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Houston Chronicle: Skins trying "like crazy" to trade up for QB


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John McClain of the Houston Chronicle hears the Redskins are "trying like crazy" to trade up for one of this year's elite quarterbacks.

Unless the Skins offer most, if not all, of their 2012 draft class (picks from which will be severely devalued because no one even knows if there will be a 2012 draft), we have a hard time believing Mike Shanahan can execute a trade up. They don't have a third- or fourth-round pick this year. McClain believes that the Redskins are targeting Missouri's Blaine Gabbert.

I really hope this isn't true. I really don't like Gabbert at all and im not sold on Newton either.

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This is nothing more than pure speculation, at best. No one knows what Shanahan wants/is going to do. No one saw the Broncos drafting Cutler at #11 back in '06.

There's just no one out in the media who has any clue as to what's going to happen in 13 days.

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Shouldn't John McClain be busting up foriegn terrorist bad guys in an office building or in Dullas or something? Why would a NY cop know what Shanahan is trying to do?

He did figure out the 3 and 5 gallon jugs of water thing... so maybe he's not so ill-equipped to figure out Shanny?

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Two thoughts. I believe McClain was the one that guaranteed we were signing Fat Al so a Skins prediction from him isn't completely out of left field. Second, is it possible that we're trying like crazy to trade up for a QB, but his QB guess is wrong? Maybe we're trying to trade up for Dalton. There's an expected run on QBs in the 20s and links of Dalton to Seattle. Would take a lot less ammo to move from 41 into the early 20s.

---------- Post added April-15th-2011 at 06:33 PM ----------


You're targeting the wrong QB!

What timing

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