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The TImeout before the Half


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It was third and goal from the 2 and Shanny called a timeout with seconds left. Then we got a delay of game penalty which made it third and 7. So instead of a touchdown, we end up kicking (or was it missing) a field goal.

I heard Shanny say post game that he thought it was a 60 second time out, but it was only a 30 second timeout. No one seems to have brought this timing botch up as another reason we lost the game. For a Super Bowl winning coach, doesn't it seem somewhat incompetent?

(PS I can't help it and I don't know how to post pictures inside my post but I can't get over how much Shanny looks like Latka Gravas:))


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Joe Gibbs is a legendary coach, and he didn't know you couldn't call back to back timeouts.

I defy anyone to say they had their head in that Bills game that day with all the emotion that surrounded it. I know I certainly didn't and the whole affair became a total non-event after the pre-game tribute to #21. I think we can give Coach a pass on that one.

There's been a few instances of clock mismanagement this year which have been hard to understand given Shanahan's far from a novice. His explanation after had me wondering "WTF?" too.


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His explanation after had me wondering "WTF?" too..

Cause he's been out of the league for a bit? Knockin the rust off? I dunno, I think this instance is as simple as thinking it was 60 secs. In fact, the ref typically announces "this will be a 30 second timeout." Maybe they didnt?

I just don't think it should be suggested that Shanny's "too dumb" or anything like that. People are quick to call him out for anything, but I don't think this one's a big deal. Remember, Andy Ried did pretty much the same thing when we were at philly this year. No one's spoke of it since, and we won't either.

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Who cares if it was a 30 second or 60 second time-out. There were multiple mistakes in the sequence: The first mistake was letting the clock run down to 20 seconds; followed by not realizing that would force a passing play, due to not having enough time on the clock to react if the the play failed; which then which forced them to change the play from a running play; which then caused a delay of game.

Shanahan is really worrying me this season as the Redskins coaching this season is arguably worse than last season.

Oh, did anyone catch the failure to challenge a spot during the Bucs drive that got them their last field goal? The Bucs made a first down (on a 3rd down play) by less than inch but the replays showed that it was an overly generous spot (By about 18 inches). I was screaming for a challenge in that situation, but I guess the current coaching staff only challenges obvious plays they shouldn't challenge (guess they couldn't hear me all the way from Arizona).

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My question is who decides if it is a 30 second or 60 second. I honestly dont know, and I didnt hear the ref call it a 30 second one either.

If i am not mistaken, I believe it has to do with TV (if they go to commerical or not). And the refs call it a 30 or 60 second TO.

I think it was the same confusion that Andy Reid had at the end of the 1st half in their game. Very similar disaster. I believe he thought it was a 60 not a 30. Then they thought the play clock had not been reset. Can't remember though.

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Who cares if it was a 30 second or 60 second time-out. There were multiple mistakes in the sequence: The first mistake was letting the clock run down to 20 seconds; followed by not realizing that would force a passing play, due to not having enough time on the clock to react if the the play failed; which then which forced them to change the play from a running play; which then caused a delay of game.


No reason not to run the 35 second clock down to 2-3 seconds and then snap it. Calling a timeout there just forced your hand and totally telegraphed what we had to do. Not even to mention, if McNabb got sack or the clock was running after that play they wouldn't have had time to run out the FG unit with no timeouts left.

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My question is who decides if it is a 30 second or 60 second. I honestly dont know, and I didnt hear the ref call it a 30 second one either.

It's that no good **** on the sidelines wearing those big orange gloves.

for the record: I hate TV timeouts so by neccessity I hate that orange glove wearing ****.

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Everyone bashing Gano to me today, I told them its not his fault it wasn't 14-0. Our offense continues to lack a red zone and goal to go threat at wideout. We choked in the red zone before Gano had his chance to miss out on 6 points.

I laughed when we tried the fade to Roydell. He looked over the wrong shoulder. Plus, I am sure the defense knew what his route was.

Shanny pacing the sidelines like a red faced maniac as time ticked away was hard to watch. I am glad the announcers were all over it.

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when u got the defense reeling, why call a TO. It almost looked why intentionally blew that game all around.

One thing, as you get inside the 20, it becomes harder and harder to figure out what the defense is doing and even when the defense does the wrong thing, they are in better position to recover from their mistakes or at least not be killed by them (especially if time is a factor).

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