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Just as I was starting to give a damn...

Big Weirdo

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I still don't understand why the ball was moved. No excuse for KK being on the sideline but wasn't the booth only reviewing whether or not it was a TD? Can they discover other things along the way and say, "Oh yeah and fix that"? I understand AR's question, although he needs to be smarter than that.

As much as he irritates me at times, it all came down to Avant dropping the game winner. As bad as AR sucked in the first half, he used a noodle-armed QB to come back and have a chance.

Yes, as said above, they can change just about anything with the review.

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Yes they can. I've seen it happen before. I haven't yet heard an explanation for why the spot was changed, but they may well have done so as a result of the booth review.
Learn something new everyday.

My other thought regarding this game was that both teams played their football-age. Skins looked experienced, understood the significance of the game and the necessity of having to come out hard and fast. The Eagles...not so much. Showed some moxie by trying to come back, but they definitely didn't come out of the tunnel like they should have to be able to win the game. Maybe that's to be expected.

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Unless you're a fan of the team or from the area you will never understand why.

50 years is a long time, man.

Honestly, for me, a lot of times it's not about the Championship. It's about the complete and total cluster**** we get presented with EVERY season. Reid is so up and down that it makes it hard to be confident in the Eagles. They are week to week. They looked like beasts kicking Jacksonville's ass but then to come out FLAT and UNPREPARED in a division game against your ex-qb AT HOME no less. It's inexcusable.

He's been a head coach for 11 years and his time management skills are the worst the NFL has ever seen. Is he really that dense?

Simmer down. At least the Eagles have been competitive. Imagine being a fan of a team like the Lions, Bucs, Bills, Cardinals, etc. Their owners only want cash, not hardware.

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The ref said the play "stood as called." He shouldn't have moved the ball. Philly was challenging that he reached the endzone, so when he looked at the replay and saw the ball was actually behind where they marked it, technically Philly should have won the challenge, but lost where the ball was placed.

And like Cachie said, I wasn't that excited over this win. We're still the same bumbling team that got lucky they didn't catch the hail mary pass. We still find was to lose or "almost" lose.

When it was 4th and 10 with 13 seconds, Aikman had written the game off. I said they'll get the first down and sure enough, they flip it around and take it to the 32. I know the Redskins "Way too well." I knew someone would "false start", I knew we'd punt the ball and I knew we'd shank it. Too predictable. And in good Redskins fashion, we let them drive the length of the field.

When's the last time we had to get a stop and actually stopped an opponent on 4 downs with the game on the line? We're just as putrid of a team right now.

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The ref said the play "stood as called." He shouldn't have moved the ball. Philly was challenging that he reached the endzone, so when he looked at the replay and saw the ball was actually behind where they marked it, technically Philly should have won the challenge, but lost where the ball was placed.

Philly didn't challenge anything. They couldn't have, it was inside 2 minutes. So it was a booth review. But I agree if the play "stood as called" the ball shouldn't have moved....unless the review was of the spot of the ball. :whoknows: But if that was the case the play stood as called, it shouldn't have moved either...

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Philly didn't challenge anything. They couldn't have, it was inside 2 minutes. So it was a booth review. But I agree if the play "stood as called" the ball shouldn't have moved....unless the review was of the spot of the ball. :whoknows: But if that was the case the play stood as called, it shouldn't have moved either...

You're right, it was under 2 minutes. I forgot about that.

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I still don't understand why the ball was moved. No excuse for KK being on the sideline but wasn't the booth only reviewing whether or not it was a TD? Can they discover other things along the way and say, "Oh yeah and fix that"? I understand AR's question, although he needs to be smarter than that.

As much as he irritates me at times, it all came down to Avant dropping the game winner. As bad as AR sucked in the first half, he used a noodle-armed QB to come back and have a chance.

During a booth review, as in this case, the first step of the review is to determine if there was a score. This was not a score because first, the ball did not cross the goal line (unless the runner was carrying the ball around his helmet) and second, because the player's knee had touched the field of play prior to the ball crossing the goal line. The booth reviewed both and both were reasons it was not a score. I think on the field they caught the part of the ball being short of the goal line but missed the part where the runner's knee went down. However, if you noticed, they placed the ball down at about the one foot line (the ending position of the ball) and not where the runner's knee touched. The booth review confirmed the on field decision that there was no score because of both the position of the football (short of the goal line) and because of the touching of the knee on the field of play (something that the on field guys did not see, apparently). The movement of the ball appeared to be moving it back from the one foot line (where the ball ended up) to where the knee touched (the correct placement) which was part of the review because it was part of the reason it was not a score. This was the movement that Reid was questioning. Reid's timeout was spent, incorrectly it appears, asking why the ball was moved (which makes no difference to the play called) and not what the distance to the goal was (which does).

At least, that's what it looked like to me.

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after the games...not so much. We get lots of excuses as to why he doesn't post after a loss.

No, I didn't. Honest. I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locust's. It wasn't my fault!! I swear to God!!

I've forward deployed 3 times in the last 4 years for 7 months each and am currently stationed in the Middle East (for the next 3 years) and take a flight 3 Mondays a month to go to a different country in my region. Internet service is spotty, at best, depending on the location, no matter how many friends you have in Afghanistan who get on the internet all the time.

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I've forward deployed 3 times in the last 4 years for 7 months each and am currently stationed in the Middle East (for the next 3 years) and take a flight 3 Mondays a month to go to a different country in my region. Internet service is spotty, at best, depending on the location, no matter how many friends you have in Afghanistan who get on the internet all the time.

They just ALL happen to be at the same time you post something that blows up in your face, lol, okay!

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WB36, you are such a ****ing joke.

Not only are most of your posts in this thread, post-loss, excuses (both for yourself and for the Eagles), but you can't even take it like a man.

Every admission of defeat is really a backhanded "compliment", an insult implying that the better team lost, with no mention of the fact that the Skins played a more physical game, took the lead from the get-go, and kept it.

What a loser, just like your team.

And for the record, I DID make a winning prediction for the Skins in your thread:

Yes, I'm predicting a win. If Andy Reid has shown a propensity for one thing, its getting out-coached.
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It isn't hot.

He's untouchable. We're with him forever. The least he could do is lose some weight so I think I'm looking at a different person.

Yeah always found it funny how he was beyond reproach. Jeff Fisher's seat was hot a few years back (hopefully it warms up again after sunday) and Mike Shanahan gets fired a few years back, while Andy Reid never feels any pressure

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Yeah always found it funny how he was beyond reproach. Jeff Fisher's seat was hot a few years back (hopefully it warms up again after sunday) and Mike Shanahan gets fired a few years back, while Andy Reid never feels any pressure

How's marshmellow man's seat? Getting warm? Are you hoping that the ginger takes over?

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Phillies are such a pleasure to watch.

My energy is solely focused on playoff baseball now. I love that team.

How's that working out for you? Best regular season baseball team that finds ways to lose in the playoffs. That has an eerie ring to it, doesn't it? If only the Rays had actually showed up a couple years ago, the Phillies would be the Eagales...
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How's that working out for you? Best regular season baseball team that finds ways to lose in the playoffs. That has an eerie ring to it, doesn't it? If only the Rays had actually showed up a couple years ago, the Phillies would be the Eagales...

lol, man it must stuck to live in philly

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How's that working out for you? Best regular season baseball team that finds ways to lose in the playoffs. That has an eerie ring to it, doesn't it? If only the Rays had actually showed up a couple years ago, the Phillies would be the Eagales...

It's working out pretty good. Going back to Philly with our two best pitchers since the All Star break pitching.

Man, if only the Rays showed up; the Phillies definitely didn't beat them. Idiot. :ols:

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