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Can Anyone Justify Starting Mcnabb?


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This actually helps to preserve McNabb's trade value, which I would say has been hurt most by his poor play this season as well as the firing of Brad Childress in Minnesota.

Actually, his trade value to Minnesota is still very high because of Kevin Rogers. He is the quarterbacks coach for Minn and was McNabb's quarterbacks coach for 4 years at Syracuse. Plus, the two are very tight. If teams are concerned about having McNabb "understand" how to execute a new offense, I think Rogers could alleviate a lot of those fears. In addtion, Leslie Frazier was with the Eagles when McNabb was there so they also have a relationship. Combine that with a team that has a good running game and a good passing game, and plays in a dome, and I think there would be a lot of interest.

My fear is Shanahan puts such a large price tag on him, like he did with Haynesworth, that we end up with practically nothing or we bring him back which seems like a toxic situation to me.

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I agree 100 percent with the benching of McNabb. Lets face it, he was a short term answer at best. I am so tired of this franchise doing quick fixes. It's time we had a youth movement and rebuilt from the bottom up. Grossman may not be the answer but he has to be evaluated. That is exactly what they are doing. I say it's time to evaluate all our players and see who stays and who goes. Enough of this tip toeing around the subject. The rest of the season is evaluation time. I believe it's about time we had a coach who makes tough decisions. Thank you Shanny. This is just what we needed!

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You might not take it as benching but he does:

"Describing the Redskins' treatment of quarterback Donovan McNabb as "disrespectful," the perennial Pro Bowler's agent criticized the organization and Coach Mike Shanahan specifically Friday for his plan to bench McNabb in favor of backup Rex Grossman against the Dallas Cowboys. "Disrespectful is probably not strong enough of a word," Fletcher N. Smith, McNabb's representative, said in a lengthy phone interview Friday. "Donovan has handled himself with nothing but class, not just in Washington but as an ambassador for the league. To treat him this way ... it's beyond disrespectful." Shanahan and his son, Kyle, Washington's offensive coordinator, earlier this week made the stunning decision to start Grossman on Sunday at Cowboys Stadium, according to a person familiar with the situation. In Week 8, the Shanahans benched McNabb in favor of Grossman late in a loss to the Detroit Lions. The move stirred concern in the locker room because McNabb is widely respected among his teammates for his accomplishments during a successful 12-year career, the first 11 seasons of which he spent with the Eagles. The Shanahans were widely criticized in the NFL for their handling of the benching, and they continued to awkwardly attempt to explain their reasoning several days after the controversial move, causing further confusion in the locker room and frustration among the Redskins' fan base. "I almost don't even know where to begin, but it really started with Detroit and it was just wrong the way Donovan was treated," Smith said. "Just the way Mike handled the whole situation in Detroit, and in almost every instance since that time, and this is, I guess, the culmination of that. I think it's ... again, it's beyond disrespectful."

So...I am sick of millionaires with fradgile egos. This is football. Its not a goup cirlce to discuss feeling. McNabb may have fan collaterial in Philly but here after the numbers he put up this season he deserse nothing. Lets be ralistic: Fletcher Smith is not upset about the benching. He is upset that the Skin will likely not retain McNabb and the big contract and he as the agent negotiated. He is upset about his money. Honestly, I do not care as much about the individual parts name Moss, Mcnabb, Ect. I care about the sum of the parts called the Redskins.

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I agree 100 percent with the benching of McNabb. Lets face it, he was a short term answer at best. I am so tired of this franchise doing quick fixes. It's time we had a youth movement and rebuilt from the bottom up. Grossman may not be the answer but he has to be evaluated. That is exactly what they are doing. I say it's time to evaluate all our players and see who stays and who goes. Enough of this tip toeing around the subject. The rest of the season is evaluation time. I believe it's about time we had a coach who makes tough decisions. Thank you Shanny. This is just what we needed!


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You walk in the door after a day at work, flip on the light switch, but the room doesn't light up. What do you do?

Based on some posters responses:

Some it seems would immediately get to work tearing the wiring out of the walls, all the while muttering to themselves, "the light always came on before, and it can't be the light bulb because that bulb has been there for years and its always worked in the past, must mean the wiring needs to be replaced."

Others fortunately, seem to possess the ability to say, "This isn't what's supposed to happen, first i'll change the bulb being thats the easiest thing to do, and if that doesn't fix the problem i'll investigate it further."

Sadly, a few would simply walk around in the dark, unaware that the light didn't come on at all.


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You walk in the door after a day at work, flip on the light switch, but the room doesn't light up. What do you do?

Based on some posters responses:

Some it seems would immediately get to work tearing the wiring out of the walls, all the while muttering to themselves, "the light always came on before, and it can't be the light bulb because that bulb has been there for years and its always worked in the past, must mean the wiring needs to be replaced."

Others fortunately, seem to possess the ability to say, "This isn't what's supposed to happen, first i'll change the bulb being thats the easiest thing to do, and if that doesn't fix the problem i'll investigate it further."

Sadly, a few would simply walk around in the dark, unaware that the light didn't come on at all.


Interesting analogy. Personally I would shout at my wife for buying the wrong kind of bulb in the first place.

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You can absolutely justify starting McNabb. This team devalues their own players. What they should have done was play him at least until Wk 17 and act committed to him going forward. Has statistically played well last week and if he played fairly well and you seemed committed to him, you would absolutely be able to get a better pick for him. Now, everyone knows or assumes we're going to release him so we have very little leverage in trade talks. Mismanaged.

If its truly about evaluation, you start Beck....Everyone in the league knows what Rex is about.

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Guest Spearfeather
We'll see if what you say is true very soon with all this hope and trust in Rex Grossman being better. Highly unlikely but we shall see.

I love how a few people "get it" just because they agree with you. lol

You can't get much worse than how McNabb has played lately. If Grossman comes in and throws 1 TD and two interceptions, and we lose by 10 points...,What? You would feel worse, because we did it with Grossman? What's the difference?

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It is not about "BENCHING" the QB per se, It is more about evaluating players currently on the roster to determine who will stay and who will go. Perhaps there is not a lot of sense in risking injury to the franchise quarterback in a meaningless game when there is an opportunity to determine whether different back-up QB's are needed for next year.

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Benching Donovan McNabb was a mistake that set this franchise back another couple of years IMO. The only QB that I would feel semi comfortable putting behind this line next year would be Luck, and he isn't within our grasp unless you trade away MORE DRAFT PICKS. Such a common theme. Luckily, sexy rexy may put us in position to grab him. Here's to losing the next 3!

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MeastoftheEast may have hit the nail on the head: this may also be a test for Kyle and his system. Mie S. may ahve said: 'OK, Kyle, this is your system and your hand-picked QB. Let's see what you and he can do against a tough defense.'

Has a father ever fired his son? I remember JKC did not make it very easy for his son to buy the Redskins. In fact, he made it almost impossible under his will.

When you are 5-8 and out of the hunt, why not evaluate the other talent on the team. Now your sights are set on next year. Who will be on the team in 2011? It is evaluation time.

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MeastoftheEast may have hit the nail on the head: this may also be a test for Kyle and his system. Mie S. may ahve said: 'OK, Kyle, this is your system and your hand-picked QB. Let's see what you and he can do against a tough defense.'

Has a father ever fired his son? I remember JKC did not make it very easy for his son to buy the Redskins. In fact, he made it almost impossible under his will.

When you are 5-8 and out of the hunt, why not evaluate the other talent on the team. Now your sights are set on next year. Who will be on the team in 2011? It is evaluation time.

If Grossman's play (and perhaps even Becks, pending how much playtime he actually does see) is evident that its not the QB position thats at fault for this teams performance this year , but the person calling in the gameplan that's failing this team, then MS needs to have a serious sitdown with KS and tell him flat out "you're not yet to the point whereby you can call an effective, game-winning, series of plays. And until you can prove that point to me, i'm taking over the game calling or replacing you with someone that i'm confident can accomplish the matter at hand".

Of course if that happens, then what?

IMO, MS will probably reposition KS to an assigned coaching position lower down the food chain, but then also needs to go to #5 at that point and say " i'm sorry we wasted a year of playing time, but its obvious the system I thought would work, hasn't, and we want your input on who you feel would work best with fitting into your style of play and make us sucessful as a franchise. Or, if you don't want to be a part of this franchcise, say so, and i'll find someone that does, and i'll take on the effort of finding an OC that fits who I decide will be my QB". If #5 wants to leave, so be it, if he wants to try again, then it will be with his hand-picked personnel, and he better be succesful, or else its time for him to go.

All the while, hopefully KS is sitting back in his assigned position and learning. In case anyone's forgotten, there were multiple pages of threads on here about how the Skins were gonna be set for decades with MS teaching up the kid S, and then having him take over for the old man. Or maybe some have memories that don't go back more than 12 months.

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So...I am sick of millionaires with fradgile egos. This is football. Its not a goup cirlce to discuss feeling. McNabb may have fan collaterial in Philly but here after the numbers he put up this season he deserse nothing. Lets be ralistic: Fletcher Smith is not upset about the benching. He is upset that the Skin will likely not retain McNabb and the big contract and he as the agent negotiated. He is upset about his money. Honestly, I do not care as much about the individual parts name Moss, Mcnabb, Ect. I care about the sum of the parts called the Redskins.

So, I didn't realize the QB was the entire team. The defense let the other teams get points (rated worst in the league). McNabb may have had some bad throws but the receivers had equally bad catches. We shoud have had 7 wins this season but one was lost due to pulling him out and letting Grossman in and the other was last week when Ganu missed two field goals and the refs missed a major hold. It is disrespectful because he is not the problem but is being the scapegoat. If he was upset about the money, it wouldn't seem like such an emotional statement. Did Haynesworth make any statement like this now he is all about the money.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 06:03 PM ----------

MeastoftheEast may have hit the nail on the head: this may also be a test for Kyle and his system. Mie S. may ahve said: 'OK, Kyle, this is your system and your hand-picked QB. Let's see what you and he can do against a tough defense.'

Has a father ever fired his son? I remember JKC did not make it very easy for his son to buy the Redskins. In fact, he made it almost impossible under his will.

When you are 5-8 and out of the hunt, why not evaluate the other talent on the team. Now your sights are set on next year. Who will be on the team in 2011? It is evaluation time.

Possibly. Perhaps he is the one blaming McNabb saying he keeps getting pushback from a vet QB. I'm sure he can control Rex like a puppet.

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Put it this way. If before the season I said this to you ::

"This will be McNabb's 1st system in 11 years. Our O-line may still be shaky...we need more talent at the skill positions...and we may or may not make the playoffs considering the strength of our schedule and the opposing talent. 2011 could be our year because by that time McNabb will be more comfortable, the team will be improved, etc. etc."

If I said that to you....would you react negatively?? The people who wanted McNabb to stay felt that it was worth giving him a 2nd year. Grossman knows the system....the majority of Qbs know their respective systems. Patience worked with Cassel(looked terrible last year), Cutler(at the very least built chemistry with his team mates), and several others. Successful Qbs like Favre and Warner have had down years....actually Warner was benched twice in Arizona until he finally came back and he did well.

I'm not saying that we had to do that with McNabb....but I was never under the impression that this would be a 1 year thing. I thought that McNabb has shown what he's capable when comfortable and figured he would get a 2nd year. I guess not....it's no big deal and I wanted us both to move on anyway. I wish him the best and have no reason to hate him or call him out of his name because like Campbell, he's being run out of town. It has amazed me however the extent to which some people will go to trash his career though *shrug*

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 06:36 PM ----------

So...I am sick of millionaires with fradgile egos. This is football. Its not a goup cirlce to discuss feeling. McNabb may have fan collaterial in Philly but here after the numbers he put up this season he deserse nothing. Lets be ralistic: Fletcher Smith is not upset about the benching. He is upset that the Skin will likely not retain McNabb and the big contract and he as the agent negotiated. He is upset about his money. Honestly, I do not care as much about the individual parts name Moss, Mcnabb, Ect. I care about the sum of the parts called the Redskins.

Actually in all fairness...I can't remember the last time I have seen a coach handle a situation as bad as Shanahan. He either throws people under the bus and if it's anyone that has an ego with these things, it seems to be him, in my humble opinion

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Keep in mind this is two coaches that have given up on Donovan. Maybe Andy Reid was right. Ever think of that. If he's not your guy, you have to move forward. We hung on to Jason for five years -- and he (Jason) has proven is really only a journeyman quarterback. This is business. You have to know when to cut ties. Donovan ain't the man for the Shanahans. We kicked the tires on him. Look Shanny has coached Steve Young, Elway, Plummer and Cutler. This organization needs to develop our own Superstar quarterback. It's the only way you win consistently.

Kellen Moore. (Wink) Watch him Wednesday night. 8 pm. He's got it. His screen saver is Tom Brady's weakling looking combine picture as motivation.

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Something that's probably being overlooked. The benching might actually benefit McNabb. Let's say that Grossman does pretty well. McNabb gets to see this offense function and how it should work. It's the Todd Collins' effect. Sometimes, the best thing in the learning process is to step back and watch. When you're in the crosshairs you don't have a lot of time to think and to integrate.

McNabb seeing this system as it was intended could help McNabb understand how to qb this system.

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Something that's probably being overlooked. The benching might actually benefit McNabb. Let's say that Grossman does pretty well. McNabb gets to see this offense function and how it should work. It's the Todd Collins' effect. Sometimes, the best thing in the learning process is to step back and watch. When you're in the crosshairs you don't have a lot of time to think and to integrate.

McNabb seeing this system as it was intended could help McNabb understand how to qb this system.

I was thinking the same thing Burg. Also, if there has been any contention between KS's complete belief in his system, and what some say is #5's "less than full" belief in this system, this might provide a learning opportunity for KS and #5 to bridge any potential "learning gaps".

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