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WP:Republican school board in N.C. backed by tea party abolishes integration policy


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I think this is a great idea. Tea Party, group of Radical Republican school board members. Meet the supreme court case Brown vs the Board of Education. Then we can introduce them to the entire concept of federal dollars for road maitanance which evidently they are electing to opt out of.

Then we will see if the public holds the Tea Party responsible for the resulting confrontation or not.

As a democrat myslef, this is an unfair characterization of all the new members. Only one, Tedesco, has gone to Tea Party events and been very vocal there.

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I went to Richmond City public schools as a minority white student. For those that know Richmond - the school system is pretty horrible. One of the worst in the state.

I played on my varsity soccer team and we would travel and play teams all over the city and surrounding counties. Our home field had no stands, hardly any grass and no maintenance. I found glass on our field more than a few times. A couple of times a week we would travel to outside the city to play games. The county schools had full stadiums. Stunning facilities. Changing rooms. Ground crews. Everything.

10 miles away was like going into another universe. . . . .It made me so angry to see what these kids got while we had nothing. I honestly hated them.

I believe in VA school funding is tied to the tax revenue of an area. Is that the system across the country? Of course a system like that is going to lead to enormous inequality.

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haha, because the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II likes to get the NAACP in everything down here (for good and bad) to the point that many think he is a joke.

I agree completely with this. Rev. Barber cares only about Rev. Barber.

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I think this is a great idea. Tea Party, group of Radical Republican school board members. Meet the supreme court case Brown vs the Board of Education. Then we can introduce them to the entire concept of federal dollars for road maitanance which evidently they are electing to opt out of.

Then we will see if the public holds the Tea Party responsible for the resulting confrontation or not.

I was unaware that busing kids for socio-economic reasons (which is what the diversity policy basis who gets bused where on) was part of that case.

---------- Post added January-13th-2011 at 07:22 PM ----------

I agree completely with this. Rev. Barber cares only about Rev. Barber.

haha, glad we agree on that :)

What school are you at? I know a few teachers at Enloe that hate the idea of ending the policy. Seems like a lot of the push for ending it is on the elementary school level and the push to keep it is on the high school level.

Also, as a Realtor, the confusion over school districts is a huge head ache.

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I guess I'm in the minority because it sure seems like it has a racial element to me.

But perhaps I'm just paranoid......

No you are not. It's an end run around the rule. What I don't understand is why? It's not minority students that hold schools back. If a student is smart, they will be smart in any setting, or school system. However resources is key to development. I would think it would benefit the state as a whole to give kids a chance to reach aspirations, and maybe escape the confines of poverty. It benefits everyone for people to have a chance at a good education. I hope issues like these expose the Tea Party for what it is: a racial bais movement that is a reaction to Obama being a black. I mean come one. This down home, good ole boy bs got to stop.

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My cousin teaches (I should say taught) in Wake County in some of those "best and most diverse" schools in the poorest neighborhoods. He is 6'6" and 255 lbs. He feared for his life and got death threats everyday. He doesn't work in Wake County anymore. Like that couple getting accosted down in FL, someone has to make these ethnic groups accountable for their behavior. This is a poorly done article by someone who is out of touch with what is going on in Wake County, NC.
Im certainly not "calling for cowls and sheets" but taken directly from my cousin... the black females in the schools were completely unruly and made trouble for everyone. The administration was too scared to call them out. The parents were belligerent. The rest of the school was scared. Hey, a spade is a spade... someone needs to stand up to poor behavior especially when it is coming from an overwhelming majority of a single minority.

Hoo boy.

There are busloads full of fail in these posts. :doh:

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"The sprawling Wake County School District has long been a rarity. Some of its best, most diverse schools are in the poorest sections of this capital city. And its suburban schools, rather than being exclusive enclaves, include children whose parents cannot afford a house in the neighborhood."

So it sounds like the integration policy is negatively affecting schools in the wealthier parts of town. I'm assuming this is due to bussing in students? Maybe a better solution is to more equitably disperse the students amongst the schools so there are equal amounts of affluent and poorer students at each school. Which is of course, overwhelmingly difficult from a logitstics stand point. So it seems the affluent school districts are being punished for being affluent, while the poor neigborhoods are benefitting?

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I want the best education for my kids, and that school is 500 ft. away, and that is where I want them to go. If they want to bus poorer kids to that school, its fine with me, if that is what their parents want. Busing my kids past 3 elementary schools to the other side of town is not acceptable to me, though.

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"The sprawling Wake County School District has long been a rarity. Some of its best, most diverse schools are in the poorest sections of this capital city. And its suburban schools, rather than being exclusive enclaves, include children whose parents cannot afford a house in the neighborhood."

So it sounds like the integration policy is negatively affecting schools in the wealthier parts of town. I'm assuming this is due to bussing in students? Maybe a better solution is to more equitably disperse the students amongst the schools so there are equal amounts of affluent and poorer students at each school. Which is of course, overwhelmingly difficult from a logitstics stand point. So it seems the affluent school districts are being punished for being affluent, while the poor neigborhoods are benefitting?

So instead of trying to improve the schools in the poorer neighborhoods now the affluent students can now go to their own better schools.

---------- Post added January-13th-2011 at 02:43 PM ----------

I want the best education for my kids, and that school is 500 ft. away, and that is where I want them to go. If they want to bus poorer kids to that school, its fine with me, if that is what their parents want. Busing my kids past 3 elementary schools to the other side of town is not acceptable to me, though.

Great idea we should just close all the crappy school in the inner cities and bus those kids to affluent neighborhoods, I'm sure that'll go over well.

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boobie, do you really believe it's fair to read an article and assume to know the motives behind a decision like this? Isn't it best practice to get all the facts and take some people at their word until it is proven that what they are doing is wrong/bigoted/unfair?

Yes I do. But lets be fair here. None of the members on the board are going to come out and say the poor kids are dragging down the school system. You have to read between the lines. Actually the rhetoric that comes from the Tea party is either sensational, or diluted. But it seems the agenda is the same. The real question is why the school system in my opinion? A minority students is not responsible for a lack of resources. That falls on the shoulder of the municipality. Obviously taxes plays a role in education. If a district can afford to put more resources into the school system, and not law enforcement, or social programs, that district will have a better educational system. Is that the student's fault? Can they control the way resorces are allocated? So why penalize the students? Why make it fair to have students from one distirct to be more advanced than the other, then hold thems to the same standards such as placement test, college enteries test, and so on. Doesn't it make more sense to give everyone a proper education? What is so wrong with students traveling outside of their district if they have a chance at a better education? I mean is the bus ride that bad?

---------- Post added January-13th-2011 at 07:46 PM ----------

I think you have the wrong idea about this area. This is about parents wanting what they think is right for their kids.

Really? I am sure if you asked a parent if they feel every child should have a good education, they all would say yes.

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Great idea we should just close all the crappy school in the inner cities and bus those kids to affluent neighborhoods, I'm sure that'll go over well.

To solve that we have a magnet program that makes the education at that school very attractive. There is no busing program but it is very popular here. There is more stay at home moms down here due to the decreased cost of living, which make is more likely to work for many families.

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Yes I do. But lets be fair here. None of the members on the board are going to come out and say the poor kids are dragging down the school system. You have to read between the lines. Actually the rhetoric that comes from the Tea party is either sensational, or diluted. But it seems the agenda is the same. The real question is why the school system in my opinion? A minority students is not responsible for a lack of resources. That falls on the shoulder of the municipality. Obviously taxes plays a role in education. If a district can afford to put more resources into the school system, and not law enforcement, or social programs, that district will have a better educational system. Is that the student's fault? Can they control the way resorces are allocated? So why penalize the students? Why make it fair to have students from one distirct to be more advanced than the other, then hold thems to the same standards such as placement test, college enteries test, and so on. Doesn't it make more sense to give everyone a proper education? What is so wrong with students traveling outside of their district if they have a chance at a better education? I mean is the bus ride that bad?

I'll say it! The problem is that as soon as I say that having a large poor population being bused in brings down the scores of the school someone will equate me saying poor as meaning black, brown, green, yellow, etc.

And yes, a kid being on a bus for 1 hour to get to school and 1 hour to get home seems a little crazy to me. Esp. at the elementary school level.

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This is a very very tough issue.

I'm liberal and I believe in integration of schools and that resources should be fairly allocated and everything else... and then I send my kids to elite private schools because they are MY kids, dammit and I want the best for them and that comes before anything else I care about in the whole world.

So I guess I'm saying I'm a hypocrite and I see both sides of the issue and I have no freaking idea how to resolve this dilemma.

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Yes I do. But lets be fair here. None of the members on the board are going to come out and say the poor kids are dragging down the school system. You have to read between the lines. Actually the rhetoric that comes from the Tea party is either sensational, or diluted. But it seems the agenda is the same.

What is that agenda?

The real question is why the school system in my opinion? A minority students is not responsible for a lack of resources. That falls on the shoulder of the municipality. Obviously taxes plays a role in education. If a district can afford to put more resources into the school system, and not law enforcement, or social programs, that district will have a better educational system. Is that the student's fault? Can they control the way resorces are allocated? So why penalize the students?

You're against penalizing students in poorer areas by making them go to a nearby school, but you're fine penalizing students from a richer area by busing them to far-away schools? How is that fair? It levels the playing field I guess, but it doesn't fix anything. You still have the same number of kids going to crappy schools, you just shook it up some AND tacked on long bus rides for no reason.

Why make it fair to have students from one distirct to be more advanced than the other, then hold thems to the same standards such as placement test, college enteries test, and so on. Doesn't it make more sense to give everyone a proper education? What is so wrong with students traveling outside of their district if they have a chance at a better education? I mean is the bus ride that bad?

I don't know how bad it is, but I know it's not necessary.

I'm not against this district attempting to bring all the schools to the same level. That would be ideal. But, I don't have an issue with eliminating the re-drawing of zone lines every year. This sounds like an idea that has spun pretty wildly out of control. The net gain is the same no matter which students go to which schools...so why factor in ridiculous bus routes?

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It's not just busing, but the idea of growing up with the kids in your neighborhood, having the summers off together. Busing along with the already 4 tracks of year around schools worries parents around here that their kids will not enjoy some of the same childhood friendships that we had.

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As a democrat myslef, this is an unfair characterization of all the new members. Only one, Tedesco, has gone to Tea Party events and been very vocal there.

The title of the thread then is the mischaracterization. Are you suggesting it's really the Democratic party behind abolishing the schools integration policy?

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yeah, because historically, large masses of high-poverty groups have gotten along well and were never isolated and abused by the higher classes. but this is what happens when you put people in power who have extremist ideologies of restoring the past, rather than improving the future.

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I was unaware that busing kids for socio-economic reasons (which is what the diversity policy basis who gets bused where on) was part of that case.

Brown vs the board of Education in Topika Kanasas (1954) declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896 which allowed state-sponsored segregation. Handed down on May 17, 1954, the Warren Court's unanimous (9–0) decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." As a result, de jure racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This ruling paved the way for integration and the civil rights movement

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1971) was an important United States Supreme Court case dealing with the busing of students to promote integration in public schools. After a first trial going to the Board of Education, the Court held that busing was an appropriate remedy for the problem of racial imbalance among schools, even where the imbalance resulted from the selection of students based on geographic proximity to the school rather than from deliberate assignment based on race. This was done to ensure the schools would be "properly" integrated and that all students would receive equal educational opportunities regardless of their race.

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