they kept selling them as AAA graded investments....:mad:

That IMO is a violation of their fiduciary responsibility to their clients, and it is a fraud.

you really owe it to yourself to read the book

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I'm in the middle of two books right now with a shelf full more to go, so unless they come out with a cliff's notes version it's probably not going to get read here.

then if I were you I would probably put down the pitchfork. :)

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Glad to see this thread didn't go entirely ignored after all :)

After finishing the movie last night I looked for this thread and couldn't believe that it was wholly ignored. Better late than never I guess, but then I assume there is a certain fatigue associated with this issue, people just want things to be better and so they don't want to hear the bad news, which is really pretty sad and scary because it'll just allow it to continue, which we are seeing with the continued practice of keeping the very people who helped cause this disaster as the people in charge of creating policy that could prevent this from happening again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished watching this film. I beg anyone who has not seen this movie yet to go and pick it up this weekend.


The worst part? These smug *******s learned nothing.

Yeah, and Obama is continuing the buddyship of the system.

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Questions about the issues of the day? Never fear, Hollywood has the answer. It will be delivered in a manner that requires minimal effort on your part. Heck, we will even do the thinking. Just sit back and have some popcorn. After the movie, please feel free to tell everyone you know exactly what happened during the financial crisis, for you are now an expert.

Other topics and the films you should watch:

Kennedy Assasination - oliver stone did the definitive work, JFK

Healthcare- michael moore,s Sicko

Gun control- bowling for columbine, same director as above


There is a TREmENDOUS amount of information in the form of articles and dataon the web published nonstop since 2008 on the crisis. Movies can play a role in the forming of opinions and presenting a clearer picture, but before anyone wants to light their torches and pick up a pitchfork, remember that this film was created to present the most interesting story possible without breaking any laws on slander that would fit within the facts that the filmmaker deemed relevant.

I'm sure it is an entertaining movie, but I hope those of you who saw it will use the movie as a starting point of reference in your journey to learn more.

Most of the coMments in this thread are a bit scary in the sense thatwe Americans still believe everything we see on television.

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The other side has had a chance to present their side of the argument and you have heard it from a few people which mostly consists of "we were forced to give loans to poor people" or "We are too regulated by government" Yep, you heard that right TOO REGULATED. LOL.

De-regulation and looking the other way by all Administrations since Reagan has a lot to do with it. While the movie does sort of point to Reagan's policies as a launching point, it also equally shows that Bush1,Clinton,Bush2, and yes even Obama have played major roles in making it even worse, and in Obama's case, merely making moves that will re-start the inflating of the bubble that will eventually burst again.

Watching INSIDE JOB has hardly made me an expert on the matter, though.

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