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Wherein The Nats Continue To Be Retarded


Which of these 10 players would you consider to be the best Redskin ever?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these 10 players would you consider to be the best Redskin ever?

    • Sammy Baugh
    • John Riggins
    • Darrell Green
    • Russ Grimm
    • Art Monk
    • Gary Clark
    • Charles Mann
    • Mark Schlereth
    • Joe Theisman
    • Billy Kilmer

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I swear, I don't know why I root for this team...

Do we hate the Nationals or not? I think (though I can't find it right now) that at some point I said that if the Nats offered Dunn a fair 3-year deal then I couldn't really hold it against them if they let Dunn walk. They offered him a 3-year deal. The question is - was it fair?

My guess is the Nats offered Dunn right around 30 million for 3 years. To me anything 30 mill and over is a reasonable offer, though 30 million would be on the low side. The Nats offer him one year less than he's asking for at the lowest price that would be considered fair in the market and they watch him reject the deal. There's nothing unusual about this so far. It's the type of deal that you open negotiations with if you're the team. The difference is that for the Nats, and this is just my guess, this deal is a negotiation ender as well.

They want Carlos Pena. They need Carlos Pena. I don't know why. Nobody really does. But there is a deep psychological yearning in Mike Rizzo that will only be satisfied when Carlos Pena buttons up his Washington jersey and runs out onto the field in Viera. However, they can't just dismiss Dunn because, well because he's really good at hitting and the fans love him. So they offer him this deal. A fair deal but just barely so. Now they can turn around and say to the fans "Hey, we tried" when actually they really didn't, and then move on to their real goal of signing Carlos Pena. (and if Dunn accepts this - well they got him at basically a discount for a year less than he was asking for. Hard to complain about that.) This is just a guess, but it certainly seems like the Nats and Dunn are parting ways and I can't see that happening if they tossed a 3 year deal worth over 40 million at Adam.

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I get a lot of flack for it but I grew up a Red Sox fan.

No DC baseball team left me in a sort of weird situation because I never had any connection to Baltimore and my father's family is from NE which started me on an anti-Yankees kick as a kid early on. My mom's sister married my Uncle Arch who grew up near Boston and was a hot dog vender as a kid at Fenway and is obviously a huge Sox fan so I was converted early on in Elementary School.

When the Nats came into town I didn't know how to feel. I love DC sports more than anything else in the world except possibly Virginia Tech and its very weird to have a DC team that I don't feel as connected to as much as the Redskins/Caps/Wizards/DC United. I root for them, I was PUMPED for Strasburg and (hopefully) Bryce Harper because I want them to succeed...but as my secondary MLB team I find it so hard to care when they just seem to make more and more boneheaded decisions.

With the Redskins its different because my obsession with them runs so deep that even Snyder can't pry me away from them...and while the NBA will never be SUPER high on my list I've loved the Wizards (and John Wall is just incredible) enough to keep rooting throughout the misery.

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Why he would come back to a rebuilding situation when he can get the same money with a winner is beyond me.

Believe it or not, from what I have heard Dunn actually likes the team and wants to stay in DC. The Nats are stupid if they let Dunn go, Carlos Pena would be a disaster for this club and would provide absolutely no protection for Zimmerman. Now if this was all a veiled plan to conserve money to bid on Cliff Lee all would be forgiven.

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I get a lot of flack for it but I grew up a Red Sox fan.

No DC baseball team left me in a sort of weird situation because I never had any connection to Baltimore .

i know how you feel.

i would never root for the orioles.

but as my secondary MLB team I find it so hard to care when they just seem to make more and more boneheaded decisions.


yeah. it's tough. hopefully they can have some sort of marlins/rays/diamondbacks turnaround and win something soon.

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I would let Dunn walk too. He provides very little outside of homeruns and we're only going to get between 33 to 37 a year tops from him, not 162. The easiest and cheapest solution is to promote from within and put Morse at first. He's better at defense and has put up solid numbers. He came into the league as a shortstop, despite his size. It makes too much sense so it probably won't happen.

As for the OP, I can not figure out this obsession with Pena. To me, it appears to be media generated.

Somewhat OT, but a problem is Riggleman platooning, giving the coldest bats and worst defense the most time. The team's output and record directly mirrors his substitutions and managing style. I honestly expect Riggleman will be gone after 70 games.

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Are the Nats going to continue in Viera? I thought they were moving. I used to live a mile away from the stadium, it was fantastic. Wished I was still there.

I thought they were in Jupiter (Jupiter, Florida, that is, and yes that's a real town)...

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I would let Dunn walk too. He provides very little outside of homeruns and we're only going to get between 33 to 37 a year tops from him, not 162. The easiest and cheapest solution is to promote from within and put Morse at first. He's better at defense and has put up solid numbers. He came into the league as a shortstop, despite his size. It makes too much sense so it probably won't happen.

As for the OP, I can not figure out this obsession with Pena. To me, it appears to be media generated.

Somewhat OT, but a problem is Riggleman platooning, giving the coldest bats and worst defense the most time. The team's output and record directly mirrors his substitutions and managing style. I honestly expect Riggleman will be gone after 70 games.

Yeah, who needs home runs? I don't want your steenkin' home runs!

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it's painful at times to be a washington sports fan. but if.....a big if.....the nats ever turn it around and become winners.....we'll be surrounded by nats fans.

And who wants a Washington Summer filled with gnats!

Never have been able to get into baseball. Dunn seems good. I guess the question is how do you improve a baseball team. The draft doesn't seem as powerful a tool in that sport as it's all about farm teams. So, having an old guy on your team doesn't stop you from grooming the young. They certainly have been lousy enough to get get those high draft picks anyway, but... it seems to me that baseball is more about understanding talent and then buying it, then developing or grooming it.

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Let's not go crazy here. Dunn is very solid, but he is not the 1Bman of the future. The guy batted in the .230's during the second half of the season and he is no Gold Glover. IMO the Nat's are offering what he is truly worth, if he gets a better offer elsewhere so be it.

Sort of my take too. I didn't see a lot on Nats games but those I saw Dunn was nothing special and definitely a liability on the D.

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Believe it or not, from what I have heard Dunn actually likes the team and wants to stay in DC. The Nats are stupid if they let Dunn go, Carlos Pena would be a disaster for this club and would provide absolutely no protection for Zimmerman. Now if this was all a veiled plan to conserve money to bid on Cliff Lee all would be forgiven.

That would be even dumber. Cliff Lee doesn't need to come to DC. He'll help the team, but will do nothing for it in the long run.

The Nats are a rebuilding team. They must realize this. Unless you're the Yankees, you don't build key parts of the team through free agency.

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That would be even dumber. Cliff Lee doesn't need to come to DC. He'll help the team, but will do nothing for it in the long run.

The Nats are a rebuilding team. They must realize this. Unless you're the Yankees, you don't build key arts of the team through free agency.

This. What would be the point of signing a cliff lee? Our ace is out all of next year with a serious injury, our other cornerstone is most likely two years out, we have an error ridden shortstop, a young second baseman likely to start next year, no right fieler, and no true hitter to protect zimm (assuming dunn walks).

It would be foolish to drop 200 million on a pitcher that will essentially do nothing for this club. The nats have talent coming up through the ranks, but it is going to take them a couple of years to experience any of it.

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If the Nats are going to have ticket prices that are in the top 10 in the league, then they should have a payroll that is top 10 in the league. Otherwise they are just scamming the fans.

The Nats should be concerned that less than 2 million fans wanted to watch the crap they put out there at those ticket prices.

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There is a very strong possibility that Dunn's numbers will fall off a cliff 3 years from now and a team wanting to sign him away from the Nats would probably have to go 4. Maybe the Nats could've offered more than 10 per, but I can understand the logic for a no glove 1b whose skills will diminish more rapidly than others. They should offer him arbitration and get their compensation, for sure.

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Glad I am an Orioles fan.


Really? They have no interest in paying guys either it seems.

I wanted the Gnats to keep Dunn. He's a fan favorite and right now a productive player. Maybe MLB made a mistake selling the team to the Lerners who haven't wanted to really shell out for talent. But on the flip side, they did improve over last year and have some nice young talent going on. Now they need to spend to add a few pieces.

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Really? They have no interest in paying guys either it seems.

I wanted the Gnats to keep Dunn. He's a fan favorite and right now a productive player. Maybe MLB made a mistake selling the team to the Lerners who haven't wanted to really shell out for talent. But on the flip side, they did improve over last year and have some nice young talent going on. Now they need to spend to add a few pieces.

In fairness to the Lerners, they offered Mark Teixeira more money than anyone else, including the Yankees.

The Lerners biggest mistake was keeping Jim Bowden around for as long as they did. Bowden was just a smooth talker who spun every offseason into his big win, and convinced the Lerners that they didn't need to shell out money to produce a winner.

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