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Disguted with Reid and the Eagles medical staff.

Big Weirdo

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Looks like a QB controversy is a-brewing in Philly. Pretty sure that if Kolb continues to struggle, we're going to start seeing chants for Michael Vick.

Reid cannot feel good about the situation in Philly right now.

I'm not concerned about that. I could give a **** less who quarterbacks the last place team in the NFC East.

I'm seriously pissed off about the concussion thing. They are lucky Kolb or Bradley didn't take another serious hit to the head or there would be a lot more questions regarding their decisions to allow them back in the game. They should be read the riot act over this.

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Looks like a QB controversy is a-brewing in Philly. Pretty sure that if Kolb continues to struggle, we're going to start seeing chants for Michael Vick.

Reid cannot feel good about the situation in Philly right now.

He has no one to blame but himself. It was a horrible game plan for a green QB like Cobb. Why would you sub Vick in like that? Because you are an idiot.

But I guess Cobb could have a short leash now [/dog electrocution]

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I'm seriously pissed off about the concussion thing. They are lucky Kolb or Bradley didn't take another serious hit to the head or there would be a lot more questions regarding their decisions to allow them back in the game. They should be read the riot act over this.

This is true. I didn't watch the whole game so I wasn't aware this happened, but that is pretty irresponsible on the Eagles coaching staff.

It could also be inferred as symptoms of desperation, in losing two of their young core players due to injury and rushing them back into the game.

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I agree with Who Del. It was reprehensible. I don't think fines are enough; someone needs to be suspended over this. If the Eagles don't have the capability to test guys for concussions on the sideline, then both of those guys should have been taken to the locker room immediately. You can't put people's mental well.-being on the line for the sake of a football game.

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Kolb and Bradley both allowed back in the game with concussions.

Kolb's eyes look hazed over like he was under hypnosis and Bradley falls to the ground like he was tagged by Muhammad Ali and they are both allowed to finish out the half.

I'm ****ing disgusted.

I really couldn't understand Bradley coming back in....it was CLEARLY a concussion that caused him to walk on quezy street.

Kolb, I wasn't sure if he got hit in the Jaw or strained his neck becausse of how they were looking at him. Obviously it was a concussion. I am amazed they both went back in.

I agree with you.

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I really couldn't understand Bradley coming back in....it was CLEARLY a concussion that caused him to walk on quezy street.

Kolb, I wasn't sure if he got hit in the Jaw or strained his neck becausse of how they were looking at him. Obviously it was a concussion. I am amazed they both went back in.

I agree with you.

x2. So much for the league taking all those head-injury issues seriously!

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I agree with Who Del. It was reprehensible. I don't think fines are enough; someone needs to be suspended over this. If the Eagles don't have the capability to test guys for concussions on the sideline, then both of those guys should have been taken to the locker room immediately. You can't put people's mental well.-being on the line for the sake of a football game.

Not just mental well-being, but their lives as well. I was shocked when I heard Pam Oliver say that Kolb had a concussion after half time. The Eagles either did not check him for one BEFORE sending out to finish the half, or they did a really lousy job at testing him.

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Bradley for sure. I mean, dude was down for a while. Then 3 plays later, it's a-ok? I don't see how you could even let him back in for the series, much less 3 plays later. I haven't seen anything in the media mentioning this, but I hope I do soon.

Kolb on the other hand looked like he just screwed up his jaw. They kept messing with it. Based on the hit, it looked like potentially a concussion, but based on him getting up it didn't. Either way, not sure what really happened there.

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It's hard to defend the decision to send Bradley back in based on the video. But sometimes it's difficult to diagnose concussions. I played a whole half in high school (after doc & trainer looked at me) and it wasn't until after the game that they realized I had a concussion.

Bradley looked like me the night before my college graduation. Hope the guy gets better quick. Huge difference w/out him in there.

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