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CNN: 'Blackout in a can' blamed for student party illnesses


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Also I didn't say talking with the kid was stupid I said talking about "stupid moments"

But then again you had to jump on my back and act like a ass in my posts after.

Again, Please don't breed. You are one of those 22 year old "worldly" friggin geniuses that loves to impart his wisdom on us old dumb guys. Thing is at this point? We know more about the REAL world than you will ever know. So just shut it! And yea, you probably have put yourself in that "picture situation"

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It's all about the learning curve. These drinks tend to have a lot higher alcohol than normal beer, but then again so do mixed drinks, or liquor on the rocks. Pepole may be surprised to find how drunk they are getting from a seemingly smaller amount of product, but that would be the FIRST time. And people's first time with any alcohol is going to be dicey. Nobody doing shots for the first time knows what's about to hit them. Basically, it's not the caffeine at all. It's just people too stupid to read the can, or people that choose to do it anyway. This is no different than any unsupervised party type young kids alcohol consumption. Kids will always do stupid things with alcohol, this is nothing new.

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Well no we all know who was cruising the college Halloween parties this weekend

Wow that is not even the slightest bit funny. Your 44 and you start cracking jokes about rape?:doh:

And also what the hell are you talking about "young worldly genius" crap?

Sounds like to me you have just resigned to jumping on my back. In fact I bet you haven't read a single post of mine since my first post that you twisted around in your sick mind into rape/marker jokes. I'm not sure your in thar real world you keep saying you know everything about.

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WOW! you're 22 and said "rape could still occur" and went on to basically say that it would be the girl's fault. Should I quote it? I think it is on this page, or maybe the previous.

In your "sick mind" it is no big deal? right? :stfu: PLEASE

Once again you twist my words. Can you read dude? I said rape still occur as result of the drink. I also said the girl needs to realize the risk of rape before she starts downing the drink. Stop trying to act like I said the girl deserves to be raped because she passed out. I clearly said she needs to realize the risk. Also yes a person is responsible for their own actions. No one is forcing the drink down her throat. Also the rapist is responsible for their actions as well which would hopefully mean being locked away for a DAMN long time.

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Maybe you guys could have a 4 Lokos summit and talk this out?

I don't normally get worked up like this but I hate my words being twisted. Plus I don't normally clash with anyone on here too much. I ain't gonna start stinking to the level of rapist jokes though. I'll just let him think what he wants.

side note: My Caps and your Hawks are doing pretty well so far.:)

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Once again you twist my words. Can you read dude? I said rape still occur as result of the drink. I also said the girl needs to realize the risk of rape before she starts downing the drink. Stop trying to act like I said the girl deserves to be raped because she passed out. I clearly said she needs to realize the risk. Also yes a person is responsible for their own actions. No one is forcing the drink down her throat. Also the rapist is responsible for their actions as well which would hopefully mean being locked away for a DAMN long time.

And once again, you failed to engage your mind before putting your mouth in gear. How many daughters do you have? I have 2. I didn't twist your ****ing words you said what you said

Do me a favor, don't bring age into it like you have shown is your style with me and other posters. I've been married longer than you have been on the planet.

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And once again, you failed to engage your mind before putting your mouth in gear. How many daughters do you have? I have 2. I didn't twist your ****ing words you said what you said

Do me a favor, don't bring age into it like you have shown is your style with me and other posters.

LOL I never use my age in my posts minus the ones about VCU college life. If people need my age they can look under my avatar. But whatever man its clear your just looking for a discussion board fight. I ain't gonna give you that. I thought your posts on extremeskins were pretty good but you showed your true colors. Like I said though I'm done arguing with you.

for note- I'm a junior CRJS major at VCU. I'm dedicated to stopping **** like rape so consider that before you make rape jokes at me. I study rape cases everyday so before you make one more rape crack think about that. I have no patience for it.

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Really ? Your 44 and you start cracking jokes about rape? Its sad that a 37 yr old is saying this too

Sure you didn't

Oh and BTW, I don't care where you go to college or what you are studying. It still doesn't change the fact That you buried your foot knee deep down your throat. The sad thing is that you have ZERO remorse and have made no attempt at a retraction. GFY

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Really ? Your 44 and you start cracking jokes about rape? Its sad that a 37 yr old is saying this too

Sure you didn't

Oh and BTW, I don't care where you go to college or what you are studying. It still doesn't change the fact That you buried your foot knee deep down your throat. The sad thing is that you have ZERO remorse and have made no attempt at a retraction. GFY

Retraction for what? Saying people are responsible for their actions? Saying a girl needs to consider the risk of something bad potentially happening before taking a drink that she might pass out from? Saying that a parent who tells their kids their stories and not telling them its wrong is a stupid thing to do? Saying that everyone is responsible for their actions? Tell me what part of that is incorrect?

I spend everyday studying cases and countless articles about murders, rape, etc and many of those are situations just like this. Someone not considering the risks of their actions. Everyone has done something stupid in their lives but its the things you do where you know your taking a major risk is when really bad things happen.

The only argument you have brought to the table is that I'm apparently some stupid 22 yr old with no idea about the real world. That and the random posts changing my wording to make me sound like a heartless jerk.

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Retraction for what? Saying people are responsible for their actions? Saying a girl needs to consider the risk of something bad potentially happening before taking a drink that she might pass out from? Saying that a parent who tells their kids their stories and not telling them its wrong is a stupid thing to do? Saying that everyone is responsible for their actions? Tell me what part of that is incorrect?

I spend everyday studying cases and countless articles about murders, rape, etc and many of those are situations just like this. Someone not considering the risks of their actions. Everyone has done something stupid in their lives but its the things you do where you know your taking a major risk is when really bad things happen.


I agree completely. Like a car accident, there are usually multiple responsibilities. No one likes to admit it, though.

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The way I see it, this whole issue isn't about pinning the blame solely on a company completely absolving these kids of irresponsible drinking...or "college" as many of us like to call it :)

The problem here is the non-specifics regarding the ingredients of this drink and questionable marketing and those need to be investigated. I've never had this drink and it doesn't sound appealing in the least, but clearly this drink can mess people up more than your average rum and coke, or red bull and vodka. The drink was designing specifically for this purpose and it, and other energy alcohol drinks, definitely need to be looked into and possibly more strictly regulated or even banned.

And for the people in this thread who think the public, or college students, are well informed about the dangers of these types of drinks...I would very much disagree with that assertion. In fact, I would say that a large majority of the public don't fully understand the health dangers of adding stimulants to alcohol.

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The way I see it, this whole issue isn't about pinning the blame solely on a company completely absolving these kids of irresponsible drinking...or "college" as many of us like to call it :)

The problem here is the non-specifics regarding the ingredients of this drink and questionable marketing and those need to be investigated. I've never had this drink and it doesn't sound appealing in the least, but clearly this drink can mess people up more than your average rum and coke, or red bull and vodka. The drink was designing specifically for this purpose and it, and other energy alcohol drinks, definitely need to be looked into and possibly more strictly regulated or even banned.

And for the people in this thread who think the public, or college students, are well informed about the dangers of these types of drinks...I would very much disagree with that assertion. In fact, I would say that a large majority of the public don't fully understand the health dangers of adding stimulants to alcohol.

One can will simply get you moderately intoxicated. Seriously, it's not cyanide. Those kids just need to get their **** together and know when to stop.

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In fact, I would say that a large majority of the public don't fully understand the health dangers of adding stimulants to alcohol.

Maybe these college students falling for it are mainly math nerds who think that the stimulants and depressants cancel each other out, according to the positive-negative formula :silly:

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One can will simply get you moderately intoxicated. Seriously, it's not cyanide. Those kids just need to get their **** together and know when to stop.

I never said it is cyanide. Obviously it is not. However, this stuff absolutely needs to be investigated for the reasons I pretty clearly described in my above post.

And I disagree with you that one can will just get someone moderately intoxicated as evidence by the very posts from some people in this thread. And like I said before, many people, particularly younger people do not understand the dangers of alcohol and stimulants. I am glad this stuff is actually getting more publicity, albeit from an unfortunate event.

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I never said it is cyanide. Obviously it is not. However, this stuff absolutely needs to be investigated for the reasons I pretty clearly described in my above post.

And I disagree with you that one can will just get someone moderately intoxicated as evidence by the very posts from some people in this thread. And like I said before, many people, particularly younger people do not understand the dangers of alcohol and stimulants. I am glad this stuff is actually getting more publicity, albeit from an unfortunate event.

Well, I've had it for the last like month on the weekends. One can resulted in moderate intoxication. I did not drink any other alcohol on those nights because that would've been dumb.

My university actually just sent out a warning email about it. It's just going to get people who didn't know about it to start drinking.

I agree though, people should know about mixing caffeine/alcohol. I'm taking a few weekends off from it cause it's just so bad for you and I mean it's pretty easy to tell that when drinking or at least I thought.

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Well, I've had it for the last like month on the weekends. One can resulted in moderate intoxication. I did not drink any other alcohol on those nights because that would've been dumb.

Your alcohol tolerance is not the same as other people's tolerance. Again, as evidenced by posts in this thread by other people who have drank it.

My university actually just sent out a warning email about it. It's just going to get people who didn't know about it to start drinking.

So, I'm confused. You think it's a bad idea to educate and warn people about a harmful product? You think it should just be swept under the rug?

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My university actually just sent out a warning email about it. It's just going to get people who didn't know about it to start drinking.

That I don't care about.

I don't feel bad for anyone that damages their health by doing something that they're well aware is terrible for them.

If they're educated about the dangers and still choose to do it, that's their own stupid fault.

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Your alcohol tolerance is not the same as other people's tolerance. Again, as evidenced by posts in this thread by other people who have drank it.

So, I'm confused. You think it's a bad idea to educate and warn people about a harmful product? You think it should just be swept under the rug?

Well, actually, I don't have that high a tolerance. I'm not a heavy drinker at all so I was surprised. I mean I took precautions such as drinking after a full meal and whatnot but still...

and I'm all for educating people...

"I agree though, people should know about mixing caffeine/alcohol"

But let's be real, these kids probably knew that it would get them very drunk and that's probably the exact reason they got Four Loko in the first place. I highly doubt they didn't know about its potency.

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Well, actually, I don't have that high a tolerance. I'm not a heavy drinker at all so I was surprised. I mean I took precautions such as drinking after a full meal and whatnot but still...

and I'm all for educating people...

"I agree though, people should know about mixing caffeine/alcohol"

But let's be real, these kids probably knew that it would get them very drunk and that's probably the exact reason they got Four Loko in the first place. I highly doubt they didn't know about its potency.

Yes, that's typically why college students would drink "blackout in a can," to get hammered. It's good to hear you are in the .0000000001% of underage and young drinkers who drink responsibly.

I agree that they were drinking it because they would get drunk fast. However, I think you are missing my point about the central issue being non-specificity of ingredients in the drink and people not understanding how potent it is. This is what needs to be investigated and is currently being investigated by the FDA. You are debating this based on your experience with the drink and your perception of how people "should" act...when in fact, there are health issues that need to be seriously looked at with this drink.

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