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Where did Obama go Wrong?


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Ah. So Obama spent like it was going out of style, unless it's pointed out that it was actually Bush that spent like it's going out of style ... in which case it's Congress' fault.

And that, folks, is where Obama went wrong. :)

Thank you. You said that better than I did.

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And before anyone blows a gasket, yes, the GOP regularly makes promises they can't/won't keep either, but they've never claimed to be the "gov't is the answer" party. They're more the "we have no great answers" party who gets elected only because the Dems screw-up royally on a frequent basis.

I disagree. The GOP just has different answers. We will restore the nation's traditional Christian values! We will secure our borders! We will win the war! We'll cut spending!

Promises they routinely fail to deliver as well.

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I disagree. The GOP just has different answers. We will restore the nation's traditional Christian values! We will secure our borders! We will win the war! We'll cut spending!

Promises they routinely fail to deliver as well.

The GOP regularly campaigns on smaller government because they claim the government doesn't have any answers. The GOP also regularly runs on fiscal responsibility.

The track record now for 30 years however is the largest growth in the American Government both civil and military comes under the GOP. Also by far the largest spending increases and largest debt accumulated....

The GOP just cuts taxes so the public doesn't have to pay for the excesses of these policies.

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I agree with that. Obama sold the American public on the fundimental corruption of the healthcare system; and then rather than construct something better; he did what every president since Johnson has done, plastered over the existing system with moderate reforms.

Left the right enraged, and the left dumbfounded.

Maybe what we got is better than what we had, but it's a compromise nobody could claim victory through. A compromise which was offensive to both sides. I think Obama's willingness to comprimose was rightfully seen as a sign of weakness by the country. Obama should have realized immediately that the GOP had rigid disiplne and wasn't going to give him any support for any compromise; worse they were going to blast him as a dictator regardless of his reaching out to them. They fundementally rejected his entire concept of reform.

It's not any better for me. My coverage has went down, my premiums are up, and there are a bunch of new restrictions I have to deal with (not being able to use my FSA for OTCs anymore being the thorn in my side). I don't know how it will affect others, but it sucks for me. I also bridle at the notion of the gov't mandating that I carry insurance. Simply a boon for the "corrupt and evil" insurance corporations. Don't forget what a dirty word 'corporation' is for liberals; congratulations, your man in the White House gave them exactly what they wanted: more customers. Reform? Change? Right.

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So the people are so dumb that you should lie to them and not tell them the reality of the situation is that we might be looking at an extended economic slow down until there is a pretty dramatic shift in technology that improves the effeciency of the world's economy as the computer revolution did?

In a word Yes :ols:...though it is wise to inform them of hardships ahead and not piss down their necks while you are doing it....gotta keep the morale up.

People don't like reality....Look at Reagan's popularity in spite of many actions he took

I could give other examples but I'm hated enough.;)

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It's not any better for me. My coverage has went down, my premiums are up, and there are a bunch of new restrictions I have to deal with (not being able to use my FSA for OTCs anymore being the thorn in my side). I don't know how it will affect others, but it sucks for me. I also bridle at the notion of the gov't mandating that I carry insurance. Simply a boon for the "corrupt and evil" insurance corporations. Don't forget what a dirty word 'corporation' is for liberals; congratulations, your man in the White House gave them exactly what they wanted: more customers. Reform? Change? Right.

Obama care doesn't kick into gear for most people until 2011 or 2012. Changes in 2010 are not apparent to most folks yet. Again part of the problem. Premiums increased 10% in 2010 and the insurance comapnies claimed it was because of Obama reforms... We heard only crickets from the Obama administration. Folks had to do their own research to understand that Premiums have gone up on average 10% for decades; which was the entire motivation for reform.

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It's about the economy stupid. Most Americans are not smart enough to know the ranglings that goes into politics, helathcare, or TARP. In the end it's about food on the table, and Obama has to make it easier for people to feed their families and realize a sense of fiscal stability.

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President ____________ Year______________ Increase in Debt

Clinton ______________ 2001______________+ $ 130 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2002______________+ $ 430 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2003______________+ $ 450 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2004______________+ $ 600 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2005______________+ $ 600 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2006______________+ $ 600 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2007______________+ $ 500 Billion Republican Congress

Bush _______________ 2008______________+ $ 1,000 Billion Democrat Congress

Bush _______________ 2009______________+ $ 1.900 Billion Democrat Congress

Obama______________ 2010______________+ $ 1,600 Billion Democrat Congress

I am certainly no fan of the trainee in chief but sometimes it is not about the President. For as bad as the last republican controlled congress was, this Democrat controlled congress has been far worse.

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Obama's problem has been leadership. He delivers a great speech and he has some good policy ideas, but his leadership is pretty bad. I think even the most die hard democrat would admit it.

He seems aloof, disconnected. He seems to not want to take on Congress. He has lost his connection with the American people. He caves too easily.


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Where he went wrong was inheriting a bad situation and doing a poor job of communicating the accomplishments that have been made. And having a part leadership that's worse at communicating than he is. Pelosi and Reid are the best they can do? Not that I think the Oompah-Loompah will be any better.


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I tried to warn ya...though admittedly I'm not sure McCain would have been any better.

the fact that the biggest effing moron in the entire country came that close to the #2 position in our government still gives me night terrors. Can you imagine that imbecile stepping in if something were to happen to JM? That would have been the end, I'm sure of it.

Of course, she did have foreign policy experience as governor, so maybe our relationship with Russia would have improved :dunce:

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He's had two huge initiatives, the stimulus and Healthcare reform.

The stimulus spent a ton, had limited and unproductive tax breaks and totally failed to address the problems with housing or unemployment.

Healthcare reform was a coverage bill, not a payment reform bill. I know healthcare economics are complicated, but it's obvious that the Democrats don't understand why something they see as a market system can have increasing rates for as far as the eye can see. When you fail to address the economic issues, and add 30 million people to the mix, you've made the problem worse, not better, all in the name of helping a few people on the margins with good things like pre-existing condition standards.

Finally, together, the stimulus and healthcare reform have not created conditions to hire in this country.

Personally, I hate this woe is me, it's Bush's fault crap. Bush inherited a recession, the intifada and stock markets that had lost 50% of their value. The country had just lost trillions in wealth, but that problem was addressed. Obama has failed to successfully address problems.

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Personally, I hate this woe is me, it's Bush's fault crap. Bush inherited a recession, the intifada and stock markets that had lost 50% of their value. The country had just lost trillions in wealth, but that problem was addressed. Obama has failed to successfully address problems.

i am sorry.. but THIS is a steaming load of ca-ca. The two situations are about as comprable as "the war on drugs" and "world effin war II".

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The GOP regularly campaigns on smaller government because they claim the government doesn't have any answers. The GOP also regularly runs on fiscal responsibility.

The track record now for 30 years however is the largest growth in the American Government both civil and military comes under the GOP. Also by far the largest spending increases and largest debt accumulated....

The GOP just cuts taxes so the public doesn't have to pay for the excesses of these policies.

So how are the Dems paying for their new spending?

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I agree that's how the Glen Becks and Rush Limbaugh's characterize Obama.

Did you even read my post? I started it with the fact that he MAINTAINED the poor Bush policies (*incluing spending) and then compounded it.

You are arguing that even though he spent money, that he did it on par with other presidents.

Your reply had little bearing to the post at all.

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