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Stadium Experience One Week Later - Ill Man Up and Say I Was Wrong - to a limit

Club Seat Player

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A few of you respectfully asked me for an update after this week. It was a 180 degree difference.

1. Still left Bethesda at 120pm - pulled right into the Green lot off of Exit 17 by 2 - no problem

2. People moved grills and were polite to let someone get a space.

3. Food offered liberally among tailgaiters.

4. Strangers throwing footballs and having a ball in the parking lot.

5. Lots of drinking - but it was all in good fun.

6. Had two kids with me. Everyone very courteous in bathroom lines - let me cut in line as my 7 year old daugher was with me.

7. At the seats, people encouraged my kids to stand on the seats and enjoy themselves.

8. Some cussing, but people apologized when it slipped around the kids.

Guess no more night games for me. In closing - I wasnt judging anyone. Its funny as you look back at the thread - many of you had no problem judging me though.

In summary - everyone who plunks down their hard earned money is entitled to a good time - whatever that good time is defined as - is a personal choice. To each his own. But it isnt fair if I tried to infringe upon your good time - even if my definition is different from yours (I never said sit down or be quiet or frankly engaged anyone). And its isnt fair for you to invade your will upon me if you want to be rowdy and I dont. Neither of us is more entitled to a good time than the other. Weather you want to puke your brains out is your business - until it infringes on my good time. Then it is my business and it wasnt fair last week.

Thanks to all for turning me around 180 degrees from last week. My apologies to anyone I unadvertently offended.

ES Staff edit: http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?332373-Going-to-a-CAPS-game-v-a-REDSKINS-game-TONIGHT-WAS-TERRIBLE

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So happy you had a better experience this week even though the on field result was worse. Going to a game should be a pleasant experience for everyone. Unfortunately, there are always a few, no matter what the event, that seem to think it is all about them and not all about everyone. I've been to shows, movies, restaurants, bars, you name it, and have had idiots ruin my day. Fortunately, MOST people are quite decent; it's just a small minority out there who ruin it for others from time to time. They need to be reported to the appropriate authorities EVERY TIME until we weed these idiots out of the herd.

In my section last night, the PG Police showed up in force twice about five rows in front of me. Have no idea what the problem was each time. But here's a list of people escorted out of the stadium:

1. Old man with a cane and a limp

2. 20-30 year old small woman who did not appear intoxicated or belligerent

3. Young adult male who might have been 120 pounds soaking wet who was not happy about leaving.

4. A middle aged lady who also did not appear intoxicated.

Have no clue what happened either time and did not know anything was happening until the county mounties showed up. Not exactly the type of people I would have expected to be a problem.

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i agree. i was in the nosebleeds and it was actually a good time. very little hassle. even the cowboy fan who stood up and posed when the HD screen showed the final score and lowlights from the dallas game got a hug from a sympathetic skins fan. sure, people flipped him off, but a cowboy fan wearing their colors at a skins/texans game deserves as much, quite honestly.

oh, and the nosebleeds with the new HD screens are officially great seats. wow.

definitely a better experience.

btw- the paved parking lot adjacent to the former tailgate lot at the corner of 202 and brightseat charges $35. i thought i had read they charge $25. no biggie- just an FYI.

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Great to hear you had good luck. I was arguing in a thread about cursing at a game in tailgate and tried to tell the guy Primetime + NFC East Biggest Rivalry=**** show. I don't care that there is no age limit for kids, these particular games are not meant for young age unless you expect to hear some pretty crazy language and stupidity. I still sometimes find myself feeling sorry for the people driving very slowly by me looking for a spot at 3:00PM. I see TONS of people using double space for there tents or grill setups. To me, that is not fair unless you have 2 green passes. I specifically saw what you did last week. Someone got out and politely asked if they could move there stuff, and it turned into a big stink. Other than that, it was awesome seeing Donny5 this week move the ball.

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In my section last night, the PG Police showed up in force twice about five rows in front of me. Have no idea what the problem was each time. But here's a list of people escorted out of the stadium:

1. Old man with a cane and a limp

2. 20-30 year old small woman who did not appear intoxicated or belligerent

3. Young adult male who might have been 120 pounds soaking wet who was not happy about leaving.

4. A middle aged lady who also did not appear intoxicated.

Have no clue what happened either time and did not know anything was happening until the county mounties showed up. Not exactly the type of people I would have expected to be a problem.

I was in 109 Row 10, Police escorts for #1 and #3 were two guys together, they came down and took some open seats in front of me and a few of my buddies during the 4th quarter. My friend had his 3 year old son with him and he was standing in row 9 two seats down from where these guys had snuck down. Both guys seemed pretty drunk. I was watching the game and didn't see what happened but the guy with the cane said to us that we needed to control our ****ing kid. We told him not to talk about his kid like that and that those weren't even his seats. The guy with the cane just kept yelling about how they were their seats and he was spilling his ****tail all over himself and the seats. We kept asking him for his ticket stub and he went in to his fanny pack and pulled out like 10 medicine bottles, all while repeatedly cursing at us and threatening us. My friend is pretty hot headed and they were ready to fight and I was just trying to stay in between them while explaining to the 120 pound guy that we don't care if they sit there just don't come down here and start telling people what to do when these arent your seats. He was understanding and just shaking his head at his friend with the cane and trying to pull him back and get out of there. Then the 120 pound guy tried to go in to the aisle way and completely fell over, drunk. We told the guy with the cane what happened to his friend and he couldn't care less, he just continued cussing. Then the two of them turn and start going to lower seats. The police came down, took out the guy with the cane, a few minutes later they went and retrieved the 120 pound guy from the front rows.

Glad you had a better experience CSP. Every game is different, its all the luck (or unluck) of the draw. Last week I had no problems at all and then this week there were problems. It happens, I will be back next game regardless.

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Im glad you had a better experience this time, CSP. Sounds like the night game was definitely rowdier than the day game, not to mention it was Dallas and the opener.

BTW, my offer from the last thread to trade the beautiful viewing experience of my HDTV in my den in Richmond for your seasons tickets stands, if you are still interested. :silly:

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I still think you have a very one sided/egocentric view of how "everyone" can have a good time. Your view is that as long as everyone follows your rules then everyone can have a good time. You don't actually care about other people having a good time just that they follow your rules and hence you get to have a good time. As i have always said my right to swing my fist stops at the tip of your nose, but the counter is true as well. your right to influence my behvior stops at the tip of your nose.

To sum up i am glad you had a good time, but people are unpredictable and especially so at a football game and if you can't handle that around your kids then i wouldn't advise brining them since oyu will have as many "bad" experiences as you do good, and it's not your place to tell anyone else how they can enjoy the game (short of anyone harming you and yours of course)

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I still think you have a very one sided/egocentric view of how "everyone" can have a good time. Your view is that as long as everyone follows your rules then everyone can have a good time. You don't actually care about other people having a good time just that they follow your rules and hence you get to have a good time. As i have always said my right to swing my fist stops at the tip of your nose, but the counter is true as well. your right to influence my behvior stops at the tip of your nose.

To sum up i am glad you had a good time, but people are unpredictable and especially so at a football game and if you can't handle that around your kids then i wouldn't advise brining them since oyu will have as many "bad" experiences as you do good, and it's not your place to tell anyone else how they can enjoy the game (short of anyone harming you and yours of course)

Wow, I find your comments "one sided". Did you not read the OP in this thread?

:helmet: The Rook

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I still think you came across as a condescending ***** in that thread, however.

This, imo.

One thing I will say, I've been to the stadium 15-20 times, and haven't had a bad experience. I've seen people get drunk, I've seen people get stupid but you know what I find? If I mind my business, don't engage said people and just watch the game then I don't have a bad time. Yeah, I've seen fighting, and I've seen some people cussing etc. I pretty much expect it to an extent and I try to keep it in perspective.. For example..

Lets say I encounter 25 drunk/annoying/rude/fights people during the game... there is 91704 seats in FedEx field.. So I think of it like this.. 25 / 91704. Now I think about going to the mall on Friday or Saturday night... Then I think of going to a movie theatre on Friday or Saturday night.. Yeah, in my opinion my exposure to idiots is a lot higher outside the stadium than inside it.

Bottom line is, don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, there are far and away more considerate, respectful, thoughtful people at the game then not.

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I was in 109 Row 10, Police escorts for #1 and #3 were two guys together, they came down and took some open seats in front of me and a few of my buddies during the 4th quarter. .......

Thanks for the explanation. And I thought the trouble maker was probably the little guy with the goatee....appearances are so deceiving.....

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