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TMZ Sports: Jerry Jones -- Screw the Cowboys, I'm Going to Vegas! (Update in 1st post)

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It's not a fake.

And, it's pathetic. Your owner is an embarrassment to the League.

He should be fined for...bad taste.

His hands with the "Super Bowl" ring don't even look wrinkled.

If this was an article by NFLN or even ESPN, I probably would believe it. TMZ? Not so much.

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His hands with the "Super Bowl" ring don't even look wrinkled.

Actually, it does...in the close up between the thumb and index finger it looks wrinkled.

If this was an article by NFLN or even ESPN, I probably would believe it. TMZ? Not so much.

That makes zero sense, because the more "mainstream" media has been fooled by fake pics on numerous occasions. Besides, the owner of the club/whatever where the pic was taken was tweeting about Jerruh being in there at the time, and the Facebook screenshot shows friends of the woman talking about her pic with Jerruh being on the TMZ website.

But most importantly is that nobody has come out and claimed it's a fake...except you lol :ols:...

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i don't really see what the big deal is even if it is true. He posed for a picture, not like he's taking beer bong hits, or body shots off her.

It's a multitude of things:

1) The timing is absolutely ****ty: he's the GM of a mistake-prone 1-7 team that was supposed to be SB contenders, a team with zero leadership or accountability, and he just fired its head coach a few days earlier. That doesn't sound like the best time to go clubbing and mugging for photos in Vegas lol...

2) The way he's dressed. It's freakin' embarrassing...he's not 18 years old anymore, but he comes across as some 60 year old man who still acts like he's in college.

3) It makes you question (or should make you question) how how much focus he is really giving to the Cowboys.

4) It underscores that Jerruh has absolutely NO accountability to anyone as GM...something tells me that if the 0-8 Bills' GM were photographed mugging it up in a Vegas club with a woman young enough to be his granddaughter right after the head coach was fired and while the team was floundering, he'd probably be fired next. But in Dallas, all of their GM's stupid moves, whether personal or professional, automatically get a pass from the Cowboys owner.

*gender edit lol

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i don't really see what the big deal is even if it is true. He posed for a picture, not like he's taking beer bong hits, or body shots off her.

Partying it up in Vegas while your team is in complete free-fall gives the impression the Jones doesn't give a darn.

And if the GM/owner doesn't give a darn, why should the players and coaches?

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It's a multitude of things:

1) The timing is absolutely ****ty: he's the GM of a mistake-prone 1-7 team that was supposed to be SB contenders, a team with zero leadership or accountability, and he just fired its head coach a few days earlier. That doesn't sound like the best time to go clubbing and mugging for photos in Vegas lol...

2) The way he's dressed. It's freakin' embarrassing...he's not 18 years old anymore, but he comes across as some 60 year old man who still acts like he's in college.

3) It makes you question (or should make you question) how how much focus he is really giving to the Cowboys.

4) It underscores that Jerruh has absolutely NO accountability to anyone as GM...something tells me that if the 0-8 Bills' GM were photographed mugging it up in a Vegas club with a woman young enough to be his grandfather right after the head coach was fired and while the team was floundering, he'd probably be fired next. But in Dallas, all of their GM's stupid moves, whether personal or professional, automatically get a pass from the Cowboys owner.

how could a young woman be jerry jones' grandfather...lol

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Major lolz at the cowboys fan who thinks this is fake. Too funny!

Also, Jerry Jones is an adult and is free to do what he wants. Even as a GM, I don't hold it against him... but man, that is just embarassing. I'm sorry, but old guys at clubs are embarassing, I don't care how rich you are.

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I hate the Cowboys as much as any other Redskins fan but I don't really see the problem here. It was midweek, it's beyond the trade deadline so he can't really be on the phones doing much. He posed for a picture with a fan.

If he were in a suit and tie and the photo was taken in a hotel lobby, you might have a point.

But the way he is dressed speaks volumes as to what his intent was that evening...and where the pic was taken just underscores that point. Add to it Jerruh's pose lol...there's a mindset at work with Jones that is obvious in this photo.

Not to mention Jerruh's already had his share of embarrassing moments while "out on the town", so if I were a team's owner and HE was my GM I'd hope he'd have enough sense to be extra, extra careful as to how he presents himself in public since he does represent my team and my company...especially if his crappy performance as GM has lead to my team currently being 1-7 and the laughingstock of the NFL.

And don't fool yourself into thinking GMs have nothing whatsoever to do once the trade deadlines have passed. Hell, we as Skins fans should know by now that it's possible to find street FAs who can at least contribute some at mid-season, because we've had years of needing to do just that.

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I hate the Cowboys as much as any other Redskins fan but I don't really see the problem here. It was midweek, it's beyond the trade deadline so he can't really be on the phones doing much. He posed for a picture with a fan.

If that had been Vinnie Ceratto last year after we had just gotten crushed by the Falcons and fallen to 2-6 this town would have spontaneously combusted.

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Dude really, who didn't see this coming? How long ago was it that someone had a convo with drunk jerry jones and he blasted parcells? He's a drunkard, kinda has to be after the roller coaster year he's had. We all know next year he's gonna take on another title as HC!

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His hands with the "Super Bowl" ring don't even look wrinkled.

If this was an article by NFLN or even ESPN, I probably would believe it. TMZ? Not so much.

It's been almost two days and no denials from Jerruh or the pukes.

Now, will you agree that if it is true it's pretty pathetic?

I'll wait for your answer.

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Did rey really list "his hands don't look wrinkled" as a reason to debunk this?

You do realize, rey, that the skin on skeletor's face has been stretched to the point of almost being translucent from plastic surgery, right? Do you honestly think a man as vain as skeletor would get a severe face lift and not pay attention to his old man hands too? I shudder to think of where he may had had cosmetic surgery, although you may not judging from the extreme man-love you seem to have for your fearless leader.

Also, TMZ has a pretty solid record of catching celebrities out and about when they maybe would have rather not been seen. Although in your boy's case I think it's obvious he wanted to be seen with Mrs. Vegas there. I bet her parents are as proud of her and her tremendous partying talents as dallas fans are of jerruh and his supreme gm talents.

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