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Which circus of a season was worse?


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There have been plenty of circus seasons in DC, but if you mean last year and this year, I'll go with this year. Last year we just stunk with an incompetent coach (although the bingo-caller drama was annoying). This year, we stink just as badly with a "good" coach/GM and a Pro Bowl QB. In addition, all the Haynesworth/McNabb drama and the defenses's fall from grace makes this an overall much more frustrating season.

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Okay, I need to think about this. These last 2 years have been hell as a fan but 2000 we all had realistic Superbowl Expectations .....

Speak for yourself man. At NO time since the last Lombardi have I had SB hopes, let alone expectations. Even the previous year when we were a botched FG from the Conference Championship game, we were never considered a real contender going into the post-season.

I'd have to go with the last year of Zorn out of the choices. There wasn't even any hope in the Spring and OTA's, let alone when the Giant game rolled around to kick-off the season. I've never known a feeling of expecting us to lose every single game we played. Detroit, on the second longest win less streak in league history, and still you fully expected the Redskins to bring it to an end.


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There have been plenty of circus seasons in DC, but if you mean last year and this year, I'll go with this year. Last year we just stunk with an incompetent coach (although the bingo-caller drama was annoying). This year, we stink just as badly with a "good" coach/GM and a Pro Bowl QB. In addition, all the Haynesworth/McNabb drama and the defenses's fall from grace makes this an overall much more frustrating season.

what you said...the fact that we have men (excluding AH) who have a reputation for being professional continuing the circus and even making it grander is surprising

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I'll have to go with 2009. The first six games of the season we played the doormats of the league (excluding NY in the opener) and could only muster a 2-4 record. That was pathetic.

This season we had a more difficult schedule and at least had some hope midway through the season. However, the way this team has performed since the Detroit game has been very disappointing.

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Reality check...in 2000 we started off 6-2 and then the enitire offense got hurt. I still to this day do not understand why this is totally forgotten by everyone. QB, RB, both starting WR and two O-Linemen were out by week 10. No way were we going to be good at the end of the year when we played a tough schedule during that stretch. This year, what you are seeing is the slow agonizing death of the House Vinnie built. I think a lot more guys would have been cut if the cap had let us and the CB was known. It looks bad but it really isn't. They were wrong on McNabb....big deal. That move doesn't set us back a decade like some here say....that is just silly. It sucks, but is not the end of the world. I really don't know what you all honestly thought was going to happen when a real coach comes in and has to deal with 50 guys who don't want to be coached and are used to gettin away with murder. If you think that was or is going to be pretty, you are in for a world of hurt. Now I don't know if Shanny is the answer, but to think gutting this team and starting over is going to be easy, I judt don't know what to tell you.

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Reality check...in 2000 we started off 6-2 and then the enitire offense got hurt. I still to this day do not understand why this is totally forgotten by everyone. QB, RB, both starting WR and two O-Linemen were out by week 10. No way were we going to be good at the end of the year when we played a tough schedule during that stretch. This year, what you are seeing is the slow agonizing death of the House Vinnie built. I think a lot more guys would have been cut if the cap had let us and the CB was known. It looks bad but it really isn't. They were wrong on McNabb....big deal. That move doesn't set us back a decade like some here say....that is just silly. It sucks, but is not the end of the world. I really don't know what you all honestly thought was going to happen when a real coach comes in and has to deal with 50 guys who don't want to be coached and are used to gettin away with murder. If you think that was or is going to be pretty, you are in for a world of hurt. Now I don't know if Shanny is the answer, but to think gutting this team and starting over is going to be easy, I judt don't know what to tell you.

atleast there are some people on here that can see the big picture. these gosh darn clowns on here who think this is gonna happen overnight should be revoked posting rights. some people on here almost embarrass me to say im a skins fan. i just hope the outsiders who read this board understand that there are some smart skins fans!!

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For me the Zorn year wins by a nose, just because of all the "Will Zorn bring a recliner to the next game" jokes and the swinging gate redux and all that. That was the lowest point I remember as a fan. And we've had a LOT of low points to remember!!

But this year was a kick in the groin also because after years of trading away pick after pick after pick, we turned around and guess what? We traded a second rounder and another pick next year for nothing. Same old, same old.

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While Zorn was a fiasco, Spurrier gutted this team and just made the team abysmal! Also, I would not have included 2010 in this list at all! I like the direction we are headed.


And let's not forget this clown in the greatest circus of all

At least Zorn was just a Vinny puppet and couldn't do much as someone who was suppose to be in charge.

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I think anyone who picks this year over 2009 with Zorn needs their heads checked.

The Swinging Gate?

Vinny talking about "the sacks and stuff?" when asked why our o-line stunk?

Going 0-6 in the division?

Our last year under Zorn we were a complete laughing stock from the top down. This year has been rocky but at least one could make a case that it's part of a process of overhauling the team.

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Which circus of a season was worse?

---------- Post added December-25th-2010 at 11:44 AM ----------

Okay, I need to think about this. These last 2 years have been hell as a fan but 2000 we all had realistic Superbowl Expectations and 2003 we did start 3-1 and even beat the Pats.

Your choices make it hard to respond. I think they are all toss-ups for this question. I guess I'll go with the last Zorn year not so much due to Zorn but more due to Danny (and Cerreto) and his antics.

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Last year hands down, anyone pick any other year needs to get their head checked

2009 Zorn

- Swinging gate

- HC stripped of playcalling duties

- Sherman " Bingo caller" offensive coordinator/ consultant

- Vinny comments about "sacks and stuff " when asked about crapiness of our oline

- Heyer starting LT......:puke:

Could go on all day fellas

I could go all day....2009 was a disaster for Redskins football

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my question is, how much of a circus would our super bowl teams have been if the media was the same as it is now?

what if twitter and 24 hour sports news cycles existed with the old redskins?

what if pictures of riggo out wasted the night before a playoff game were posted all over the internet back then?

the truth is, without the consistent media overload and terribly opinionated headline grabbing stories from dying newspapers this season wouldn't be all that different than any other.

team news would come from the team, players don't get soapboxes, and the press isn't allowed in every crevice of the organization.

if you take out all the "sources" articles and go by team press releases then nothing sounds that out of the ordinary, but because everyone needs those web hits and household viewers even the most mundane story becomes front page stuff.

think about that before you pretend that any team in the nfl, especially this one in the glory days, is perfectly normal and PC.

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