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Self call out thread...how big of an A hole am I?


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I agree with this to an extent, but when it comes to selecting a football team I don't agree. I explained this to him last night, my wife and I have been Skins fans from birth, I have never cheered for another team with the same passion I cheer for the Skins. I wasn't a fan of 5 different teams before finally becoming a fan of the Redskins....again, neither was my wife. Both of us have always cheered for the Redskins and the Redskins only. I blame bandwagonism on rappers and people that listen to rap. They will sport the flavor of the month jersey, and the parents who do this, pass the fairweatherism on to their kids.

So my son, that is being raised in a one team, all Redskins family goes to school and they see mini tupac wearing a Eagles hat with a Jets jersey and think it's okay to cheer for the most popular team.

Growing up, there were Redskins fans, Poke fans and Colts fans in our area. Not anymore, now we have isntant fans of whatever teams make it to the Super Bowl. It doesn't have to be that way, and won't be in my house, when it comes to the Redskins.

Well, you did ask us for our opinions on whether or not you acted like and ahole. But I think what it boils down to is the way it was handled. I think you overeacted to a 5 year old jumping up and down. Sure it hurts, but I think he'll come around. He just want to feel the win and not the loss. I don't have any kids, but I've helped raise neices and nephews and only the great nephew is a Skins fans. We have a Bucs, Broncos, Bengals and Giants fan, plus my sister abandoned us for Favre and the Packers. So when my great nephew decided to root for the Panthers (they had just moved to Charlotte and the kid across the street who is 4 years older, his parents have season tickets) I just let it go. He came around thanks to Cooley. But anyway, I think you reacting the way you did, by taking his stuff away was wrong. And then the response you got at breakfast---did it even surprise you? He thinks you are forcing him to be a Skins fans. Anyway, good luck, I'm sure he'll be a good Redskins fan in the future. Don't press so much and you might get a better reaction.

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Actually, he has one reason - because Dad will be mean to him if he doesn't.

Not very compelling in the long run, I think.

Seems to me the real lesson here is dad is a redskins fan and that it would be a good idea to remember that. Not sure that's asking all that much from a child... then again I wasn't raised by Americans and don't really understand the concept of parents contorting themselves in all sorts of interesting ways to accommodate their kids. Dad has a favorite team... don't root for the other team in the middle of the game. Seems like a simple enough concept to me. Why exactly can't dad get mad about that? Or better yet when is Dad allowed to have a personality?

If he had screamed at the kid or beat him or something I'd agree with you on this... but he just got upset, doesn't seem like a big deal.

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Seems to me the real lesson here is dad is a redskins fan and that it would be a good idea to remember that. Not sure that's asking all that much from a child... then again I wasn't raised by Americans and don't really understand the concept of parents contorting themselves in all sorts of interesting ways to accommodate their kids. Dad has a favorite team... don't root for the other team in the middle of the game. Seems like a simple enough concept to me. Why exactly can't dad get mad about that? Or better yet when is Dad allowed to have a personality?

If he had screamed at the kid or beat him or something I'd agree with you on this... but he just got upset, doesn't seem like a big deal.

I think this is another great point, I don't think I did anything to scar him. Sure he was upset last night because his little brother all of the sudden had a pretty cool Redskins shelf in his room. I think this event gave me an opportunity to talk to him about the fun we share as Redskins fans.

Let the Redskins brainwashing continue.


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What ever happened to kids having to suck it up and tough it out ?

Some of these responses partially explain why kids these days are such babies.

I would not force my kids to be a fan of any team, but I would certainly explain, yes even at 5 (sorry for those of you that don't think your kids have a brain even at five) that regarding fandom you pick a team and stick with it for whatever reason. And it would just make watching certain games more entertaining.

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You are an idiot. How could you treat your child like that? I have a Skins fan and a Cowboys fan. Should I ban my daughter from the house. Good god. It's just a freaking game. Get your priorities straight.

No kid of mind EVER be a Cowboys fan! Being the great father that I am and having my priorities in order as they should be, that's not something I could ever allow to happen.

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When I have a kid I will do everything I can to make him/her a Skins fan(as will basically my entire family of diehard Skin fans). I will die inside if he/she ever became a eagle fan. Cowboys I hate with a passion so I will make sure he/she isn't a Boys fans either. I guess since we have some Steelers in the family I could deal with that. I'd even attempt to cheer along with him/her so that he/she might cheer for the Skins(method to madness lol).

I don't think I would go overboard though if he/she cheered for wrong team at 5. I'd just remind him/her that we're Redskin fans and strictly Redskin fans.

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When I have a kid I will do everything I can to make him/her a Skins fan(as will basically my entire family of diehard Skin fans). I will die inside if he/she ever became a eagle fan. Cowboys I hate with a passion so I will make sure he/she isn't a Boys fans either. I guess since we have some Steelers in the family I could deal with that. I'd even attempt to cheer along with him/her so that he/she might cheer for the Skins(method to madness lol).

I don't think I would go overboard though if he/she cheered for wrong team at 5. I'd just remind him/her that we're Redskin fans and strictly Redskin fans.

immediate family strictly redskins fans. By 5 he should have been ingrained with redskins ideas!!

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immediate family strictly redskins fans. By 5 he should have been ingrained with redskins ideas!!

Yeah but 5 yr olds screw things up. That just being a kid. I'm sure he isn't gonna start wearing Texan stuff. He just got caught up in the moment at the game. No reason to take his jersey and give to his brother then going through his room. Wouldn't reminding him we're Redskin fans and don't cheer for any other team be enough?

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Seems to me the real lesson here is dad is a redskins fan and that it would be a good idea to remember that. Not sure that's asking all that much from a child... then again I wasn't raised by Americans and don't really understand the concept of parents contorting themselves in all sorts of interesting ways to accommodate their kids. Dad has a favorite team... don't root for the other team in the middle of the game. Seems like a simple enough concept to me. Why exactly can't dad get mad about that? Or better yet when is Dad allowed to have a personality?

If he had screamed at the kid or beat him or something I'd agree with you on this... but he just got upset, doesn't seem like a big deal.

Because a dad devalues their childrens worth by not allowing a child to have an opinion and express it. My son is a Skins fan because I am. My daughter is a Cowboys fan because my wife is. Nothing more to it than that. During games, we don't heckle each other. We celebrate when our team does something good, and we are respectful of the other person. That is a far more valuable life lesson than trying to teach the virtue of loyalty by the way you root for a team. Loyatly is a two way street earned by mutual parties. I don't consider loyalty a virtue to be applied to a sports team.

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Because a dad devalues their childrens worth by not allowing a child to have an opinion and express it. My son is a Skins fan because I am. My daughter is a Cowboys fan because my wife is. Nothing more to it than that.
Never said the kid had to be a fan of any particular team... the fact that he was a skins fan until the game turned is the issue. Anyone can have an opinion, learning when to express it to avoid insulting those around you however is important. Turning on dad's team in the middle of a nightmare situation is a dick move. A 5 year old won't understand this until someone tells him. Though I realize it's 2010 in the US so maybe his psychologist should be the one to tell him when he's 40 to avoid halting the growth of his creative spirit. :)

I wouldn't have taken his stuff though... that's low and should be reserved for when your kid does something far worse.

During games, we don't heckle each other. We celebrate when our team does something good, and we are respectful of the other person.
That's awesome and a trait so lost on most people. You go to the stadium sometimes and see opposing fans and you just no it's a matter of time until someone starts a fight. Go to a soccer game in south america and it's a matter of time until someone stabs someone. People need to realize that games aren't worth making a fool of yourself and losing your composure. Good to see you raising your kids right... and with a cowboy skins rivalry no less. That's awesome and I really mean that.
That is a far more valuable life lesson than trying to teach the virtue of loyalty by the way you root for a team. Loyatly is a two way street earned by mutual parties. I don't consider loyalty a virtue to be applied to a sports team.
I'm not sure I agree that loyalty is a two way street. It might be earned that way, sometimes in a very indirect way, but it's tested entirely one way at a time. Loyalty is basically "will you stand by this person/group/idea when it would be better for you and easier not to?" If the answer is no then you are loyal to yourself.
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Not really RR, IMO if you choose to be a fan of one team and have all their gear but cheer for their opponent when they lose, you shouldn't have that teams gear.

Ok 5 year old. I understand 8,9, 10 etc. But this is a 5 year old. You should be happy he cares about football that much at 5. Taking away his jersey and stuff as a punishment for saying the other team will just probably turn him off from football. Take it from a little kids perspective. What little kid wants to watch something when they got punished for saying the other teams name last time? Hell when I have a kid I hope he or she is into football at that age. Getting them to be die hard Redskins fan at 5 would be a major bonus.

side note: maybe he was just showing respect to the other team but it came off as cheering. 5 years old really don't know any better.

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You are an idiot. How could you treat your child like that? I have a Skins fan and a Cowboys fan. Should I ban my daughter from the house. Good god. It's just a freaking game. Get your priorities straight.
And your still an idiot. You clearly put the importance of routing for a football team over the improtance of being a good father.
Because a dad devalues their childrens worth by not allowing a child to have an opinion and express it. My son is a Skins fan because I am. My daughter is a Cowboys fan because my wife is. Nothing more to it than that. During games, we don't heckle each other. We celebrate when our team does something good, and we are respectful of the other person. That is a far more valuable life lesson than trying to teach the virtue of loyalty by the way you root for a team. Loyatly is a two way street earned by mutual parties. I don't consider loyalty a virtue to be applied to a sports team.

Yeah, being the stand up super dad that you are, you really practice that valuable lesson dont you?

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