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Did We Really Expect McNabb To Change??


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It was really striking listening to the Buchanon interview and hearing him say that what made his old teammate from the U difficult to cover was Peyton Manning throwing him the ball. He didn't try to sugarcoat it or anything.

Hey, Wayne is a good player. But, would the opinion on him be the same if he had been drafted by the Redskins or Lions? What if Moss had of played for the Colts for his whole career?

Wayne's probably better than Santana, but not by much. Ditto Clark vs Cooley. The rest of the recievers for both teams are pretty mediocre.

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Hey, Wayne is a good player. But, would the opinion on him be the same if he had been drafted by the Redskins or Lions? What if Moss had of played for the Colts for his whole career?

Oh, don't get me wrong, Wayne has been made INTO an excellent player from his time with manning. Moss, had he been a Colt this entire time, would have an outside shot at the HoF. Can you imagine Moss going deep for 4-5 years playing with Manning or Brady? It's absurd.

But Whereas Wayne had good talent coming into the league, I see guys like Collie and Garcon and I think they'd be marginal contributors on most other teams.

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I'm cool with being in the minority. No problem. I guess it'll take a year or 2 before the rest of you come around. You will, though.

What QBs in the league right now would you take over McNabb?

Then when you are done with that list look at the talent around those QBs and realize that they are all in established offenses that have been in place for several years. BTW my list goes like this in no particular order.





Bradford (little early, but he is looking like a stud)



Rothelesberger(in spite of the off field issues a proven winner)



I left out all the QB's from teams in the NFC East because quite frankly, none of them are any better or more consistent than McNabb. That means by my very impromptu list there are 10 QB's in the league that are playing consistently at a high level. McNabb is right below that level, and I think you are drastically overreacting to this.

Now with that step done, can you tell me any of the QBs on the list that have less talent around them on offense or that havent been working within their same scheme for significant periods of time (excluding Bradford)? You would have to jump through some serious hoops to pull off that feat. Stop thinking that we are one player away from being in the same talent bracket as the elite teams in this league and you will be able to actually enjoy the process.

3-3 is mediocre, but right now I will take mediocre anyday.

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What's up with people having no clue about QB play?

McNabb has been killing us? Is this a joke?

And even if he missed those 2 reads at the end of the game your gonna blame the entire game on him?

People are more caught up with the perception of McNabb and it makes him controversial. People are calling McNabb "average" which is really quite amusing...there are Qbs who have barely accomplished anything and they're seen as better than him *shrug*

It's why every time throw McNabb doesn't complete is put under a microscope. Personally, I'll pay attention to what the opposing Qb is doing and I'm always amazed how they'll make over, under, and ridiculous interceptions. And yet...it will either turn into a great catch by the receiver...or it'll just be dismissed as incomplete.

I remember watching the Eagles-Packer game for example and Aaron Rodgers made this really high throw to a wide open Greg Jennings. What did he do? He hauled it in with one hand...there was no peep about that being a bad pass by Rodgers but it would have been highlighted if it was McNabb. I don't only watch Skins games...I watch and re-watch games from other teams and though several of those QBs do have better accuracy than McNabb...they checkdown passes a lot more and they have receivers making diving catches. Heck...I've seen Brandon Lloyd make like 2 already this year :ols:..kind of amazed

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What QBs in the league right now would you take over McNabb?

Then when you are done with that list look at the talent around those QBs and realize that they are all in established offenses that have been in place for several years. BTW my list goes like this in no particular order.





Bradford (little early, but he is looking like a stud)



Rothelesberger(in spite of the off field issues a proven winner)



I left out all the QB's from teams in the NFC East because quite frankly, none of them are any better or more consistent than McNabb. That means by my very impromptu list there are 10 QB's in the league that are playing consistently at a high level. McNabb is right below that level, and I think you are drastically overreacting to this.

Now with that step done, can you tell me any of the QBs on the list that have less talent around them on offense or that havent been working within their same scheme for significant periods of time (excluding Bradford)? You would have to jump through some serious hoops to pull off that feat. Stop thinking that we are one player away from being in the same talent bracket as the elite teams in this league and you will be able to actually enjoy the process.

3-3 is mediocre, but right now I will take mediocre anyday.

Isn't kind of amazing that Romo sits to pee has a better defense...better weapons...better overall team and yet you'll hear a lot of people talk about how great Romo sits to pee is compared to McNabb due to his "stats". If McNabb was on a talented team like that and still failed he'd be hung out to dry :ols:...

Today I watched Matt Ryan...they were in desperate need of a Touchdown and Gonzalez was open right in front of the endzone. What does he do? He checks it down to his RB and Falcons end up many yards short of the 1st down :ols:

People look at stats but I have to wonder if these people watch football games for other teams

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Wayne's probably better than Santana, but not by much. Ditto Clark vs Cooley. The rest of the recievers for both teams are pretty mediocre.
Oh, don't get me wrong, Wayne has been made INTO an excellent player from his time with manning. Moss, had he been a Colt this entire time, would have an outside shot at the HoF. Can you imagine Moss going deep for 4-5 years playing with Manning or Brady? It's absurd.

But Whereas Wayne had good talent coming into the league, I see guys like Collie and Garcon and I think they'd be marginal contributors on most other teams.

WHAT!!! Comparing Wayne to Moss?? Almost as good?? :ols:...would Manning even want Moss??

You can do ifs ands and buts if you want...but if you actually watch the plays those receivers make there's no doubt that they have an impact. QB passing to a WR is a two step process and the Colts know EXACTLY what they're doing when they draft receivers

Btw...does anyone think Jerry Rice would have had all his records and been as great if he didn't have Montana and Steve Young or if he played for the Redskins?? And does anyone think Steve Young and Montana would have been as successful without Rice or if they played for the Redskins?? They were all extremely talented and they fed off each other...they were equally responsible for each other's success

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You realize that our defense is ranked next to last in the NFL, right?

For yards given up, yes.

You realize we are playing a new defensive alignment, for the most part, without the complete personnel to run it perfectly. Right?

You recognize the deficiencies in our receiving corps, right?

You realize we continue to have issues with our OL, right?

Chill out.

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The problem lies in the NFL being a "win now" business.

As much as Coach Mike is looking to the future, he has to take into account the present; and McNabb was the best option out there to get enough wins in the later, to build toward the former. Hell knows he tried to get Braford. We just didn't have enough.

But let's say for arguments sake we stood pat, and went with what we had. Who starts? Captain Checkdown? Geez, with the amount of pressure McNabb's faced all year we'd be 0-6 now under Campbell, and people would be calling for Shanahan's head. An ageing Collins? Colt who's never taken a snap in the NFL? And never likely to. I hate not havinjg the 2nd next year too, but given what we had, and what wasn't out there; McNabb was worth the cost to help establish the new regime.


A 4-12 team loaded with huge contracts, with the majority of it's talented players in their 30s, with very few players that fit the conversion to a 3-4 defense. If ever there were a team that needed a full-scale rebuild, it was the 2010 Redskins.

And Shanahan easily had the power to convince Snyder that a couple of years building was needed. Hell, he could have written a bonus payment into that contract if fired early. And fans will go along with it as long as your honest. Look at Washington fans' frustrations with this franchise. Was that brought on by rebuilding? No, actually it was brought on by a team that went to the playoffs a couple of times and had several 8-8 type of seasons. The fans frustrations come from not sniffing a title. Show them that's what you're building for and they will give you time to accomplish it.

And this nonsense people always throw out about "establishing a winning tradition" or whatever to justify trying to win a couple more games is, well, nonsense. The history of this league is overwhelmingly populated with teams that "established" a few extra wins and then sank right to the bottom again. Teams that went to the top and stayed there were built the right way, not with win-now moves. Getting a few more wins when you're rebuilding means nothing but a later draft pick.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, Wayne has been made INTO an excellent player from his time with manning. Moss, had he been a Colt this entire time, would have an outside shot at the HoF. Can you imagine Moss going deep for 4-5 years playing with Manning or Brady? It's absurd.

But Whereas Wayne had good talent coming into the league, I see guys like Collie and Garcon and I think they'd be marginal contributors on most other teams.

Agreed on all points.

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Donovan is good and is easily the best Q.B we have had in years. However, with 2 minutes and three time outs left, we dropped the ball on this one. A win or tie was pretty much gift wrapped for us and to not even get a yard was disappointing. If Donovan had led us to game winning T.D. do you realize what it would have done to this town.

Those are the moments "Great" quarterbacks live for. I think Donovan sometimes get's too impatient and rushes things. He needs to be more consistent. We had two beautiful drives where the short passing game was a thing of beauty. The fourth and ten bomb to Armstrong reeked of desperation. We only needed to get ten yards for a first down. The third and three just before half time was another thing that irked me. Get the first down. Instead he throws a (Small Window) 25 yard pass to Galloway. Gano comes in and misses a 48 yard field goal. We get ten more yards there -- Gano probably makes the kick. It's little things.

We have a first down on the six, and don't get in the end zone. I think if Shanny can get Donovan to just slow his game and adrenalin and angst down, the offense could become potent.

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Well 5 of our 6 games have come down to the end. We are 3-3. Take out the Rams game where we didn't even show up, and McNabb has kept us in each game with the potential to win each one. Unless your a Manning or a Brady rarely does a QB play at such a high level for so much. We are bound to drop a couple of these close ones. Keep in mind our offense still has alot of growing to do.

Today I was encouraged by seeing some of our best drives offensively that were sustained and turned into TD's. Of course I wanted the win, but we were competitive, and we did some great things offensively. The future looks bright!

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You guys can't give #5 slack for what he's done in the past though. Hell, that wasn't even in a Skins jersey. What you have to look at is what he's done since he's been here.

Personally I think what will happen is McNabb will be signed to a contract and if Shanny's not happy with him he'll trade him

McNabb will have much more success on a team like the Cardinals, 49er, or Vikings and he'll win with them as well. And in the end a QB isn't just here to look good..he's here to help us win games. That, imo is the upmost importance of what a QB should do, especially with a good supporting cast. Idc if McNabb leads us down the field 100 times and then hands it off to Torain to score...long as he helps us win

But yea I think he's gone next year to a better team. People on here will continue to belittle him as if we were loaded up on offense and then he'll have success somewhere else. Contrary to popular belief I actually felt signing McNabb was a different but competent way of rebuilding but *shrug*...maybe we'll draft another bust someday

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Personally I think what will happen is McNabb will be signed to a contract and if Shanny's not happy with him he'll trade him

McNabb will have much more success on a team like the Cardinals, 49er, or Vikings and he'll win with them as well. And in the end a QB isn't just here to look good..he's here to help us win games. That, imo is the upmost importance of what a QB should do, especially with a good supporting cast. Idc if McNabb leads us down the field 100 times and then hands it off to Torain to score...long as he helps us win

But yea I think he's gone next year to a better team. People on here will continue to belittle him as if we were loaded up on offense and then he'll have success somewhere else. Contrary to popular belief I actually felt signing McNabb was a different but competent way of rebuilding but *shrug*...maybe we'll draft another bust someday

I don't have very high expectations for him or our offense. I just want him to hit open receivers. Or show more urgency when time is a factor. Or see Fred Davis wide open on 4th down and not throw deep into double coverage(Yeah that play really upset me haha). I know our oline isn't great and neither are our receivers, but that just makes it more frustrating when the OL actually blocks and the receivers actually get open, and #5 messes up.

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Everyone talks about being patient. So why rush to get a QB this past offseason? We could have waited for a better QB in next years draft or next years FA pool. One that didn't cost a 2nd round pick. Especially since the rest of the team isn't built up yet. That was a trade for a team like Minnesota to make. Not a rebuilding team like us. JMO

Who though? Who in next year's FA pool? Who in next year's draft? Get specific. I'm really curious.

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I agree McNabb is better than what we've had. And he was the best option available to us right now.

But one small issue I have is when he tries to compare himself to the elite QBs like Peyton or Brady. He's not in that company and I hope he doesn't expect a contract in that elite range.

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Who though? Who in next year's FA pool? Who in next year's draft? Get specific. I'm really curious.

To be honest, I don't know who the FA QB class will be next year. I'm sure there are some talented young QB's to be in the draft though. I'm honestly just assuming that. To me, I get the feeling that Shanahan doesn't have the patience to coach through a full rebuilding phase. He was out of coaching for a year, and he wanted to come back competitive immediately and win immediately. I definitely think McNabb is a good QB, but I never really understood the trade.

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I agree McNabb is better than what we've had. And he was the best option available to us right now.

But one small issue I have is when he tries to compare himself to the elite QBs like Peyton or Brady. He's not in that company and I hope he doesn't expect a contract in that elite range.

Yeah there was talk that he was waiting on those two to get contracts before he signed. I don't know why, because he's not on their pay scale.

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This is the same QB we've been watching for the last 11 years in Philly. The same guy who can't win a big game. The same guy who looks HORRIBLE for long stretches. The same guy who comes up small when the lights shine the brightest.

2 minutes to go. 3 time outs. Ball in his hands. What do we get?? (short pass, sack, incomplete, and meaningless deep pass into double coverage..... 4 and out!) We get the same thing that has driven Eagles fans crazy for years. The same thing we used to laugh about from afar for years. Only now we own it. Their long, arduous trek of continual frustation has become our reality. I mean, come on!! He had 144 yards passing before the last 2 drives!!

Look..... Is he better than Campbell, or Brunnel, or Ramsey, or any of the other putrid QB's we've had in the last 2 decades? Yes, he is. He is the best QB we've had in a long time. However, because we are starved for a great QB, doesn't mean we should just be happy with what we got because it's better than what we've had.

We're 3-3 because of our defense. McNabb is killing us. For every great, sack-escaping play he makes there are 5 other passes that make you shake your head.

I hope Shanahan knows what he's doing with this guy. I haven't been impressed yet. I'm VERY wary of signing him long term, and I know I'm in the minority with that opinion.

Still happy to be 3-3, though. Gotta beat The Bears!

excellent post, mcnabb has not impressed me either.

is he an upgrade over all the qb's we've had over the past decade? of ocurse he is. but that isn't saying much.

at the end of the day he's still a choker.

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