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Texas immigration bill has big exception


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As proposed, House Bill 2012 would create tough state punishments for those who "intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly" hire an unauthorized immigrant. Violators could face up to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

But it is an exception included in the bill that is drawing attention. Those who hire unauthorized immigrants would be in violation of the law -- unless they are hiring a maid, a lawn caretaker or another houseworker.

It is a tough immigration bill with a soft side that protects those who hire unauthorized immigrants "for the purpose of obtaining labor or other work to be performed exclusively or primarily at a single-family residence."

Texas state Rep. Aaron Pena, a Republican, said the exception is a wise one.

"With things as they are today, her bill will see a large segment of the Texas population in prison" if it passes without the exception, he said.

"When it comes to household employees or yard workers it is extremely common for Texans to hire people who are likely undocumented workers," Pena said. "It is so common it is overlooked."


So what I think is that people do not like illegal immmigrants unless they are providing cheap labour, so people want to ***** and moan about illegals just they do not want to face the consequences for being part of the problem

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Get over it people, illegal immigration is here to stay. As long as life in Mexico is worse than a US jail cell they'll flow across the border. It's time to accept that fact. It's also time to accept the fact that our agricultural industry relies upon illegal labor. It's also time to accept that we'll never deport 10 million people from the US.

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Get over it people, illegal immigration is here to stay. As long as life in Mexico is worse than a US jail cell they'll flow across the border. It's time to accept that fact. It's also time to accept the fact that our agricultural industry relies upon illegal labor. It's also time to accept that we'll never deport 10 million people from the US.

So the problem many have with granting them citizenship is they would have to pay them at least minimum wage

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Supporting illegal immigration (or excusing it) will not bring social justice ASF.

The exclusion simply keeps from exposing individuals from excessive fines aimed at businesses

Requiring a different level of diligence on the matter of verifying immigration status only makes sense

not to mention helps prevent discrimination against using brown people :pfft:

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Supporting illegal immigration (or excusing it) will not bring social justice ASF.

The exclusion simply keeps from exposing individuals from excessive fines aimed at businesses

Requiring a different level of diligence on the matter of verifying immigration status only makes sense

not to mention helps prevent discrimination against using brown people :pfft:

Excuse me but if I want to hire an illegal immigrant to work around my house so I can save money why should I be treated differently than the guy who hires 50 for his construction company?

Exploitation is wrong no matter who you are.

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So the problem many have with granting them citizenship is they would have to pay them at least minimum wage

Did I say that? Funny, I don't think I said that....strange...it's like the words I typed suddenly took on different meanings when you replied to them. Must be a computer virus.

Supporting illegal immigration (or excusing it) will not bring social justice ASF.

The exclusion simply keeps from exposing individuals from excessive fines aimed at businesses

Requiring a different level of diligence on the matter of verifying immigration status only makes sense

not to mention helps prevent discrimination against using brown people :pfft:

I'm just looking for a practical resolution, it's not going to come through mega-fines against employers, they'll just find another way around the laws, it's not going to come through deportation. So what's left? Stopping illegal immigration is like yelling at the tide and telling it not to come in. My guess is that if this law passes in Texas employers are going to hire a lot more yard maintenance workers.

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Excuse me but if I want to hire an illegal immigrant to work around my house so I can save money why should I be treated differently than the guy who hires 50 for his construction company?

Exploitation is wrong no matter who you are.

I agree....but clearly this bill follows the pattern set by the Obama administration of going after businesses,,,which is easier

There is a mandated level of proof required for businesses to hire that is not existent at the individual level.

You want to require verifiable papers for any hire or activity and I will support it...until then exposing a homeowner to large fines or jail is foolish.

ASF...they businesses would still be liable

They go after us because they can

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Excuse me but if I want to hire an illegal immigrant to work around my house so I can save money why should I be treated differently than the guy who hires 50 for his construction company?

Exploitation is wrong no matter who you are.

Just think of illegals as the non-union union busters, they're the scabs for the non-union worker. Funny how all those union arguments are being used against the illegals.

Just replace American with Union and you'll see what I mean.

1) Those are American jobs.

2) They'll work for less money than American workers.

Isn't it odd that the party that opposes the minimum wage would oppose workers who will work for less than the minimum wage? I wonder how many Texas companies close their doors if this law is passed, thereby creating greater unemployment.

---------- Post added March-2nd-2011 at 08:53 AM ----------

I agree....but clearly this bill follows the pattern set by the Obama administration of going after businesses,,,which is easier

There is a mandated level of proof required for businesses to hire that is not existent at the individual level.

You want to require verifiable papers for any hire or activity and I will support it...until then exposing a homeowner to large fines or jail is foolish.

ASF...they businesses would still be liable

They go after us because they can

I'll just use the GOP argument, businesses are owned by people and those people should be held responsible, therefore the average joe/jane who hires an illegal should be held responsible too, why should they be exempt. I mean I thought we were trying to crack down on illegal immigration here, and you want to leave a major loop hole just because half the state would end up in jail.

Oh wait....if half the state would end up in jail then maybe the people themselves aren't as against illegal immigration as we are led to believe.

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My two old ass neighbors don't have the resources to verify every lawn care technician... (and they can't push a mower without enacting Obamacare).

A little common sense thrown in there while we figure out who gets citizenship and who doesn't.

I may not like the Unions overinflated prices, but you don't want people being taken advantage of either.

There is middle ground between too much and too little ASF....

Stop trying to frame the argument from the GOP side you hate.. You're doing it wrong.

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My two old ass neighbors don't have the resources to verify every lawn care technician...

A little common sense thrown in there while we figure out who gets citizenship and who doesn't.

Common sense? Why in the world would anyone want to inject common sense into the immigration debate now? BTW, if we're still figuring out who gets citizenship and who doesn't, then is now the time to be crafting new legislation?

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The exclusion simply keeps from exposing individuals from excessive fines aimed at businesses

Requiring a different level of diligence on the matter of verifying immigration status only makes sense

not to mention helps prevent discrimination against using brown people :pfft:

The exclusion protects people who tend to donate big money to the Republican Party.

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The exclusion protects people who tend to donate big money to the Republican Party.

Nice sound bite....brought to you by the party ignoring their responsibilities under the law and actively fighting against enforcing the border and immigration laws....but I thought business was who supported the Reps?

oh and :pfft:

It is nice to know I won't have to demand the neighbor kid's papers if I get too lazy to do my own lawn.

or hunt down a white boy:beavisnbutthead:

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I think this is an interesting exemption. I mean where else but in Texas can a business owner be held responsible for hiring an illegal in one place but not another? Seriously, under this law business owners can get fined and arrested for hiring illegals in their factories, and yet be exempt from responsibility when they hire that same illegal to cut their grass.

And people are calling for common sense. :rotflmao:

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Nice sound bite....brought to you by the party ignoring their responsibilities under the law and actively fighting against enforcing the border and immigration laws....but I thought business was who supported the Reps?

Nice sound bite. Brought to you by the Party that thinks that the party that talks tough about immigration is better than the party that actually enforces the laws.

I have my lawn done. I hire a company. (Funny how that works.)

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I have my lawn done. I hire a company. (Funny how that works.)

Did you check their papers...fill out a 1099?

ASF that idiosyncrasy exists everywhere(though not enforced much)...businesses operate under different rules

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ASF that idiosyncrasy exists everywhere(though not enforced much)...businesses operate under different rules

So what I hear you saying is that it's ok for an individual to break a law, just not a business.

Wait, I thought ya'll were the ones saying that everyone should be held accountable under the laws they break. I mean that's what I hear from the Right when they're talking about the illegals who commit a misdemeanor. These people lose their rights when they no longer respect our laws....I'm talking about the individuals who hire illegals....err umm...illegally.

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Did you check their papers...fill out a 1099?

Don't have to. I hired a company.

I don't have to fill out paperwork, file workman's comp, file tax paperwork, notify my insurance company, calculate tax withholding. . . .

Companies do that.

Same reason why I don't have to see the SS cards of every employee at McDonald's. I'm not hiring them. I'm just buying a hamburger.

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Wait, I thought ya'll were the ones saying that everyone should be held accountable under the laws they break.

Make a post that consists entirely of the words "actions have consequences.". Some people really think that's a reasonable argument. :)

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This law creates a servant class. Attention illegals, you can't hold a job that isn't in service in someones home. If you complain about anything you'll be deported and not protected by workplace regulations that govern businesses more closely.

Can't say I'm surprised to see this coming from Texas.

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Don't have to.

Precisely...because you are a individual...just like under this bill,business has a higher burden and liability

As long as ya'll refuse to enforce immigration law and the border the caste system will exist....actions do have consequences

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Make a post that consists entirely of the words "actions have consequences.". Some people really think that's a reasonable argument. :)

In my experience people only really think that's a reasonable argument when it is someone else getting the consequences of their actions. I'm really just sick of all this pandering to voters, everyone knows that 10 million people aren't going to be deported so the politicians play these games of half measures in order to look like they're doing something when everyone really knows that there isn't much that can be done. Once we all finally admit that then we can actually get down to business and figure out a workable solution. Until then...actions will only have consequences for some people.

---------- Post added March-2nd-2011 at 10:15 AM ----------

As long as ya'll refuse to enforce immigration law and the border the caste system will exist....actions do have consequences

No, as long as the Right continues this charade the caste system will exist. Amnesty removes the caste system, a guest worker program removes the caste system. The GOP in Texas and else where apparently only wants to half ass things so they look tough on illegal immigration in the next voting cycle.

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Don't have to. I hired a company.

A guy shows up at your door with a printed business card offering to do yard work. What due diligence do you need to do to be sure the company on his business card exists and has verified his employment eligibility. Or is the fact that he has a business card sufficient for you to believe that everything has been taken care of.

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Get over it people, illegal immigration is here to stay. As long as life in Mexico is worse than a US jail cell they'll flow across the border. It's time to accept that fact. It's also time to accept the fact that our agricultural industry relies upon illegal labor. It's also time to accept that we'll never deport 10 million people from the US.

It's also time to get over the fact that as long as I need to get to work on time, I'll drive 100 MPH. And as long as I need to improve my own situation, I'll rob banks. Good for the goose, y'know.

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