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Justification of 2011 Season tickets


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Hello all.

This season was my first as a season ticket holder. While I did love going to the games and I like the IDEA of being a season ticket holder, I am having a hard time seeing the value of it. Due to my work schedule and family life, it’s not practical for me to go to all the games. This year I made it to 5 (regular season) which was what I expected when I decided to get the tickets. What got me thinking about the value of being a season ticket holder was when I tried selling the tickets to the games I couldn’t go to. I wasn’t concerned with what I could get for the tickets, my concern was that there were so many for sale. It got me thinking that I could easily get tickets for the games I could go to on a as needed basis.

With so many seats at FedEx field now (over 91,000), I noticed that having season tickets is no longer the best avenue to get tickets. I could go to StubHub, eBay, or Craig’s List and get 2 tickets in the same section as mine for face value for any game. I pay $178.30 for each game (including 2 pre-season). This includes 2 tickets, taxes, and parking. If I were to buy the tickets individually (for the same section), my cost will be $163.00 (face value plus parking. No taxes). For the 5 game I went to, I would have paid $815. Less than half the cost of season tickets. Even if I were to go to all 8 games, I would save $480 (this is due to no taxes and not having to pay for 2 pre-season games).

I know that all this changes if the team is doing well, and if we get a home playoff game, but I am having a hard time finding justification for purchasing full season tickets other than the stature it conveys (and I’m not so sure that exists anymore since people are getting opportunities to get season tickets after only 2 years on the waitlist). Please help me justify renewing my season tickets.

Thank you.

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while i have never owned season tickets myself, my grandfather was a longtime holder who gave them up right before this past season.

he felt the same way you did, i think, and he had health issues compounding the situation.

but i will also tell you this - we watched the opener together and he was crushed that he had given his tickets up. it was probably the right move for him, but if you do cancel your tickets you must be ready for the initial heartbreak that will probably come during the first 2 weeks of next year.

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Hello all.

This season was my first as a season ticket holder. While I did love going to the games and I like the IDEA of being a season ticket holder, I am having a hard time seeing the value of it. Due to my work schedule and family life, it’s not practical for me to go to all the games. This year I made it to 5 (regular season) which was what I expected when I decided to get the tickets. What got me thinking about the value of being a season ticket holder was when I tried selling the tickets to the games I couldn’t go to. I wasn’t concerned with what I could get for the tickets, my concern was that there were so many for sale. It got me thinking that I could easily get tickets for the games I could go to on a as needed basis.

With so many seats at FedEx field now (over 91,000), I noticed that having season tickets is no longer the best avenue to get tickets. I could go to StubHub, eBay, or Craig’s List and get 2 tickets in the same section as mine for face value for any game. I pay $178.30 for each game (including 2 pre-season). This includes 2 tickets, taxes, and parking. If I were to buy the tickets individually (for the same section), my cost will be $163.00 (face value plus parking. No taxes). For the 5 game I went to, I would have paid $815. Less than half the cost of season tickets. Even if I were to go to all 8 games, I would save $480 (this is due to no taxes and not having to pay for 2 pre-season games).

I know that all this changes if the team is doing well, and if we get a home playoff game, but I am having a hard time finding justification for purchasing full season tickets other than the stature it conveys (and I’m not so sure that exists anymore since people are getting opportunities to get season tickets after only 2 years on the waitlist). Please help me justify renewing my season tickets.

Thank you.

What Section are your tickets in? Do they come with a parking pass? I have come to the conclusion that the only season tickets that are worth having now at FedEx are lower level with unobstructed views. The uppers are too readily available, thus making them hard to re-sell. The clubs are too ridiculously overpriced, good luck getting "face value" for them on the secondary market.

The lower level seats are still somewhat desirable, as you cannot get them straight off the STH waiting list. You must do a few years with uppers or uber-expensive clubs before they give you the chance to upgrade. Lots of fans are willing to pay top dollar for lower level seats. I was able to sell mine (with the parking pass included) in 229 for above face value for all regular season games that I did not attend. The demand for lower level seats when the Skins play an NFL team with a big fanbase (Steelers, Packers, any NFC East team) is always extremely high, seems people are still willing to pay top dollar for the prestige associated with being in the lower level.

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... Why would you do that?

Well, that's my dilemma. I wouldn't, but is there some value to season tickets that I'm not seeing.

...but if you do cancel your tickets you must be ready for the initial heartbreak that will probably come during the first 2 weeks of next year.

This is kind of why I'm on the fence right now. I can't find any legitimate reason to keep the tickets but at the same time, I like the idea of having them and I know there will be some remorse giving them up. But is that remorse alone worth keeping them?

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I honestly wouldn't ever own season tickets unless someone who sits between 120 to 123 section in the rows of like 12 to 18 are selling two tix and a green parking pass sold me the rights to these seats....I mean to be a season ticket holder now a days you have to work your way down from the upper bowl.....so like your dilemma of selling the tix if you can't go to the game may be difficult....the value of the ticket you pay will be hard to get especially if you are in the endzone of the upper level. I like the thrill of looking for tix on ebay and the ability to sit all over the stadium. I mean from dream seats, club seats, loge seats, and lower level 40 yard line. I mean this is all just my opinion. I think you also would end up having better seats for each of the 5 games you went to this year if you didn't own season tix and you just used the 1780 or less to get really nice seats....hope this helps some.

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This has been an ongoing debate for several years now on this board.Many believe giving up your season tickets is the smartest thing to do financially. Many are able to but better seats in the lower level and do not have to fork over $$ for two worthless preaseason games. It is a sound and logical argument.

The other side, is really based on your heart and loyalty. The cache of having Redskins season tickets is not what it used to be. As a nine year season ticket holder, it has been very hard to justify renewing, especially lately. I keep holding out hope the Skins will once again be great and a hot ticket; and my season tickets would guarantee a seat in the stadium against the cowgirls, eagles and midgets, as well as others while non season ticket holders are paying outrageous prices or stuck at home. Maybe someday..........

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I still havent figured out why people have problems getting more than face value for tickets on the secondary market. We sold a few games this season with upper level seats and got over face value every time. We avoid prime time games (except for the opener) so those are great games to make your money back on since they are in high demand. I just like knowing I can go to any game I want and have first dibs on playoff tickets if we ever get a home playoff game. Plus, if the team becomes good again, prices are going to sky rocket and you will not want to be buying on the secondary market then.

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I still havent figured out why people have problems getting more than face value for tickets on the secondary market. We sold a few games this season with upper level seats and got over face value every time.

When are you selling and where are you advertising? Time and place are the key.

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This is kind of why I'm on the fence right now. I can't find any legitimate reason to keep the tickets but at the same time, I like the idea of having them and I know there will be some remorse giving them up. But is that remorse alone worth keeping them?

Why don't you offer up half of them in the classified section? Sell them at face value, make your money back, and you still get to enjoy the games?

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What you have to keep in mind is, the team is doing bad, nobody is going to get their money so their asking what they know or at least think they should get. When this team finally gets respectable again, those tickets are going to be sky high on Stubhub etc. Heck, the Dallas game, I saw tickets in my section, which are $79, going for $120 each. I think in the end, when the Redskins are good its cheaper owning season tickets than buying games each week. Maybe my math is flawed, never been too good at.

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When the team is doing well you can recoup your costs for the games you don't attend. When they aren't, well...you won't. Me, personally? I enjoy knowing that I have a seat at every game, where it'll be, and the camaraderie you build up with the other "regulars" around you. Knowing that I can go to all the "big" games, even if for us that just means the Dallas game every year (I wouldn't trade having taken my sons to that season opener this year for any of the subsequent losses). Could I do better just buying every game on the after market? Right now, yeah. But (cue derisive chuckling) when the team does start doing well and maybe even hosting a playoff game again someday, I'm going to be glad I'm a season ticket holder.

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According to Mark the Homer - God of all things Fed Ex - playoff tickets in 1999 weren't hard to come by, or expensive.

I don't buy the when (if we ever) don't suck, prices will go through the roof theory.

The place is almost twice the size of RFK. And the Skins being good isn't going to make the gameday experience at Fed ex any less of an expensive pain in the ass all around.

I don't think tickets at Fed Ex will ever soar. Even with the team being good again, I don't see them being significantly more difficult to get.

The only justification you need for season tickets is that you like having them.

When Mark the Homer - who has been to every single game at Fed Ex (!!!) isn't a season ticket holder, I have to think he's on to something.

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I like the IDEA of being a season ticket holder

You hit the nail on the head right there. It's nice to be a season ticket holder. It's nice to know you have tickets and don't have to deal with buying on the secondary market. But that's it. Financially it isn't worth it. You pay for 10, go to 8, and well, that's it. I mean I enjoyed having them, but after a while, when you see lowers going for face and clubs going for 125 you start to have second thoughts.

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lol my ears are burning...

This has been an ongoing debate for several years now on this board.Many believe giving up your season tickets is the smartest thing to do financially. Many are able to but better seats in the lower level and do not have to fork over $$ for two worthless preaseason games. It is a sound and logical argument.

The other side, is really based on your heart and loyalty. The cache of having Redskins season tickets is not what it used to be. As a nine year season ticket holder, it has been very hard to justify renewing, especially lately. I keep holding out hope the Skins will once again be great and a hot ticket; and my season tickets would guarantee a seat in the stadium against the cowgirls, eagles and midgets, as well as others while non season ticket holders are paying outrageous prices or stuck at home. Maybe someday..........

I don't get the heart and loyalty comment. It's not my fault ticket prices have nearly doubled in what - twelve years? Acknowledging that, and taking action for the good of better seating, doesn't make me less loyal.
...I just like knowing I can go to any game I want and have first dibs on playoff tickets if we ever get a home playoff game. Plus, if the team becomes good again, prices are going to sky rocket and you will not want to be buying on the secondary market then.

lol ...people say this all the time. "The prices will skyrocket."

No. The prices will not skyrocket. The reason for that is because they've already skyrocketed in terms of face value. In fact, both of the huge mark-ups over the past 11 years were immediately after playoff runs. We're paying for a playoff team already - every year.

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I can't, for all the reasons you listed. Season tickets are a sucker bet. It ain't 1987 anymore.

I have to agree with this. The Redskins ain't what they used to be, and paying out the wazoo for getting your heart broken hardly seems reasonable when folks like me do it for free every year. If you can get the tickets for cheap online, go for it. Times are tough and you gotta hold on to as much of your money as you can.

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Mark, you really don't think playoff tickets would be more expensive? I mean I'm not talking hundreds of dollars more, but I could easily see the $79 tickets going for $120.

The problem with the only playoff tickets ever sold for FedEx is that they caught a lot of season ticket holders flat footed. The way it works is once it's clear there will be at least 1 home playoff game they send out bills to the STH's for the maximum possible number of home playoff games for your seats and parking. With short notice and a sizable outlay many did not get the tickets. They were then for sale first come first serve form the ticket office.

Not sure if we were a constantly competitive team if it would still unfold like this or not. It's a shame we've never won enough to tell. :doh:

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