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The conclusion, why I think we should have a lot of hope for 2011


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Yea, we lost 10 games and only won 6. And yea, some of those 6 wins were down to the last second, but a lot of those losses were down to the last second too (ie:Texans game, Bucs game). Anyways. and this is just my opinion, I think since Rex Grossman took over this team has looked tons better. Call me crazy, but I really think he has, and Ill tell you why. Heart.

From the days in Philly I used to always say Mcnabb has amazing skill but just aboslutely no heart, it was like he didnt ever care if they won or lost. This translates into the field, people say Mcnabbs a great leader etc etc, but just because he was close with the team doesnt mean he was giving them that extra drive to win games. Grossman I think gave them that at the end stretch, he wanted to win, he got excited when he made a good play and he got mad when he made a bad play. He pumped the team up, something I never saw Mcnabb do.

Im not saying Grossman is our QB of the future, because hes not. But at least I see what a QB who wants to win can do. Imagine now if we had someone with Grossmans hunger to play and the skill of a Mcnabb. We'd be set. Grossman threw for like 350ish, 2 tds and a int yesterday, and he had 2 fumbles. Hes definitly not our QB of the future. But the thing is, and you know you admit this, the past 3 games Grossmans been in, you know we've felt we had a chance to win the whole time.

My point is this, trade Mcnabb, somehow do what we can to try and get Luck, if Lucks not there, Locker may fall into our laps, and if both arent available, ride grossman out until next year where get to draft again. I really hope we do get Luck or even Locker. Locker could be a monster in the NFL in my opinion too. Ive also heard rumors that if they fire Turner in San Diego then Philly Rivers wants out.

There were other bright spots too. Torains the man, hes going to be our 1 RB for the next year or 2(then if history taught us anyhting, Shanny will trade him). Armstrong is really a great WR, he may not be a Andre Johnson or Fitzgerald, but he is good. Banks is a mini Devin Hester, this is a good thing. Trent Williams looked pretty good his first year, i was watching the St Louis/Seattle game last night and Okung just doesnt look nearly as good as Williams does. Fred Davis is going to be one of the top 5 TE's in the NFC next year in my opinion. Finally, our defense. Our defense has been awful this year, but the past couple games they've started to pull together. I think they can pull the 3-4 off especially when Landry comes back from injury. We have a lot of work to do, but I really hope we get a QB in the offseason.

Santana Moss is a true Redskin and I love him, that goes for Cooley too, but it may be time to trade them. If we trade them, Albert Haynesworth, Mcnabb, and Carter we could get some decent picks etc. Maybe we trade Dmac to AZ for 3-4rth rd and trade Panthers, 1st rd 2nd rd 3rd, Cooley and AH or Moss?

Sorry for wall of texts, but I think these last couple games gave us some hope for next year. Shanny has the team on track, now hes building from the bottom up.

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Yea, we lost 10 games and only won 6. And yea, some of those 6 wins were down to the last second, but a lot of those losses were down to the last second too (ie:Texans game, Bucs game). Anyways. and this is just my opinion, I think since Rex Grossman took over this team has looked tons better. Call me crazy, but I really think he has, and Ill tell you why. Heart.

From the days in Philly I used to always say Mcnabb has amazing skill but just aboslutely no heart, it was like he didnt ever care if they won or lost. This translates into the field, people say Mcnabbs a great leader etc etc, but just because he was close with the team doesnt mean he was giving them that extra drive to win games. Grossman I think gave them that at the end stretch, he wanted to win, he got excited when he made a good play and he got mad when he made a bad play. He pumped the team up, something I never saw Mcnabb do.

Im not saying Grossman is our QB of the future, because hes not. But at least I see what a QB who wants to win can do. Imagine now if we had someone with Grossmans hunger to play and the skill of a Mcnabb. We'd be set. Grossman threw for like 350ish, 2 tds and a int yesterday, and he had 2 fumbles. Hes definitly not our QB of the future. But the thing is, and you know you admit this, the past 3 games Grossmans been in, you know we've felt we had a chance to win the whole time.

My point is this, trade Mcnabb, somehow do what we can to try and get Luck, if Lucks not there, Locker may fall into our laps, and if both arent available, ride grossman out until next year where get to draft again. I really hope we do get Luck or even Locker. Locker could be a monster in the NFL in my opinion too. Ive also heard rumors that if they fire Turner in San Diego then Philly Rivers wants out.

There were other bright spots too. Torains the man, hes going to be our 1 RB for the next year or 2(then if history taught us anyhting, Shanny will trade him). Armstrong is really a great WR, he may not be a Andre Johnson or Fitzgerald, but he is good. Banks is a mini Devin Hester, this is a good thing. Trent Williams looked pretty good his first year, i was watching the St Louis/Seattle game last night and Okung just doesnt look nearly as good as Williams does. Fred Davis is going to be one of the top 5 TE's in the NFC next year in my opinion. Finally, our defense. Our defense has been awful this year, but the past couple games they've started to pull together. I think they can pull the 3-4 off especially when Landry comes back from injury. We have a lot of work to do, but I really hope we get a QB in the offseason.

Santana Moss is a true Redskin and I love him, that goes for Cooley too, but it may be time to trade them. If we trade them, Albert Haynesworth, Mcnabb, and Carter we could get some decent picks etc. Maybe we trade Dmac to AZ for 3-4rth rd and trade Panthers, 1st rd 2nd rd 3rd, Cooley and AH or Moss?

Sorry for wall of texts, but I think these last couple games gave us some hope for next year. Shanny has the team on track, now hes building from the bottom up.

If Rex is the answer it must be a stupid question. You are right that McNabb isn't the answer either

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This team will stink next year. Believe that. The hole that we started digging by signing Arch Delux and Brandon Lloyd is too deep to get out in one year.

I get we haven't exactly been a force for while, but honestly, we have to have some of the most pessimistic fans in the NFL

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do think rex has heart. the players have said he's intense in the huddle. i really liked his reaction to his last TD pass- had a pissed off look on his face, rather than a happy one. (now, i hate when brady does that, but i loved it when rex did it....).

he may not be the answer, but because of his size and lack of mobility, i think he would benefit greatly from better protection- like, for instance, the kind eli had last night. good gawd that was painful to watch.

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This team was more fun to watch this year than last and that said even more so towards the end of the season. The team is moving in the right direction and although this may be an optimistic view, why be a fan if you have no optimisim.


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I agree with your optimism, but...

I dont think Rex has more heart. I think what we saw what happens when a QB actually listens to the O/C. I would also suggest that the Oline played moderately better during Rex under center, than McNabb. His two fumbles yesterday could be blamed either on him holding the ball too long, or trying to block Osi & Tuck with Cooley.

I think Moss stays and moves to the slot. That will require us getting a WR either through FA, or the draft.

I also think we are set at RB next year with Torain, and Williams. Our NT situation is now interesting. Bryant proved he can play, but I think we need to see more time from him. Perhaps it is not as high a priority now, which means we could look at a QB in the first round, and continue to rebuild the Oline.

I am excited by how Shanny found some key contributors without mortgaging the future. While we have payed dearly for the McNabb fiasco, it has been lessened to a degree by finding Torain, Armstrong, Williams, Carrikar, Bryant, Banks, etc.

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With all the kool-aid drinking that goes on, i say it's the opposite. Reality is, the team has a lot of holes to fix and we go through this every f'n year with the same results. No playoffs and too much drama. What will be different next year?

I get we haven't exactly been a force for while, but honestly, we have to have some of the most pessimistic fans in the NFL
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I get we haven't exactly been a force for while, but honestly, we have to have some of the most pessimistic fans in the NFL


4 OT games, won 3

12 games lost bess <5 pts

Except 4 games all games came down to last possession, that we typically lost.

Pessimism is our learned behavior.

Skins fan 'till I die, but the way things are going, I may be gone before we win........ :-(

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It's always good to be optimistic. It makes you feel good, and, feeling good is a good thing.

But realistically, I have little to no optimism regarding this team in 2011. Overall the team is still in a terrible position due to major mis-management over the past decade, and this season did nothing to help that. In fact, it hurt it - case and point the McNabb debacle. The Skins are in desperate need of good, young talent, but only have a handful of draft picks in '11. It will do little to plug the massive holes this team has. The Eagles, Giants and Cowboys will all be better teams next year than the Skins. I hate to admit it but they will, and the rest of you know it as well. It's going to take years to get out of the hole this organization is in. That's just the truth.

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This team will stink next year. Believe that. The hole that we started digging by signing Arch Delux and Brandon Lloyd is too deep to get out in one year.

I think that losing the draft picks to mcnabb will set us back a little bit, but I think that we will be more competitive next season because of the talent that we will bring in to upgrade the team barring there is a season. It's a guarantee that this team will be very active in free agency.

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I have hope in a sense that a lot of the ****ty players on this team will be gone next year and hopefully less ****ty players will be there instead.

I don't see how anything that happened this year could give you any hope.

We were an old team that lost a ton of games with people who aren't going to be here next year. We have no QB, few draft picks, and Jim Hazlett running the D.

Unless you think Grossman to Armstrong is going to revolutionize the vertical passing game, I don't know you can be all that excited.

The only hopeful sign is that we get the chance to grab a lot of linemen in free agency.

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People are hard on Grossman because he's... well, Rex Grossman... but overall I was impressed by him, especially considering how much pressure he was under -- his career was on the line the past three games. He does turn the ball over too much -- though at least two of turnovers were bad calls by the refs -- but he also finds the open receiver with ease and throws a very pretty ball. His teammates seem to be very high on him -- Moss and Cooley's silence regarding McNabb was very, very telling and has not been talked about nearly enough. I don't think there's a better bridge option out there than Rex. The people that do don't watch many NFL games. What journeyman out there will come in, learn the offense quickly, and throw for 300 yards a game?

Would like to find the QB of the future in the draft, but other than Luck all the prospects seem like a crapshoot. The guy in the fifth round may be better than the guy in the mid-first. Locker... God no.

Defense has nowhere to go but up. Did seem to improve by year's end.

I think will be better next year while expectations will be lower. The problem is our division. Philly and NY are managed so damn well. And Dallas has a world of talent. We're clearly the weakest team with the most holes.

Pray that we can find a sucker to give us something for Donny Mac and/or Fat Albert. I don't think we will. Donny has a big contract for a QB who appears to be close to done -- interested teams will probably just wait until we got him so they can sign him to a cheaper deal. And Fat Albert is Fat Albert. Everybody knows we're going to cut him so why trade for him?

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Yea, we lost 10 games and only won 6. And yea, some of those 6 wins were down to the last second, but a lot of those losses were down to the last second too (ie:Texans game, Bucs game). Anyways. and this is just my opinion, I think since Rex Grossman took over this team has looked tons better. Call me crazy, but I really think he has, and Ill tell you why. Heart.

From the days in Philly I used to always say Mcnabb has amazing skill but just aboslutely no heart, it was like he didnt ever care if they won or lost. This translates into the field, people say Mcnabbs a great leader etc etc, but just because he was close with the team doesnt mean he was giving them that extra drive to win games. Grossman I think gave them that at the end stretch, he wanted to win, he got excited when he made a good play and he got mad when he made a bad play. He pumped the team up, something I never saw Mcnabb do.

Im not saying Grossman is our QB of the future, because hes not. But at least I see what a QB who wants to win can do. Imagine now if we had someone with Grossmans hunger to play and the skill of a Mcnabb. We'd be set. Grossman threw for like 350ish, 2 tds and a int yesterday, and he had 2 fumbles. Hes definitly not our QB of the future. But the thing is, and you know you admit this, the past 3 games Grossmans been in, you know we've felt we had a chance to win the whole time.

My point is this, trade Mcnabb, somehow do what we can to try and get Luck, if Lucks not there, Locker may fall into our laps, and if both arent available, ride grossman out until next year where get to draft again. I really hope we do get Luck or even Locker. Locker could be a monster in the NFL in my opinion too. Ive also heard rumors that if they fire Turner in San Diego then Philly Rivers wants out.

There were other bright spots too. Torains the man, hes going to be our 1 RB for the next year or 2(then if history taught us anyhting, Shanny will trade him). Armstrong is really a great WR, he may not be a Andre Johnson or Fitzgerald, but he is good. Banks is a mini Devin Hester, this is a good thing. Trent Williams looked pretty good his first year, i was watching the St Louis/Seattle game last night and Okung just doesnt look nearly as good as Williams does. Fred Davis is going to be one of the top 5 TE's in the NFC next year in my opinion. Finally, our defense. Our defense has been awful this year, but the past couple games they've started to pull together. I think they can pull the 3-4 off especially when Landry comes back from injury. We have a lot of work to do, but I really hope we get a QB in the offseason.

Santana Moss is a true Redskin and I love him, that goes for Cooley too, but it may be time to trade them. If we trade them, Albert Haynesworth, Mcnabb, and Carter we could get some decent picks etc. Maybe we trade Dmac to AZ for 3-4rth rd and trade Panthers, 1st rd 2nd rd 3rd, Cooley and AH or Moss?

Sorry for wall of texts, but I think these last couple games gave us some hope for next year. Shanny has the team on track, now hes building from the bottom up.

A few things. Personally....I think Grossman is getting the backup QB treatment. Everyone is focusing on the positives but the truth is....if Grossman was the full time starter with expectations to win week in and week out for an entire season....I don't think people would be saying the offense has looked better at all. It's obvious he has a better grasp of the offense but if Grossman was a starting QB with expectations, the Giants game WOULD NOT be seen as a good game....and the Cowboys game would be seen as an average game. People would talk about all the 3 & outs, over throws, under throws, and turnovers if Grossman was the starter and rightfully so. No one would be playing soft with Grossman for not winning the Giants game after getting multiple opportunities...and he would get blamed for losing the Cowboys game the same way Carson Palmer has been losing his games....which is turnover the ball multiple times terribly and then put up some decent numbers later which makes his stats look better

My point is....the things many give Grossman credit for...wouldn't be the case if he was a full time starter. Perception can do that and considering people have had low expectations for Grossman the entire time any positives would be exciting. As for saying McNabb looks like he doesn't care....I guess that's a matter of personal opinion. He may not have the whole fired up look to him, but he's played through many injuries and has made several sacrifices for his teammates throughout his career. So I think that's dishonest but again....your opinion.

I don't think Armstrong is a "Great" wide receiver. He's a highlight WR...meaning he has some plays here and there that makes you go wow. But he's not an every down reliable receiver...more like a big play every now and then WR which means he's more # 3 than # 2. And with as many holes as we have I don't agree with trading the little talent we have

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You know a team starts to turn the corner when a player or two are gone......So here's my two players: Graham Gano and Carlos Rogers have to go! It's so obvious that neither of these 2 players should be playing for the Redskins in 2011-2012.

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It's obvious he has a better grasp of the offense but if Grossman was a starting QB with expectations, the Giants game WOULD NOT be seen as a good game....and the Cowboys game would be seen as an average game.

If four tds and 350 yards is an average game... well I'll take average!

Look, Grossman is not the longterm answer but right now he is probably the best answer. I mean, who else can we get? It's just other journeymen -- and none of them know the system. Best case is Rex holds the fort down while whoever we draft gets coached up.

McNabb is light years past his prime. His legs are going and it's killed his game. I like McNabb and thought we finally had a franchise QB... but Reid played Shanahan for a fool. Grossman didn't impress you yesterday -- fine. Remember how McNabb looked against the G-Men?

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If four tds and 350 yards is an average game... well I'll take average!

Look, Grossman is not the longterm answer but right now he is probably the best answer. I mean, who else can we get? It's just other journeymen -- and none of them know the system.

McNabb is light years past his prime. His legs are going and it's killed his game. Reid played Shanahan for a giant fool.

And that's the problem. That would be seen as an average game because not only did the Cowboys defense blow coverage and leave receivers 8-10 yards open several times(remember Moss wide open in the endzone)...but the score could have easily been in the 40s-near 50s. Our defense played a lot better than people gave em credit for if you re-watch the game

If Grossman was the official starter...the focus would be the position he put the team in and the fact that he lost the team the game. What you're doing here is giving a positive spin that makes Grossman look better and that works because he's the backup. Those stats make it look like it was a shootout and it really wasn't...it looks like Carson Palmers stats in some games and any Bengals fan would tell you that equals anywhere from bad to terrible

We could probably move forward with a rookie....or we can have Grossman start and talk about how "close" Grossman got when he turns over the ball 2 or 3 times early in the game then throws 2 Tds late in the game and we still lose. That won't cut it as a starter....but as long as he's viewed as a backup/stop-gap that will benefit him

As for Reid, he's pretty lucky. McNabb would be doing okay if he was still with the Eagles, but it's more obvious than ever that Reid is lucky Vick ended up there. Otherwise the Eagles wouldn't even sniff the postseason...and one year won't define McNabb if that's what you're implying

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I think Moss stays and moves to the slot. That will require us getting a WR either through FA, or the draft.

I also think we are set at RB next year with Torain, and Williams. Our NT situation is now interesting. Bryant proved he can play, but I think we need to see more time from him. Perhaps it is not as high a priority now, which means we could look at a QB in the first round, and continue to rebuild the Oline.

I am excited by how Shanny found some key contributors without mortgaging the future. While we have payed dearly for the McNabb fiasco, it has been lessened to a degree by finding Torain, Armstrong, Williams, Carrikar, Bryant, Banks, etc.

Moss played for much of the year and is a very good slot receiver. I've been wanting him to play in the slot since the JZ era began. I believe that Torain will be the #1 RB next season, but don't believe williams will be the #2. I do believe K. Williams improved throughout the year, but believe James Davis could be that #2 RB. Williams however will most likely be on the roster.

Armstrong - I love this kid and he has heart that is bigger then him and Banks combined.

Carriker - had to have the best 3 games of his career the last 3 games of the season and I feel a big part of that is Anthony Bryant. I'm not saying he will be our starting nose tackle next year, but feel we may be able to get by with him.

Banks - every time he touches the ball he has a chance to take it to the house. Probably the most exciting player on the roster.

Thanks to our scouting department and Shanahan for finding these players and Shanahan for giving them a shot to start. We finally have a coach and direction the this team is GOING to be GOOD sooner rather than later.

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And that's the problem. That would be seen as an average game because not only did the Cowboys defense blow coverage and leave receivers 8-10 yards open several times(remember Moss wide open in the endzone)...but the score could have easily been in the 40s-near 50s. Our defense played a lot better than people gave em credit for if you re-watch the game.

You could apply that kind of logic to every QB in most every game. Players blow coverages. For example, Philly did when we played them on the road...and Donny Mac missed Fred Davis badly. And it wasn't the only time. The fact that the offense looked better under Grossman says more about McNabb than it does Rex.

Look, I'm not saying Grossman is the answer. Not even close. But he played fairly well. I was all about McNabb going into the season. I was in denial for a long time too. But when your legs go and you're an inaccurate QB it's going to be tough for you to play well in any system. That's what we saw this year. Sadly, it's what the rest of the league saw a year ago.

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