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Can Ryan Torain carry the load for this team?


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Torain has shown that he can play very well but he's yet to show that he plays at a consistently high level. He's a pretty decent blocker, could use some improvement there. As far as him actually carrying a full load week in and week out, I don't see it happening. What do you think are they options they pursue as far as running back goes this offseason? Drafting Mark Ingram is a possibility if they don't use their 1st rounder on a Quarterback. I don't think this is the route they go considering they have greater needs along both sides of the line and at wide receiver and linebacker. I personally am hoping that maybe they go after a Ronnie Brown, Deangelo Williams, or even Cedric Benson? I don't think Portis will contribute much anymore although I am hopeful he can, I've always been a fan of Portis but it looks like his time in Washinton is just about over. A combo of Torain and a solid back via free agency can go a long way for them especially if they draft a QB in the first round this year.

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There is no reason to believe he can and frankly I'm not a fan of free agent RBs. The position is expensive via FA and running backs have short life spans in the NFL. We need to draft some speed at the position and keep drafting it for years until we are deep. RB is one of those positions that you need to be three deep. A feature back, change of pace back, and back up that all need to at least average because the position takes a ton of damage.

He does however have a place amongst the three backs we need. The guy can flat out play when healthy and there is no reason to replace him. We need more capable backs but Torrain should and I believe will be counted among them.

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Cam Newton in the 1st. Ryan Williams in the 2nd. A backfield duo of Ryan Williams and Ryan Torain could be great in our ZBS. Nice balance of power back and speed back, but both are well-rounded. If we get Vincent Jackson and Davon Joseph in FA, drafting Ryan Williams can be that dynamic piece that catapults our offense. All of a sudden we'd have multiple threats of breaking game-changing plays in Jackson, Armstrong, Fred Davis, and Ryan Williams. I think Keiland Williams is a perfect 3rd back that can do everything, but isn't exceptional at anything.

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I like Torain, but his only knock has been stay healthy. We've seen that this year, with the hamstring injury. When healthy, he's very effective and a good option. I would've be opposed to drafting an RB in the later rounds to add some depth. I agree that adding a speed back wouldn't be a bad idea.

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Three words: Packers/Ryan Jackson....Jackson carried the team one year and made Favre look great again (after sucking the previous two years). The Packers never got a decent 2nd back, which will be the one thing that prevents them from going to the Superbowl this year. Keep Torain and plan to start him, but when it comes to the draft and even FA, pretend we don't have him.

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Three words: Packers/Ryan Jackson....Jackson carried the team one year and made Favre look great again (after sucking the previous two years). The Packers never got a decent 2nd back, which will be the one thing that prevents them from going to the Superbowl this year. Keep Torain and plan to start him, but when it comes to the draft and even FA, pretend we don't have him.

Who the hell is Ryan Jackson? The **** offspring of Ryan Grant and Brandon Jackson?

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Cam Newton in the 1st. Ryan Williams in the 2nd. A backfield duo of Ryan Williams and Ryan Torain could be great in our ZBS. Nice balance of power back and speed back, but both are well-rounded. If we get Vincent Jackson and Davon Joseph in FA, drafting Ryan Williams can be that dynamic piece that catapults our offense. All of a sudden we'd have multiple threats of breaking game-changing plays in Jackson, Armstrong, Fred Davis, and Ryan Williams. I think Keiland Williams is a perfect 3rd back that can do everything, but isn't exceptional at anything.

And nobody to run/throw behind. God I love this team. Not to mention that our D-line needs help as well. SO glad were getting rid of McNabb so we have to use our first rounder (probably more) on a QB. How people don't see how much further we've been set back is amazing to me.

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Cam Newton in the 1st. Ryan Williams in the 2nd. A backfield duo of Ryan Williams and Ryan Torain could be great in our ZBS. Nice balance of power back and speed back, but both are well-rounded. If we get Vincent Jackson and Davon Joseph in FA, drafting Ryan Williams can be that dynamic piece that catapults our offense. All of a sudden we'd have multiple threats of breaking game-changing plays in Jackson, Armstrong, Fred Davis, and Ryan Williams. I think Keiland Williams is a perfect 3rd back that can do everything, but isn't exceptional at anything.

Ryan Williams is not eligible for the NFL draft until 2012. It has only been two years since graduating high school, and there is a 3 year requirement.

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He runs with a sick desperation and anger that is ridiculous fun to watch. I think he's good but he hasn't had the 'toughening up' that starting young in this league will give you. He may be the primary, but needs a strong second - we need the next iteration of Ladell Betts to spell him. Torain has beast tendancies though, we seen em.

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Ryan Williams is not eligible for the NFL draft until 2012. It has only been two years since graduating high school, and there is a 3 year requirement.

Ryan Williams is eligible as he is a Redshirt Sophomore. He and Darren Evans are putting their paperwork in to see where they are projected in the draft this upcoming year. No guarantee that they will declare though. It just depends on where they are projected.

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Honestly, I think it would be stupid to attempt to let him. There's nothing wrong with a RBBC, especially if you have a speedy backup, and he's proven to be pretty injury prone.

I think today's NFL is leaning heavily towards this as the norm. Theres nothing wrong with platooning the RB's. Plus none of them should be taking the nasty wear of a workhorse. As is, I think there still should be backs brought in to compete, young, old, bruising, and shifty. As is, I actually like the cheap, relatively young group of Keiland Williams, James Davis, and Ryan Torain. Of course, if you follow my idea, Id like to see some cast offs brought in along with some UDFAs. RB isnt exactly a position where you MUST have elite talent though a premium needs to be put on blitz pick up and hands.

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Ryan Williams is eligible as he is a Redshirt Sophomore. He and Darren Evans are putting their paperwork in to see where they are projected in the draft this upcoming year. No guarantee that they will declare though. It just depends on where they are projected.

This team is set at RB. Some mixture of Torain, Williams, Portis, and Davis is good enough to get the job done. We can also evaluate undrafted FAs and any other castoffs from prior Broncos drafts. This is not a position of dire need. We have enough talent that, with an upgraded line, we could have a top-10 running attack (assuming we stick with the run).

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This team is set at RB. Some mixture of Torain, Williams, Portis, and Davis is good enough to get the job done. We can also evaluate undrafted FAs and any other castoffs from prior Broncos drafts. This is not a position of dire need. We have enough talent that, with an upgraded line, we could have a top-10 running attack (assuming we stick with the run).

I was merely commenting that RW was eligible. Sorry if you somehow got the impression from my post that I thought we should grab him in the 2nd.... I happen to agree we have more dire needs than RB in this draft, especially early. WRT James Davis, I'm excited to see what he can do once he gets more time in this system. We haven't had a chance to see much from him yet, though he has shown flashes in his limited opportunities. He also just started learning the system in October unlike Torain who has been with Shanny before and got here in the Spring. Davis could be very good paired with Torain next year.

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Ryan Williams in the 2nd would be a huge steal... and its possible seeing as that not many teams need RB's.

If he would have stayed healthy this year he may have been the 1st RB to go off the board... he is a better overall NFL prospect than Ingram

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And nobody to run/throw behind. God I love this team. Not to mention that our D-line needs help as well. SO glad were getting rid of McNabb so we have to use our first rounder (probably more) on a QB. How people don't see how much further we've been set back is amazing to me.

I think that our line has shown that it can churn out a running game. I think we can improve the interior OL through FA and maybe a mid round pick to get a great unit. A lot of people believe that we will bring in Davon Joseph. A unit of Trent Williams, Litchensteiger, Montgomery, Joseph, and a healthy Jamaal Brown could be very good. That's before even adding any OL draft picks. And I don't know that getting rid of McNabb will necessarily set us back very far since Grossman is showing signs of life and the potential that the offense has when run properly.

Ryan Williams is eligible as he is a Redshirt Sophomore. He and Darren Evans are putting their paperwork in to see where they are projected in the draft this upcoming year. No guarantee that they will declare though. It just depends on where they are projected.

This is right. Ryan Williams is projected by most as the 2nd rb in the draft after Ingram. He's had a few nagging injuries this year, but showed good production as he got healthier in the year. As a rb with the punishment you take, you can't really ask for anything more than being 2nd rated in your class. If he goes back next year, he risks injury or being surpassed by another back. I think he comes out this year and would be a great pick in the 35-40 range. He's a guy that I feel has a still similar to Lesean McCoy.

This team is set at RB. Some mixture of Torain, Williams, Portis, and Davis is good enough to get the job done. We can also evaluate undrafted FAs and any other castoffs from prior Broncos drafts. This is not a position of dire need. We have enough talent that, with an upgraded line, we could have a top-10 running attack (assuming we stick with the run).

That rb rotation has no speed. I think CP is done. James Davis might be a good backup. I think Keiland is a great utility back. But Ryan Williams is the guy that can take the 12 yard runs we currently have and take it to the house. In this ZBS, cutback scheme, he could change games on one play from anywhere on the field. Just look at the impact that guys like Chris Johnson or DeAngelo Williams when healthy have for their team. The Eagles won a game a couple of weeks ago because McCoy broke a long run to end the game. The Jags just won this week when MJD broke it long at the end. We need that threat and it could help open up the rest of the offense. Torain and Ryan Williams could form an elite duo that would help ease the load for the rest of the offense and the defense.

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This team is set at RB. Some mixture of Torain, Williams, Portis, and Davis is good enough to get the job done. We can also evaluate undrafted FAs and any other castoffs from prior Broncos drafts. This is not a position of dire need. We have enough talent that, with an upgraded line, we could have a top-10 running attack (assuming we stick with the run).

Too many injury prone guys there to lean on for long, which means not enough consistency.

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I don't think there is any way we take a RB high in the draft, Shanahan just simply plugs in RB's when and where he can find them. Torrain is solid but until he proves he can stay healthy it is going to be a combination of players and I don't think CP is one of them any more I think he is done and I will be surprised if he is on the roster next year.

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Fail #1. Draft Mark Ingram = Unnecessary, Shanny can always find a RB to fit his system

Fail #2. Please god no more re-treads from other teams sheesh! Benson, Brown, Williams....they are nothing but big names at this point

Dude, just be a fan and retire your armchair GM work. HTTR!!

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I like Ryan a lot. His style of running will shorten his career significantly (he's already injury prone) so the Skins are gonna need another quality back to shoulder some of the load. Williams is nice but more of a situational guy.

With the situation the team is currently in, especially with McNabb obviously out, I'm not sure they have the luxury of spending a higher draft pick on an RB. O-line and D-line still have glaring holes/needs, need a big, fast play making WR, need a FS and in a 3-4 you always need LB help.

Moving forward I think we're going to have to hope we can depend on Torrain.

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