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WashingtonWire: Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose Because of Me’


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Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose Because of Me’


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has the “overwhelming support” of fellow Democrats in her bid to become minority leader in the next Congress, and says she’s not to blame for the Democrats’ mid-term debacle.

OB-KV858_pelosi_D_20101112134456.jpgGetty ImagesNancy Pelosi

“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”

Instead, the California Democrat attributes the loss of at least 60 seats to high unemployment and “$100 million of outside, unidentified funding.”

“Any party that cannot turn (9.5% unemployment) into political gains should hang up the gloves,” she said.

The NPR interview is one of the first Ms. Pelosi has granted since a small-but-growing number of Democrats began publicly lamenting her decision to seek the top job in the minority. That list even includes some loyal allies, such as Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan.

Among those rooting for Ms. Pelosi to stick around are Republicans, who are giddy at the prospect of reprising in 2012 the attacks they used in the past election cycle, tying Democratic incumbents around the country to the liberal from San Francisco.

My 2cents:

She's the Speaker (the Leader) and doesn't take responsibility. Now she wants to be in charge of the losers with "that" attitude?

quotes from the past:

11months ago: Pelosi says she is willing to lose Democrat seats for the passing of the healthcare bill. Can we agree her?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged her colleagues to back a major overhaul of U.S. health care even if it threatens their political careers

, a call to arms that underscores the issue's massive role in this election year.

Lawmakers sometimes must enact policies that, even if unpopular at the moment, will help the public, Pelosi said in an interview being broadcast Sunday the ABC News program "This Week."

"We're not here just to self-perpetuate our service in Congress," she said. "We're here to do the job for the American people."

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Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose Because of Me’


My 2cents:

She's the Speaker (the Leader) and doesn't take responsibility. Now she wants to be in charge of the losers with "that" attitude?

quotes from the past:

11months ago: Pelosi says she is willing to lose Democrat seats for the passing of the healthcare bill. Can we agree her?

Pelosi's mention of a new bill seems counterproductive to comments she made yesterday about passing the current bill by reconciliation, a simple majority vote. It's not clear, though, if she even has enough votes in the House to pass the Senate bill in its current form, but she's ready to lose seats just pass a health care bill.

"We're not just here to self-perpetuate our service in Congress. We're here to do the job of the American people."

She unequivocally delusional. IMO the worst/best (depending on your perspective) speaker ever.

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Well, she's right.

The Democrats didn't lose because of a single thing they did. (Although you could maybe argue that they lost because of several things they did.)

They lost because the economy sucks.

Now, that said, is it to their advantage to run a new target up the flagpole? Could be. I'd also argue that she wasn't the right choice for Speaker in the first place.

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It was a combo of factors, but Pelosi's leadership of a divisive House that had to use bribery so extensively to forge agreements even with a large majority certainly played a role. Congress seemed its corrupt, incompetent self during her Speakership. The economy, jobs, and a number of other factors contributed, but her stewardship and the opinion people had of her also swayed votes. She has become a symbol of partisanship and incompetence. Sadly, she in many ways the image is deserving.

Though to paraphrase the fine lady from Delaware, Pelosi's not the witch the right paints her to be.

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Didn't she at one point not only tell the Democrats to support issues and bills even it cost them some votes when it came time for re-election, but that Catholic Priests should also use the Pulpit to speak out on issues that were important to Democrats?

And she thinks she had nothing to do with the democratic losses? Someone needs to drug test her now!

Wow! It takes certain body parts the size of an elephant to say what she said about not losing because of her. She makes the Joker look sane.

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It starts with Draining the swamp as she said but taking years to work on Rangel (what did happen there anyway).. and Waters coming up right before the election

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

said Thursday.

EDITORIAL: The $300 million Louisiana purchase - Washington Times

Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat, provided one of the last two votes needed to bring the government health care takeover to the Senate. She didn't even blush ..

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House Dems Avert Leadership Battle

The maneuvering was described by Democratic officials after Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., issued a vaguely worded statement saying she intends to nominate Clyburn to a new No. 3 post. The statement made no mention of Hoyer, and officials who filled in the details did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not permitted to speak publicly about the matter.

Pelosi is assured of remaining Democratic party leader when the new Congress convenes in January under a Republican majority.

She has drawn no opposition for the post even though several members of the rank and file have said they would prefer she step aside after historic election losses .......


Such an obvious show of Leadership from the Dems! ...................Or some might say---Shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic

Its no question why we are in such better shape now then 2 years ago /sarc

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...but taking years to work on Rangel (what did happen there anyway)..

They let him run for office b/c despite his "scandals", he would still win his district. He won it for the DEMS. Now that he has won for the Dem's, they'll move forward with punishment and if he is forced out of office, it doesn't matter to the Dem's. They still hold his seat as a D seat.

I'm so tired of this bull****.

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They let him run for office b/c despite his "scandals", he would still win his district. He won it for the DEMS. Now that he has won for the Dem's, they'll move forward with punishment and if he is forced out of office, it doesn't matter to the Dem's. They still hold his seat as a D seat.

I'm so tired of this bull****.

I'm not sure if they want to offend the black vote by going after either Rangel or Maxine.

And Pelosi is what continues to be wrong with politics, and what continues to hurt the dems.

Personally, I (heart) Pelosi.

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Any Republican that wants her to remain in power over the minority just for the sake of the 2012 election is not what we need in office either.
Well, a *more effective* demagogue in Democrat leadership wouldn't be good for anybody but Dems, just like a *more efffective* demagogue for the Republicans wouldn't be good for anybody but the Reps.

Surprised the Democrats don't want her gone already. Not surprised if the Republicans start trying to prop her up.

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Maybe if she wasn't too busy calling the public "brown shirts" or "astro turf" or opining that "we know what's best for you" and actually stopped and listened for a change, she might not be in the minority party right now...............

Now maybe she finally has time to read the healthcare bill to see what's in it.......

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Why not? She's the 2nd best boogeyman they have right now. Politically it makes sense.

Because it's the same stupid crap that Americans are sick of. The Repubs should be encouraging Dems to put a leader in place that is focused on getting stuff straightened out instead of playing these stupid political games.

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Why not? She's the 2nd best boogeyman they have right now. Politically it makes sense.

It does make sense politically, and that is what's wrong with politics. It's all about rhetoric and personal attacks now. The only issues politicians take firm stances on are ones they can spin in their favor. It's no longer about the actual issues for many politicians, rather it's about looking good in a soundbyte or quick quote.

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Because it's the same stupid crap that Americans are sick of. The Repubs should be encouraging Dems to put a leader in place that is focused on getting stuff straightened out instead of playing these stupid political games.
And have the Democrats stay in power? No way. The Republicans want ONE OF THEIR OWN to be the savior. For the opposition to have to work with THEM. Just like the Democrats hope vice-versa.
It does make sense politically, and that is what's wrong with politics. It's all about rhetoric and personal attacks now. The only issues politicians take firm stances on are ones they can spin in their favor. It's no longer about the actual issues for many politicians, rather it's about looking good in a soundbyte or quick quote.
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