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$4 per gallon gas today... where does it end???

USS Redskins

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I just paid $80 to fill up my car here in Cincinnati... man, this is killing me.

Just a few weeks ago we were paying around $55 to fill it up... no more eating out on the weekends.

Where does this end?

This could easily kill any recovery that may be happening.

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the joke is there isn't even any shortage of oil. these price increases are the result of speculators driving up the price (again).

the solution has been right in front of our face for decades. get serious about transitioning off oil dependency. but we have, to our own peril, dragged our feet and stuck with the status quo simply because it was more profitable in the short term.

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As Obama says, get a vehicle with higher mileage.

I plan on doing that soon.

You develop your own resources. Short term you are still going be using oil but long term you develop alternative energy. If the FAILED PRESIDENT George W Bush would've after 9/11 proposed a solution to make us 100% energy independent by 2010; where would be now?

Al Gore would've set us on the path towards that, even if I wouldn't agree with all his solution; he would've had this nation on that path.

Where does it end? $10/gallon or higher.

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As Obama says, get a vehicle with higher mileage.

I plan on doing that soon.

You develop your own resources. Short term you are still going be using oil but long term you develop alternative energy. If the FAILED PRESIDENT George W Bush would've after 9/11 proposed a solution to make us 100% energy independent by 2010; where would be now?

Al Gore would've set us on the path towards that, even if I wouldn't agree with all his solution; he would've had this nation on that path.

Where does it end? $10/gallon or higher.

this al gore?


or this one?


what about this one?


Please stop whining, it's been 3 years since bush has even been in office, and what you are complaining about is 10 years old, please move forward.

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Great job, three years after he's out of office and it President Bush's fault. Why don't we go ahead and continue to blame Mark Brunell for the Redskins shortcomings while you're at it. What exactly has Obama done since he has been in office to make us more energy independent?

Al Gore MAY have had us on the right track as far as energy is concerned (I highly doubt it), but he would have done nothing when we were attacked on 9/11, just like his buddy Clinton in 96.

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Quit your whining....ya got what ya wanted

This will help the environment and the obesity problem ,bring on $5g Obama called for.

Actually, you're 100% right. You know what is going to compel the government and the private sector to find a long-term solution to rising oil prices? $5-10 bucks a gallon.

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^ Great job, two years after he's out of office and it President Bush's fault. Why don't we go ahead and continue to blame Mark Brunell for the Redskins shortcomings while you're at it. What exactly has Obama done since he has been in office to make us more energy independent?

Al Gore MAY have had us on the right track as far as energy is concerned (I highly doubt it), but he would have done nothing when we were attacked on 9/11, just like his buddy Clinton in 96.

thank you! i usually try to stay pretty moderate, but to whine about something like that so far after the fact is just like blaming mark brunell for our 6-10 record this past year

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Al Gore MAY have had us on the right track as far as energy is concerned (I highly doubt it), but he would have done nothing when we were attacked on 9/11, just like his buddy Clinton in 96.

i would prefer doing nothing to starting an irrelevant war in iraq and killing tens of thousands based on a lie.

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$5 and $10 per gallon gas will cripple our economy and send up right back to the brink of depression again.

Obama doesnt really seem to care either, which is very disturbing.

When it was $4.25 a few years ago all my dem friends said Bush wouldnt do a thing about it b/c he was in bed with the oil companies.

Who is in bed with them now?

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Actually, you're 100% right. You know what is going to compel the government and the private sector to find a long-term solution to rising oil prices? $5-10 bucks a gallon.

Better hope it is a better one than corn ethanol :ols:

Anyone that did not see this coming was blind.

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The equivalent in the UK is around 9 bucks 82 per gallon. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/mar/09/petrol-prices-record-breaking-6-per-gallon Article from a month back. It's dropped a little, but not much from then.).

And you guys think you have it bad.


yeah but the difference between here and the uk is that the public transportation up there is more available than here. you literally need a car to get around in this area.

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As Obama says, get a vehicle with higher mileage.

I plan on doing that soon.

You develop your own resources. Short term you are still going be using oil but long term you develop alternative energy. If the FAILED PRESIDENT George W Bush would've after 9/11 proposed a solution to make us 100% energy independent by 2010; where would be now?

Al Gore would've set us on the path towards that, even if I wouldn't agree with all his solution; he would've had this nation on that path.

Where does it end? $10/gallon or higher.

That is a joke right? And you don't actually think that would've been plausible?

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yeah but the difference between here and the uk is that the public transportation up there is more available than here. you literally need a car to get around in this area.

No question, but it's all relative. It's gotten WAY out of hand both sides of the pond. I still don't get why there's a need to import when there's such natural resources within the US.


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