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Considering Japan.... A new CBA deal needs to be done


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These are the types of tragedies that make this whole thing ridiculous. Given the BILLIONS in Aid this country is now going to give and The tragic death toll, I hope the NFL and NFLPA can figure it out or I might be mad at both. This is not a time to quibble over a few dollars. Sorry if I'm linking football with REAL tragedy, but given the date if the quake and the looming deadline it seems pitiful if they continue to act stupid and childish as they have the last few days.


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Unfortunately, I don't believe that a natural disaster as horrible as what has happened in Japan would sway a bunch of rich business men. I wish it would though. It's also sad that it should take a tragedy to make people see things clearly.

Maybe the NFL won't want the bad press of being the big corporation that couldn't get over it's money on the same day as a big natural disaster? who knows.

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I agree with all the above... My point was given this tragedy it should put it all in perspective this isn't important and the NFL and NFLPA need to get that and cut out the crap or screw thus football league. I am very upset about the tragedy and I was simply trying to create perspective, sorry if I seem insensitive.

---------- Post added March-11th-2011 at 07:57 AM ----------

Unfortunately, I don't believe that a natural disaster as horrible as what has happened in Japan would sway a bunch of rich business men. I wish it would though. It's also sad that it should take a tragedy to make people see things clearly.

Maybe the NFL won't want the bad press of being the big corporation that couldn't get over it's money on the same day as a big natural disaster? who knows.

My point exactly.

---------- Post added March-11th-2011 at 08:06 AM ----------

I really think labor negotiations between owners and players are one of the last things one should be thinking about when focusing on a tragedy like the earthquake. But maybe that's just me.

While I agree, it is also entertainments like Football that keep many peoples minds sane during times like these. In a way the league needs to realize people need outlets given the circumstances of their everyday lives. It's time to realize their issues just don't matter. Everyone copes with tragedy differently. As a 911 survivor (i was at the trade center) I pour myself into football, especially on 9-11 to take my mind off it. I can't imagine a 9-11 week without it. I'm just saying all this needs to stop, the world has real issues and I hope the owners and players get some true perspective.

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I saw this discussion over on ProFootballTalk.... when really it should not even be a discussion. Make these overpaid punks give whatever money they are arguing over back to the fans and to relief services for countries/states hit by this mess. I think its something like 700 million dollars... would do wonders for people trying to rebuild their lives in Japan/Hawaii/Cali.... New Orleans, hell everywhere

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they have nothing to do with each other

This is true, but I don't think it's inconceivable that the thoughts and sentiments evoked by such a tragedy would affect the tone of the negotiations. I mean this will be a memorable day in history, albeit for terrible reasons. Surely the key players will be aware of it, and I don't think they could help but feel a renewed sense of perspective.

Will it tangibly influence the mediation? Probably not in a drastic way. But it might have subtle implications on the attitude with which both sides approach the table.

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This is true, but I don't think it's inconceivable that the thoughts and sentiments evoked by such a tragedy would affect the tone of the negotiations. I mean this will be a memorable day in history, albeit for terrible reasons. Surely the key players will be aware of it, and I don't think they could help but feel a renewed sense of perspective.

Will it tangibly influence the mediation? Probably not in a drastic way. But it might have subtle implications on the attitude with which both sides approach the table.

as cold as it sounds, I do not think they really care as it does not pertain to this situation. They would react maybe if each of thier stadiums suddenly sunk into the Earth more than this. Hail

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they have nothing to do with each other

True, but I understand what the OP is trying to say. It's silly that owners and players are fighting over just how wealthy they can be when there are very real and very pressing issues/tragedies that actually impact people's ability to survive.

It's a bit "too soon", but good can come out of terrible events. While I wouldn't point to a agreed upon CBA as a possible silver lining out of all this, I do think that when REAL problems arise it makes us all realize just how good we have it and just how petty we are being about trivial issues.

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Considering Japan.... Lets just pray that the people there stay strong and get themselves back on their feet ASAP. Furthermore if that Nuclear Reactor blows lets pray for the world. CBA talks do not belong in the same sentence as Japan right now.

Your right... But don't think the NFL PR boys aren't thinking about exactly the topic we are...

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I really think labor negotiations between owners and players are one of the last things one should be thinking about when focusing on a tragedy like the earthquake. But maybe that's just me.

Agreed. Events like the ones which just happened in Japan dwarf the NFL. What happens in this negotiation is so small and insignificant in comparison. One is entertainment. The others is lives changed forever.

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Considering ES.... People need not make threads like this.

Yes, let's compare people dying from a Tsunami to the NFL and NFLPA arguing over contents of a CBA.

Next week we'll compare cancer to Snyder charging admission to see players practice in the off-season.

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