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Is Reggie Miller a HOFer? (Poll - PLEASE Read Article B4 Voting)


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Antonio had offense, and Dale was a beast in the middle. But yeah, if Dale would have had any O that would have helped. Rik having healthy feet would have helped.

I think his best shot was with koo koo Ron and "Wanna be franchise guy" Jermaine O Neal. God, thinking back to those years makes me mad. Almost as mad as Mo-Ron winning a ring in LA.....but I digress

That was probably the best chance. I really did think they would make a lot of noise and then a fight broke out at a basketball game.

I have to admire Miller's ability to remain competitive in the NBA for as long as he did.

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I've yet to see a real convincing argument FOR Miller in the Hall.

I am biased and as such I like just sitting back and hearing both sides.

That said, a lot of NBA players have come out and said Reggie should be in the Hall (I can remember most recently Charles Barkley and Ray Allen)

To me that says a lot, cause these are guys he worked with.

Simply using stats, and just using the stats you want to use for that matter, is not a good enough reason to leave someone off (not to mention this article did not touch on his college career, which technically is part of the deciding factor on the HOF. Yet another reason I wish we just had a NBA HOF.....but that is a rant I dont care to get into)

In short, I am biased and always will be biased. I can accept Reggie is not a first ballot Hall of Famer (or second) but i think it was a travesty he was not even mentioned on the ballot.

That said, I still think he gets in, no matter how much this author (who the hell is this person anyways? Serious question, who is the author?) does not want that to happen.

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Haha, true. Everything I had to say was already stated by other posters, so I saw no need to be repetitive. Bubble Screen, on the other hand, bashed someone's opinion in the same way a 12-year-old would.

Dude you came on and all you said was "definitely a hof-er". And then you had the nerve to call me out on my short post. Hypocrite. He's not "definitely" a Hall of Famer by ANY stretch. You fail.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:36 AM ----------

This brings up an interesting question - is Ray Allen a HOFer?

This is another interesting one. Not sure, to be honest. But the fact that he holds the record for most 3 pt field goals, surely doesn't hurt. I know this, I'd probably give him the nod over Miller.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:36 AM ----------


I've yet to see a real convincing argument FOR Miller in the Hall.

There isn't one.

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Why? We know he's hit big shots. So have other players, shots of much greater difficulty. He happened to be on three championship quality teams so his shots weren't in vain. That's the difference.

Dude, Big Shot Rob has 7 title rings, not 3. That's more than anyone who didn't play with Bill Russell. Also, Horry has played in more playoff games than anybody.

Horry doesn't deserve to be in the HOF, but he has just as many accolades as Reggie, if not more.

Anyway, I do believe that within 25 years, Reggie Miller will join the HOF. Horry, alas, probably will not.

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Some interesting counter points (yes these are all from Pacers fans)

Reggie played 18 years, not 15, like is mentioned in the article?

He makes the point he only was top 10 in points per game, one year. He could have scored more if he played on a bad team his whole career.

When MJ retired the first time, he told Reggie to basically carry the torch as the best shooting guard in the game for that era. I think that means something.

I know the per season numbers aren't what you'd expect, but the big moments, winning, and longevity have to count for something.

Honestly, he's one of the greatest long range and clutch shooters of all time. He did it while winning a ton, over a long period of time.

It's a no brainer that he's a HOFer, people forget how good he was, the farther removed we get from watching him.


Before I looked I would have guessed this was written by John Hollinger.

A lot of obsessing over stats and awards and completely missing the big picture. Reggie Miller is a more significant figure in the eyes of basketball fans than a hundred players who put up better numbers, the numbers are not the point. It should be obvious to anyone.

He should be in the hall, period.


Why did the writer conveniently leave out Reggie's stellar college career at UCLA? I'm thinking that the HOF committee did the same.

He finished second in all-time scoring at UCLA behind only Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. He still holds the UCLA single-season records for most league points, highest league scoring average, and most free throws. Reggie shot 43.9 percent from three-point range during his college career and 54.7 percent shooting overall from the field. He also holds several individual game records like scoring 33 points in one half.

EDIT: While looking up some moments from Reggie's UCLA college career, I found this awesome rehash of a UCLA/Cal battle where Reggie sparked a come from behind victory and scored 26 points (without hitting a single 3 pointer). There's video of the entire game too!


EDIT #2: UCLA actually lost this game to Kevin Johnson's Cal team. Still cool to see Reggie in his college glory.


EDIT: Is this guy realy the author :ols::ols::ols:





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Dude, Big Shot Rob has 7 title rings, not 3. That's more than anyone who didn't play with Bill Russell. Also, Horry has played in more playoff games than anybody.

Horry doesn't deserve to be in the HOF, but he has just as many accolades as Reggie, if not more.

Anyway, I do believe that within 25 years, Reggie Miller will join the HOF. Horry, alas, probably will not.

Three championship quality teams -

Lakers, Rockets, Spurs....three.

The only reason some fools in here don't understand how clutch Miller was is because he didn't happen to win a ring. Well, Jerry West was named Mr. Clutch and he won a ring luckily his final season thanks to Wilt Chamberlain. If he hadn't won, would you still call him clutch?

Horry as I said earlier, should have a little mini-section in the Hall of Fame for "role player but damn I was clutch" but to say he was more clutch simply because he has rings is ridiculous. It just so happens that his shots weren't in vain. He had the Olajuwon Rockets, Duncan Spurs and Kobe/Shaq Lakers around him. Yeah you're going to win rings.

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