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Can Anyone Justify Starting Mcnabb?


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Do you know what I find incredibly ironic? The very last play that McNabb had as a redskin was throwing a touchdown pass with eight seconds to go to tie the game (assuming we had made an extra point). He actually engineered an incredible two minute drill in the driving rain.

And now we bench him for the season in favor of Grossman. For Dallas week no less. Absolutely unbelievable.

You sir are correct.

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Do you know what I find incredibly ironic? The very last play that McNabb had as a redskin was throwing a touchdown pass with eight seconds to go to tie the game (assuming we had made an extra point). He actually engineered an incredible two minute drill in the driving rain.

And now we bench him for the season in favor of Grossman. For Dallas week no less. Absolutely unbelievable.

Yet if he had thrown a previous pass into Cooley's hands instead of into the dirt on third and goal, we might have won the game, even with the botched FG. :doh:

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My main thing is that mike created an unnecessary circus by doing this and it makes our frnchise look stupid, incompetent, etc.

While that may not be important to you, that may be important to these free agents everyone keeps going on about. Why would you come to a place just to get crucified by the head coach? Our team looks like a worse mess than when zorn was here and everyone knows it

I also wanna stop hearing about evaluating talent with Rex because that Dallas D will be on his ass so much that all the young guys will have no chance to do anything

Teams had to at least gameplan for mcnabb, now they will put nine in the box every play, killing the run game and o- line

but everyone keeps saying itll all make since when we draft our QB

Well from what I'm hearing, Luck is the only surefire guy and we won't be getting him

But everyone thinks we can just reach on another QB and everything will be ok

I just think the best case scenario is often just a pipe dream

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we have to realize that Brian Westbrook MADE McNabb. When McNabb was younger (and he is not old) he played well because he scrambled and defenses had to prepare for him to run at any moment. Remember us having every Eagles WR covered and then he would take off for 15 yds !! REMEMBER.. he has NEVER been an accurate passer. NEVER ! He is a subpar QB in the role of what a QB typically is.. a drop back pocket passer. That is not McNabb. I am sorry but no matter where he goes after this season he will be no better than average because he is not accurate. He has lost his legs that he had in his earlier yrs. no Grossman is not the asnwer but he does understand the offense much better. Truthfully if we had a decent line, and I can't believe I am saying this, but Grossman would be decent in our offensive scheme. He looked great in preseason because he knew shanahans offense.

guys, we are done for the season.. it really doesn't matter what happens these next three games. I still have faith in Shanahan. At least he is taking control and doing what we have wanted for yrs.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 09:12 AM ----------

Another thing.. I would bet money right now we draft Cam Newton.. and I hate that cause I don't think he will be a good pro..

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Yet if he had thrown a previous pass into Cooley's hands instead of into the dirt on third and goal, we might have won the game, even with the botched FG. :doh:

Considering all the dropped passes this year, how do you know he would have even caught it if the pass was right in his hands? I mean he hasn't exactly been Mr. Sticky Fingers lately.

There have been so many coulda, woulda moments this year it is unbelievable.

And it was 2 botched field goals - just one of a string of many this year. I still can't believe Gano wasn't benched.

I will always believe this is a way to make McNabb the scapegoat for this year's offensive mess. Horrible o-line with the exception of Williams, pretty awful running game for most of the year with Portis out most of it and Torain missing many games with injuries, and a laughable receiving corps with only Moss, and now Armstrong a viable threat.

Personnel wise on the offense - we suck. But Shanny can't admit he screwed up the offense, just like he won't admit they screwed up the defense. So, McNabb takes the blame for all of it.

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In Grossman's season with the most turnovers, he had 20 ints and 8 fumbles.

In 13 games this season, Mcnabb has 15 ints and 10 fumbles. AKA Mcnabb is on pace to have a more turnover-happy season than Grossman's worst. THAT'S some perspective on how bad Mcnabb has been.


McNabb may give us the best chance to win among our current QB's. Yet, he's not winning games. That being said, I don't see any reason to continue to play him. Would I have pulled him? No, I would have let him finish the year. However, I have no problem with them benching him at least to see if we need to get rid of our backups as well. You want your backup to be able to pick up where the starter left off and continue to carry the team, well lets see if that can happen (not a lot to live up to). Also, keep in mind how many games McNabb has thrown for more than 1 TD. Only twice. Once in the blowout to the eagles (who let him) and this past week against TB.

This being said I really don't see any reason to field a guy with some of his stats. #5 has the 7th most passing attempts in the NFL with 472. He is 20th in TD's and the list below him isn't stellar (or haven't played every game)

C. Henne 385 attempts 13 TD

Shaun Hill 351 att 13 TD

Kitna 261 att 13 TD Kitna, a backup, comes off the bench and throws 1 less TD than our starter with 211 less pass attempts.

Roethlisberger 291 att 13 td

Hasselbeck 423/12

Alex Smith 298/12

Romo sits to pee 213/11

Campbell 236/10

Favre 351/10

D. Anderson 327/7

Clausen 224/1

Among this listed group (with less TD's than McNabb) they average 1 TD pass every 29 passes. Eliminate Clausen and it is 1 TD for every 27.5 attempts. McNabb has 1 TD for every 33 passes. This may seem insignificant, but it just shows his mediocrity. For those interested, the person above him with pass attempts is Bradford he has 474 attempts 17 TD's (Roughly 1TD: 29Passes) and below him is Mat Schaub with 465 Att and 20 TD (1TD: 23.25 passes)

The average number of attempts (of all qbs stats on nfl.com) is 387 attempts with an average of 17 TD's. He is well above the pass trys and below production for those. also the average posts a td every 22.75 (ish) passes.

Say what you want about grossman, if he as average that is better than what we have been fielding. if he is worse, at least we know we need to look for a good backup too lol.


And this.

The only thing missing is a stat for "passes thrown into the dirt". :doh:

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I thought the offense started to come together and was looking more like a unit. I don't agree with benching Mcnabb. I'm almost embarrassed by this. He is a decent QB who probably has a lot of input that is not being taken due to egos. The only issue I have with Mcnabb is he tends to throw too many passes near the feet. I was told by a WR that this is a way to protect his WR so they don't take hits (I think it is more so he doesn't throw interceptions). That last TD to me was what was to come with the offense but now it isn't going to happen. Rex better do something in this game with Dallas because I was not impressed with him for the two minutes he played. The whole team looked better last game and now it is all up in the air (minus Smith and Ganu - the game was lost by them and bad refs).

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we have to realize that Brian Westbrook MADE McNabb........He is a subpar QB in the role of what a QB typically is.. a drop back pocket passer. That is not McNabb.

McNabb has been a good drop back passer for several years now.

Westbrook was a big part of McNabb's success b/c the screen game is large part of the Eagles passing game. But, guess what? -The screen game is a big part of most of the top NFL passing offenses.

The Eagle are still a screen heavy offense as are the Patriots and Saints.

Would you say that McCoy makes Vick or the Patriots and Saints screen receivers make Brady and Brees?

[Which begs the question where was the screen game in our passing game???]

I am sorry but no matter where he goes after this season he will be no better than average because he is not accurate.

He's had the same accuracy his entire career.

Correction: his multiple pro-bowl borderline Hall of Fame career.

He has lost his legs that he had in his earlier yrs.

I agree w/ you here.

One of my major gripes against McNabb is that imo he's gotten top heavy and bulky over the years.

His work out regiment imo should involve getting slimmer, lighter, faster, quicker with more core and leg strength.

no Grossman is not the asnwer but he does understand the offense much better. Truthfully if we had a decent line, and I can't believe I am saying this, but Grossman would be decent in our offensive scheme.

How can you say this sight unseen?

You know what Grossman stats were in his only live action last year w/ Houston?

3/9 33 yards and cherry on top? an INT

Could Grossman be better sure, and i guess we'll find out.

But, nothing in Grossman career would point to him being better then McNabb in this or in any offense.

guys, we are done for the season.. it really doesn't matter what happens these next three games. I still have faith in Shanahan. At least he is taking control and doing what we have wanted for yrs

What happens and what has already happened in regard to McNabb does matter or did matter.

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I'm getting t0 the p0int where I alm0st want t0 r0ute against this team, just because 0f the fans. It's a shame.

This really isn't a big deal and I w0uld n0t be surprised at all t0 see D Mac back d0ing great next year.

It's the p0st preseas0n. Let him relax, we d0n't need a QB 0f his ability right n0w, we need t0 check the r0ster 0ne final time.

The m0st c0nfusing part t0 me? It may actually get us wins and I d0n't kn0w if I've ever n0t wanted that until right n0w.

Alth0ugh, I will say, I want t0 beat the l0lb0ys.

I'm really hating the fans myself. they're just so frustating.

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You might not take it as benching but he does:

"Describing the Redskins' treatment of quarterback Donovan McNabb as "disrespectful," the perennial Pro Bowler's agent criticized the organization and Coach Mike Shanahan specifically Friday for his plan to bench McNabb in favor of backup Rex Grossman against the Dallas Cowboys. "Disrespectful is probably not strong enough of a word," Fletcher N. Smith, McNabb's representative, said in a lengthy phone interview Friday. "Donovan has handled himself with nothing but class, not just in Washington but as an ambassador for the league. To treat him this way ... it's beyond disrespectful." Shanahan and his son, Kyle, Washington's offensive coordinator, earlier this week made the stunning decision to start Grossman on Sunday at Cowboys Stadium, according to a person familiar with the situation. In Week 8, the Shanahans benched McNabb in favor of Grossman late in a loss to the Detroit Lions. The move stirred concern in the locker room because McNabb is widely respected among his teammates for his accomplishments during a successful 12-year career, the first 11 seasons of which he spent with the Eagles. The Shanahans were widely criticized in the NFL for their handling of the benching, and they continued to awkwardly attempt to explain their reasoning several days after the controversial move, causing further confusion in the locker room and frustration among the Redskins' fan base. "I almost don't even know where to begin, but it really started with Detroit and it was just wrong the way Donovan was treated," Smith said. "Just the way Mike handled the whole situation in Detroit, and in almost every instance since that time, and this is, I guess, the culmination of that. I think it's ... again, it's beyond disrespectful."

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No its that now teams no we will not have him on the team next year most likely so there is little incentive to trade for him..

If no one is willing to trade for him we always have the option of keeping him. If there's one thing the Haynesworth debacle proved it's that Shanahan is the kind of coach who will not just release a player if he has value. Shanahan might not play a guy to the extent that his contract might suggest he should but that won't stop him from using the player in more limited capacities. This actually helps to preserve McNabb's trade value, which I would say has been hurt most by his poor play this season as well as the firing of Brad Childress in Minnesota.

I'm glad some of us are starting to see his hypocrisy

D-Mac isn't the only player who deserves to benched

Shanahan has made it very clear that he will not give players an opportunity to start if they have not earned that opportunity. It's safe to say that the guys who are keeping a job despite poor play are still outworking the guys behind them.

If after 13 games DONOVAN IS A FAIL


kill the double standards

There is no double standard. You do not grade people in different jobs the same way.

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The question to be asked is

"Which one of these three is the better option going into the 2012 season after a year of no football?"

There's more behind the scenes that cause this decision than what happens on the field.


There will be football next year. We might miss a few weeks but it will happen.

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I am just going to chip in my 2 cents. The only way that this move makes sense is if McNabb is still with the team next year. If he is still with the team we have gained info on our backup QB's, and that info will detirmine if they are still here next year or not. If Grossman plays well then it means that there will be a QB competition in preseason, and we will have 2 veteran QB's that can both play. If Grossman tanks then we know that the problems were not based on McNabb, and next year we go into the season with a much stronger supporting cast for him.

If the plan was to trade McNabb however, the team just made a big mistake because this will make other teams think he is on the way to the door, and therefore will not offer as much value for him.

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I personally don't want to be stuck with McNabb next year. Imagine if we had a great offseason through the draft and FA. Then McNabb continues to throw balls into the dirt etc.....He is another year older and we are another year behind. I'm glad we are moving on now and I'm glad someone has the nutsack to do it. Any other coach would just ride it out with McNabb.....

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Sexy Rexy hasn't thrown a TD pass in two years. What in the name of all that is holy make you think he can do any better with the offense we're currently fielding?

McNabb gives us the best chance to win, therefore he should be starting.

Based on what? Have you watched McNabb play this year? He's innacurate, indecisive, and simply bad. Rex may not be the second coming but honestly he can't play much worse than McNabb has played.

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Oh yeah he's still an Eagle to me. And Eagles get no respect.

There's a very telling end to your post as to where your feelings lie on this, whatever McNabb would of done this year.

McNabb should be starting, as he's the only darn QB we have. I'm all for holding every player accountable for his play, and NOBODY, be it Sonny Jurgenson or Gus "wall, what wall?" Ferotte, should have a guaranteed place. You earn the right to play, Sunday in, Sunday out. Practice in, practice out. The problem we have here, is there's nothing behind McNabb. Even on a serious down year numbers wise for him, he's still had a better year statistically in everything bar TD's than Grossman's BEST year, through 3 less games. And for every bad decision from McNabb this year, there's been a drop from a receiver, a whift "attempt" at a block from the line et all that's worked against him.

This move say's FAR more about stroking the vanity of Kyle Shanahan in some desperate, vain attempt to prove he really is a good teacher with a good system; it's just that dastardly McNabb that's a poor student.

But hey, why should we respect an Eagle right?


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I forget every now and then that if you read through enough ****, you'll actually find someone that "gets it". Good job Bangee :thumbsup:


MS has already said that 5 can't show him anymore than he already has. He didn't say he sucked, he didn't say he's being let go, or traded, or anything at all in fact, regarding that matter. He simply said that now that we are mathematically eliminated from "teh paloffs", he's wants to use this time to see what Grossman, and possibly even Beck have to show him. In a sense he's running a series of tests over the next few weeks to see if the problem is the O scheme/play caller/head coach, or is the problem the personnel on the field not understanding/getting this offense. Simplified: "Do we keep the personnel and throw out the system, or do we keep the system and throw out the personnel?" There's no way in hell to know which one's broken, unless you test both of them seperate from one another.

I think its a great move, and honestly it shows alot of flexibility on his part. He could just simply say "they system is fine, it's the player that can't execute it", which may actually be the case if Rex/Beck go out there and run it more efficiently than 5. However, if we don't see any difference from what we've seen thus far (just a different player #), than it might be an indication that the system itself needs to be reconsidered.

Thats my :2cents: anyway :whoknows:

i think it's a test for his son in a way. Grossman is Kyle's man, they are friends. I'm sure Dad has many WTF talks with his son when it comes to the offense. OK, Son, here is your chance, let's see what Rex has, and if you can actually make this thing go, and with limited personnel, esp Oline. I havent really seen it mentioned in this dynamic before, but i wouldn't be surprised if Dad fired Son.

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When Albert Haynesworth decides to act like he is above the football team? Benched.

When Devin Thomas decides he doesn't want to dedicate himself to practicing hard? Benched.

When Phillip Buchanon is being abused by Eli Manning and the Giants offense? Benched.

When Derrick Dockery, Artis Hicks and Andre Carter aren't playing well/fitting into their new schemes? All benched.

Most Skins fans agreed with all of the above moves.

McNabb has thrown more INTs than TDs, made a ton of horrible decisions, and has accuracy problems? He isn't playing well? What is the logical conclusion?

Bench him. That's the new mentality here, like it or not. You can't cherry-pick players you're going to demote and players who are exempt from that treatment. Play well or get off the field.

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