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Hester just passed Brian Mitchell...


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It was nice to see a Redskin on the leaderboard tonight, when they showed Hester having the new record and the list below him.

Congrats to B-Mitch - one of the last great Redskins, and Devin Hester, on such great careers. Hester is young still, he could really end up with a big record.

I have no animosity toward B--mitch.

He was a great Skin, and the Snyderskins cast him aside like a bag of garbage to bring in one of the worst Skins ever, Deion Sanders. As for his current attitude - just like all of us, he's entitled to his opinion, and who can blame him, considering his treatment at the end here? Doesn't change the fact that he will always be a great Redskin and that when he was a Redskin, the team was better for it.

B-mitch being thrown overboard for Prime Time was the start of when this team really started to go south, and everyone knows it.

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I'm with those who say they love Banks but don't think he's some sort of once-in-a-generation guy. He looked great his first few games, but he has been pedestrian since then. Here's to hoping he can break one or two more this year, though.

Hester is not once in a generation. He eclipsed the best ever mark in leas than half the time. He's the best of all generations that ever returned kicks in pro football. Best ever. That's rare and in his case it's not even close. He's the beat by a country mike. Didnt he return one in the superbowl against the colts? Point being that he can do it with the pressure on.

Wow is really all you can say.

As for BMitch u guys sound more bitter than he does. Get over it.

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Good for Hester, watching his press conference after the game and seeing how humble he is makes an even better then story in my eyes.

The real shame here is how many Redskins fans are happy to see B.Mitch lose the record. I'm surprise how many of us get pissed at Mitchell for supposable "dogging" this franchise in the media and yet he isn't saying anything that 80% of members of ES ***** about on this message board, and it's the same 80% that complain how nauseating Larry Michael is for trying to convince us its only raining outside when we are getting pissed on. B. Mitch was a great Redskin, until MNF was the best to do it at his position.

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With all realism here, this isn't a record that will be broken for some time.

Mitchell was an anomaly as a kick returner, doing the job for a LONG time and thus allowing him that huge number of TD's.

Hester's ability to break it in such quick time was predicated pretty much single handedly with his absolutely historic first two years of 5 and then 6 TD's. He went 2 years after that without a single TD until this year. He has 3 this year, which by itself is a great season for a kick returner and yet is only half of his best season.

To put him into perspective...

This post exemplifies the best of what ES can offer. Outstanding post.

(I wish I could add rep or something)

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yeah never though i would be glad to see an ex-skin have his record broken, but i am. BMitch is such an egotisticle and ungrateful jerk. He's one of those idiots who says everything is negative just so he can call it" realism". Saying PD sucks was my last straw with im. Screw him. I don't listen to him and i owuld love to see PD get a hold of him (though PD is too classy to do anyhting)

Did he really say the P Diddy sucks? Wow...what a jerk.

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I'm with those who say they love Banks but don't think he's some sort of once-in-a-generation guy. He looked great his first few games, but he has been pedestrian since then. Here's to hoping he can break one or two more this year, though.

He's returned 2 for TD's this year. He's had 2 call back on two iffy calls. He might have had 4 this year if not for the hankies. I'd take 2 to 4 a year from Banks over a ten year career.

---------- Post added December-21st-2010 at 01:19 PM ----------

I'll never dog B-Mitch for his playing days. He gave 100% each game, which is more than we can say for half the guys on our current roster and rosters the past 10 years.

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Brian Mitchell used to be my favorite player and I was a huge fan of his even as he retired, but now all he has is my scorn.

His "I'm just keeping it real and telling it like it is" schtick is so stale and bitter that he no longer does analysis, he's just a predictable hater.

He's earned a lot of contempt over the years and for me, his attack on Phillip Daniels -- a guy who shows up and works his butt off and tries to get every ounce of ability out of his body at this advanced stage in his career, and who NEVER whined about how he "doesn't fit the scheme" -- was the last straw.

Why can't Comcast bring in Jon Jansen or Ken Harvey (or hire PD if he retires?) or ANYONE who isn't just dripping with hatred for the whole franchise?

Congrats Devin. I enjoy watching you play.

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Because his playing days are long gone, and he's an ass with an axe to grind, and little else to contribute.

Yeah but he was a baller for the Redskins, unlike the players you have witnessed play for them in your lifetime. He was one of the last true ballers, who were true blooded Redskins.

I wont ever look down on our own.

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