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Good Documentary Recommendations (Non Political)


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This goes against two of your requirements but "The Art of the Steal" is a great documentary about the Barnes (art) Collection. If you do not know anything about Barnes or his collection, it is well worth the google search. I think the most recent estimate of the value of the collection is somewhere between $25 and $40 billion, and yes that is billion with a "B". It is one sided, in that they do not show the other party involved in the dispute. It does involve politics and a "conspiracy theory" but it is not a "consiracy" documentary, if that makes any sense.

I have heard "Man on Wire" is a great documentary, but have not seen it yet. It's about the guy who walked on a high wire between the twin towers of the World Trade Center back in the 70's.

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The Cove

I for one can't think of any reason why man should eat whale or dolphin

Can you

There is no reason.

Check out The End of the Line about all fishing practices.

---------- Post added February-9th-2011 at 04:20 PM ----------

Exit through the gift shop is being played at the local Indy theater on Saturday and I think I'm going to check it out.

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The Wild and Wonderful Whites is like a car accident that you just can't look away from.

Another good one is Nature: The Gorilla King

There was another one I saw on HBO about a high school in Baltimore that made me fear for the future of the youth.

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Whoever recommended It Might Get Loud on here, thank you! I just watched it. It was phenomenal. I lost my mind at the end when they all played In My Time of Dying. A fantastic film for those who love rock.

If you are a fan of Jack White, you should check out "The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights". It's a documentary following the Stripes through Canada, where they played a bunch of small venues (in a bowling alley, a class room, a commuter bus, etc...).

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If music documentaries are your thing, check these out...

Letters To A Porcupine -- this is a Blind Melon documentary that came out after Shannon Hoon overdosed. Blind Melon is easily one of these most under-rated gems of american music.

Some Kind of Monster -- this was mentioned before. I just wanted to give it a thumbs up.

Incubus:Morning View Session -- a look at the behind the scenes moments of recording Morningview with clips of a live performance. The musicians of Incubus are incredible. Their earlier music puts the new music to shame artisitically. It was far more complex too. This doc, imo, is right before they completely changed and it shows them at their tightest with the originial bassist.

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but "The Bridge" is a fascinating, but rather dark, look into why so many people commit suicide or attempt to off of the Golden Gate Bridge. People come from all over the country and the world to do it or try. It is very well made and quite interesting but, as I said, rather dark and disturbing in its subject matter (by its very nature). That being said, it is far from some sort of snuff film or a movie that tries to use its subject matter for fast bucks. It really does go in depth into the psyche of people who have survived, and family members of those who didn't.

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