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A Closer Look at 2011 QB Prospects:Cam Newton


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I doubt Cam's missteps would be bad enough to dissuade Coach from taking him. After all, we were ready to bring in a guy last year who had multiple DUI charges. I find a repeat DUI offender a lot worse than anything Cam has done as an immature youngster. Cam's questions come in the form of

A: his desire put QB'ing before fame. Its fine that he wants to become an icon. He just needs to understand that the way to achieve that is through stellar on the field play. Off the field success is directly proportionate to on the field success. Otherwise he'll face a quick burn out.

B. his football smarts. His stellar size and athleticism will only get him so far. He's gotta be able to understand everything that the defense is doing and also be able to find to successfully counter.

If he can please you in those two areas then there's no reason to skip him over. He obviously has a a rare combination of gifts and if his head is right, he can be one of the all time greats. If not, he's Jamarcus Russell.

Honestly, I don't think we'll have to make that decision. I think he absolutely goes before 10.

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I doubt Cam's missteps would be bad enough to dissuade Coach from taking him.

Dunno, man. From the "Tweets from Shanny presser at Combine" thread:

Rich_Campbell Rich Campbell

Shanahan preaching the importance of character.

Rich_Campbell Rich Campbell

Shanahan said the key for Newton is the background check.

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For you die hard newton fanboys here is a take from one coach , exactly what some on here have been trying to explain to you guys...

NFL coach on Newton: I won't no part of him

One NFL head coach told SI.com that he is very concerned with Auburn QB Cam Newton's recent comments about being an "entertainer and an icon.""That really turned me off," said the coach. "That's exactly the wrong message to send. You want your quarterback to be the exact opposite of a guy who's interested in something like that. I can't believe he'd actually say something like that, but that's a guy I want no part of." NFL Network's Brian Billick also believes that Newton's comments were a huge red flag. Feb 26, 9:25 AMSource: SI.com

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For you die hard newton fanboys here is a take from one coach , exactly what some on here have been trying to explain to you guys...

And Auburn guys keep trying to explain to you that the quote was taken completely out of context. Peter King tweeted the sports show Mike and Mike In the Morning the very next day and told them that what Cam said was an answer to a direct question from Peter about the Under Armour deal. It had nothing to do with how he would perform on the field. It's a shame the media people and coaches ran with the quote without knowing the circumstances and then used it to hammer Newton.

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And Auburn guys keep trying to explain to you that the quote was taken completely out of context. Peter King tweeted the sports show Mike and Mike In the Morning the very next day and told them that what Cam said was an answer to a direct question from Peter about the Under Armour deal. It had nothing to do with how he would perform on the field. It's a shame the media people and coaches ran with the quote without knowing the circumstances and then used it to hammer Newton.

Thankfully, Mike Shanahan is too smart to be spoon feed by the media.

Listen to his response to a leading question about Cam Newton:

Listen: @5:30

Just because somebody tweets something about somebody doesn't mean that's the way somebody is. I'm gonna get a chance to spend some time with him [Cam Newton] and get to know him as well as some of the other QBs. But that [statement from Peter King] is for you guys to have fun with
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And Auburn guys keep trying to explain to you that the quote was taken completely out of context. Peter King tweeted the sports show Mike and Mike In the Morning the very next day and told them that what Cam said was an answer to a direct question from Peter about the Under Armour deal. It had nothing to do with how he would perform on the field. It's a shame the media people and coaches ran with the quote without knowing the circumstances and then used it to hammer Newton.

Now you know logic, and context don't mean a thing when Newton says or does something...The opinion most have of Newton on this board is that he is either a criminal, a thug, or plain ol stupid lol...So it doesn't matter that you post articles saying some of the allegations levied against him were patently false, or that Peter King said Newtons comment had nothing to do with football...He won't get the benefit of not being pre-judged...

Thankfully, Mike Shanahan is too smart to be spoon feed by the media.

Listen to his response to a leading question about Cam Newton:

Listen: @5:30

I read that quote last night, and it made me smile...Coach gets it, and its what I have personally been saying all along in my defense of Cam...I understand his past and some comments, and red flags that he has...I wouldn't judge him until I sat down and got to know him...

That is why I love having Shanny running this team.

I feel the same way...Shanahan makes me feel comfortable in the fact that he has a plan, and is in full control of this team...

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He was off limits to the media for 4 to 6 weeks during the season when all the pay for play mess was happening. Some of those reporters have been licking their chops just waiting for the combine. He had to know it was coming.

I found it humorous, that he had a press interview about his recent comments and he gets asked about some laptops. :ols:

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man they grilled him pretty hard, dude couldn't even talk straight.

Yeah they raked him over the coals a little bit lol...I think all things being considered he did fine in this press conference...Just imagine the questions he's being asked by the teams in private lol...I as a Newton backer will admit that he has a ways to go in terms of handling the media...

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