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Yahoo: Help Wanted-jobless need not apply


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In 2008, Michelle, a 53-year-old Illinois resident with 19 years experience in information technology, became another casualty of the Great Recession. More than a year later, after a long and fruitless job search, she finally heard from a headhunter who thought she sounded like a great fit for a post he was looking to fill.

But when Michelle told him how long she had been out of work, the headhunter turned apologetic: His client, he said, wouldn't accept people who had been unemployed for more than six months. Michelle would go on to stay jobless for so long that she ultimately exhausted all her unemployment benefits, and, for the first time in her life, was forced to apply for food stamps and welfare.

Michelle's tale was recounted at a recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) meeting devoted to the issue of hiring discrimination against the unemployed. As the commission found, Michelle's experience is far from unique. No one officially tracks how many job openings explicitly bar the unemployed, but several news reports since last summer have uncovered numerous online job postings that require candidates be employed during the application process. One such listing was posted by the cellphone giant Sony Ericsson--a move the company later called a "mistake."

Job-placement professionals say that over the last year, more and more employers have made it clear they won't consider job candidates who aren't working. "A lot of our recruiters have had clients who have come across this," Matt Deutsch of TopEchelon.com, which brings recruiters together to collaborate in finding jobs for candidates, told The Lookout, calling the practice "unfortunate."

Absolutely dumbfounded by this practice.

Ranks right up there with "You have no experience"(even though that's the field you graduated from in college). If no one hires you,just how do you get experience?


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Honestly, the only way I see out of this mess is you have to bring back jobs to the US. Outsourcing jobs is the core problem. Neither party will address this issue. All the components used to make US products should be made in the US. All the US products should be made in the US. All the tech support and call centers for US products should be in the US. Globalization is destroying this country. I'm for free trade, but not free trade that allows China to rip us off. Put tariffs on their products. My idea of free trade is If Germany wants to buy a product that was entirely made in the US, the American company should be able to sell them the product. If an American wants to purchase a product made in Germany, that is fine too. I just can't see how our country can remain the "top dog" much longer with all the outsourcing of jobs.

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Honestly, the only way I see out of this mess is you have to bring back jobs to the US. Outsourcing jobs is the core problem. Neither party will address this issue. All the components used to make US products should be made in the US. All the US products should be made in the US. All the tech support and call centers for US products should be in the US. Globalization is destroying this country. I'm for free trade, but not free trade that allows China to rip us off. Put tariffs on their products. My idea of free trade is If Germany wants to buy a product that was entirely made in the US, the American company should be able to sell them the product. If an American wants to purchase a product made in Germany, that is fine too. I just can't see how our country can remain the "top dog" much longer with all the outsourcing of jobs.

outsourcing of jobs is simply a symptom of the larger problem that America is becoming an environment that isnt friendly to successful business. Until we make it more attractive to do business here over other nations. the problem will continue.

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I'm entry level management, but a hiring manager nonetheless....I can't say that I've ever even gave much thought as to someone being unemployed. In this environment, people are getting laid off everywhere. I work for one of the biggest banks that made a ton of money last quarter in a department that thrives in times like these...and even we get scared of "realignments" and things of that nature. Two of the best hires we've made were unemployed and had been laid off by a rival bank. Simply having a job doesn't mean that you are good at it.

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outsourcing of jobs is simply a symptom of the larger problem that America is becoming an environment that isnt friendly to successful business. Until we make it more attractive to do business here over other nations. the problem will continue.
Have we closed the loop hole that allows taxes to be deferred when companies keep profits and move production "off shore"? Because while I understand that we could be "friendlier" to business perhaps we should stop encouraging the behavior we dislike FIRST and then work on our friendliness. Can't remember if it passed though.
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outsourcing of jobs is simply a symptom of the larger problem that America is becoming an environment that isnt friendly to successful business. Until we make it more attractive to do business here over other nations. the problem will continue.

I think the difference in what people are willing to work for makes the difference.

This country is expensive. Every bit of it. Food, Shelter, clothing, the basics are expensive, even if you pinch every penny.

I think the main reason we see outsourcing is because they can pay people less. And I think that's pretty much all it is.

We should not encourage companies to outsource. It erodes our own country. If companies want to outsource, we should not be giving them tax breaks or incentives to do so. In fact, we should make them pay a fee or something to encourage them to maintain business in America. Give companies that hire in America tax breaks.


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I think the difference in what people are willing to work for makes the difference.

This country is expensive. Every bit of it. Food, Shelter, clothing, the basics are expensive, even if you pinch every penny.

I think the main reason we see outsourcing is because they can pay people less. And I think that's pretty much all it is.

We should not encourage companies to outsource. It erodes our own country. If companies want to outsource, we should not be giving them tax breaks or incentives to do so. In fact, we should make them pay a fee or something to encourage them to maintain business in America. Give companies that hire in America tax breaks.


Pretty much sums it up.

But politicians aren't in the business of taking tax breaks away from their corporate overlords. So we're screwed.

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Yeah the whole "no experience thing" after graduating college is a bunch of bull****. A lot of the biology jobs I have looked for require 0-3 years experience entry level with a master's degree, such crap.

To me, this practice is far worse than the scenario demanding experience from college grads, and not worthy of comparison.

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Pretty much sums it up.

But politicians aren't in the business of taking tax breaks away from their corporate overlords. So we're screwed.

It goes well beyond labor costs,but yes

Now who owns corps and buys from them?

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Anyone that has a master's in Biology or a related field to the job. A Bachelor's doesn't mean **** anymore

That sucks. If it makes you feel better - in most fields, a bachelors AND a masters means nothing. It really only matters who you know. I swear 50% of jobs you find online are just posted for appearances. Most of the time they are already filled.

My last two jobs have all been through networking. It might take 50 coffee meetings, but it works. Hell, I had someone call me two weeks ago about a job. No interview. No resume. Just called me, we had coffee and they offered me a salary number and a job - he knew my work for a project we did together a year ago. I did not take it, but I heard the offer and told him maybe down the line. That is how it works is so many fields now, I think. No one cares what degrees you have, just experience and the network.

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That sucks. If it makes you feel better - in most fields, a bachelors AND a masters means nothing. It really only matters who you know. I swear 50% of jobs you find online are just posted for appearances. Most of the time they are already filled.

My last two jobs have all been through networking. It might take 50 coffee meetings, but it works. Hell, I had someone call me two weeks ago about a job. No interview. No resume. Just called me, we had coffee and they offered me a salary number and a job - he knew my work for a project we did together a year ago. I did not take it, but I heard the offer and told him maybe down the line. That is how it works so so many jobs. No one cares what degrees you have, just experience and the network.

For sure, the last two jobs I had were because my friends were bosses. The job I just got I know two people who work for the company.. no idea how it is going to turn out, but the salary is worth it.

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Yeah the whole "no experience thing" after graduating college is a bunch of bull****. A lot of the biology jobs I have looked for require 0-3 years experience entry level with a master's degree, such crap.

Agreed, and I'll have experience coming out of school in my job field.

It's like employers are looking for every reason under the sun not to hire people.

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