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Michael Jordan's "Response" to LeBron James' Nike Commercial


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I think this deserves it own thread. It's very well done, very fitting and anything that exposes this fraud effectively deserves its own thread imo.

Hey Spaceman, when are you gonna come back to the Wizards? It's a good time to get back into them.

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Yeah, while it's obviously a mash-up of the two commercials, it's really well done. Seeing as how they're both Nike guys they wouldn't be doing a commercial like that. The thing is though, based on the comments Jordan has made over the past year or so, if he were to see that video in private, he would tell you he approved of it I bet.

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Hey Spaceman, when are you gonna come back to the Wizards? It's a good time to get back into them.

Good time? That sounds a little fair-weathered GACOLB.

The truth? It's never a good time to get back into them, unless you need more pain in your life.

Although, if you are going to get back into them, tonight's game should be the best game of the season. Get your tickets fast.:)

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I think this deserves it own thread. It's very well done, very fitting and anything that exposes this fraud effectively deserves its own thread imo.

Hey Spaceman, when are you gonna come back to the Wizards? It's a good time to get back into them.

I've been watching here and there. I still have no idea why I quit on them...I never quit on my sports teams. Hell, I've been an die hard Orioles fan all my life and if there was ever a team to quit on, it'd be them.

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its kinda complicated,even though Jordan is with nike,he has exclusive and creative rights under the jumpman banner.Nobody can trace the video to the originator but the rumors are that everyone gave it the ok from Jordans end because they arent filing any complaints with youtube for copyright infringement.Obviously if they had an issue they would be all over youtube,nike included trying to get this removed

It was a way for them to release it and be stealth,even though technically nike didnt put it out,it drives the point to consumers to go with the jordan brand over the Lebron.Remember that MJ made nike,he got a crazy deal because nobody wanted nike at the time.Adidas and converse were the only ones athletes sponsored so MJ leveraged the **** out of them.David Fawk technically

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I've been watching here and there. I still have no idea why I quit on them...I never quit on my sports teams. Hell, I've been an die hard Orioles fan all my life and if there was ever a team to quit on, it'd be them.

I know you're a fan. I just consider it a psychological vacation, not quitting. The last two years have been that brutal. I mean we went from the biggest Wizards high of our lifetime with Hibachi in his heyday, to the lowest points in franchise history seemingly overnight.

But Wall is the real deal man. He has all the athleticism and offensive skills of Rose but has better vision and is a better pass. A more pure PG version. SteveMcQueen thinks he might be the best PG of all time. I'm not ready to go that far, but I think he most certainly has the ability to be the best PG of his generation and a top 5 player.

They're not winning now but I get almost as much joy watching young players develop and reaching their potential as I do winning. The final destination is what matters in the end, but the ride there makes it worthwhile. (Which is why I feel sorry for bandwagoners.)

Good time? That sounds a little fair-weathered GACOLB.

The truth? It's never a good time to get back into them, unless you need more pain in your life.

Although, if you are going to get back into them, tonight's game should be the best game of the season. Get your tickets fast.:)

Ok Kosher Ham. Try getting your own schtick. But remember, Ladell Betts doesn't play basketball.

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I know this is a fake, but for me this gives another example to why Lebron will never be able to be put in the same class as Jordan, or even Kobe. MJ worked his ass off to get where he was; how many guards ever been named defensive player of the year? That takes a lot of hard work and heart, something Lebenon has to work on if he ever wants to get my respect...

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