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Redskins Fans vs Cowboys Fans


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Id have to say Loyalty I live in New Mexico a place dominated by cowgirl fans, when my redskins lose im wearing my jersey the next day, regarless! To me it seems like when the cowgirls win the fans are everywhere and loud and when they loose they are no where to be seen and quiet kinda like ****roaches when the light turnes on they scatter, or crickets when the light turns on they stop making noise.

I didn't even get into this. Totally accurate. I am wrecked when the skins lose. I am gleeful when they win. I will never be mistaken for a "casual" fan by anyone. I have skins stuff throughout my home and office. I will be in section 410 on opening day. And the next day, there won't be a soul in my office that won't know the mood I am in. Cowboys fans act like they missed the game if they lost the night before.

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I became a Redskins fan because I hated the cowboys. This is because early in life I associated the 'Girls with JR Ewing and the tv show Dallas, which I also hated. I now associate them with bandwagoners, hillbillies, and of course Tony Romo sits to pee crying.

Also, I live 45 minutes from their socal training camp in oxnard, so I've caught a lotta flack for being a 'Skins fan. I don't mind it all though, its part of fandom.

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The Redskins have a huge majority of their fanbase in their home region while a large portion of Cowboys fans are people who jumped the bandwagon who have never even been to Texas in their lives.

Pretty much this, but another, less confrontational way to say it might be to ask a rhetorical question(s): How many Seattle Seahawks fans do you see running around in Vermont? What about the Minnesota Vikings fans in Baltimore? St. Louis Rams fans in Phoenix? Cincinnati Bengals fans in Portland? San Diego Chargers fans in Charlotte?

Point is, fan bases for these teams do not sprout up in cities across America like weeds. Fan bases for the Cowboys can be found anywhere. They are generally very vocal when the Cowboys are winning. When they go 5-11 for three straight years, the flags and the jerseys and the boisterousness seem to fade into the woodwork like so many ****roaches.

Conclusion: there is no shortage of weak minded, soft character, front-running, panic-at-the-first-sign-of-trouble people in this world. And it's a good thing that they all wear Cowboys jerseys; the sheep are so much easier to herd when their wool is the same color.

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When an opposing fan points out a flaw in the Cowboys' play, instead of defending his team with logical arguments, a Cowboys fan's first reaction is often a knee jerk and poorly thought out response with very little foundation in reality.

Redskins fan: "the Cowboy's offense isn't looking too good this pre-season. Poor blocking and execution is killing your team. Think they'll be ready by week one?"

Cowboys fan: "Duh, we're going to the Super Bowl. Plus, you guys were 4-12, we'll win easily."

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Growing up in Woodbridge in the early '70s I became a passionate fan of the Redskins. My passion sprang from the electric fan base which remembered Sammy Baugh and reveled in the offensive firepower of Sonny, Charlie Taylor and Bobby Mitchell in the '60s. Football's patron saint, Vince Lombardi, came to Washington and changed the culture. He brought Sam Huff out of retirement and established an ethos of winning. This solid foundation, forged in a single year, was then carried forth by George Allen and the Over the Hill Gang. And the fan base became even more passionate and driven. Our undying support, even during lean years, was then rewardly handsomely by the unparalleled success of the Gibbs teams of the '80s and '90s. Gibbs' Redskins cemented my love of a team, not a collection of stars, that played hard, played together and exhibited character in victory and defeat.

Allen founded the Redskins-Cowboys rivalry simply because Landry's Cowboys were at the pinnacle and to be the king you must kill the king. I hated those Cowboys and their fans. This "hate" was based on football and the desire to unseat the Cowboys from their arrogant perch. Despite my strong feelings, though, I respected Landry, I respected Staubach, I respected Randy White. I even respected real Cowboys fans, and still do. I wanted the Redskins to beat them mercilessly and to crush the dreams of their fans utterly, but I begrudgingly respected them. I cannot say the same for today's Cowboy fan.

My real distaste for all things Cowboy came to a head and continues to rise in the Jerry Jones era of Cowboy football. As opposed to the Landry Cowboys, the Jerry Cowboys brought in the Thug Master of Miami, Jimmy Johnson, to be the ringleader of a band of felons and lowlife scumbags and call them champions. And the Cowboys began to attract a fan base that reflected the character of the team. Today's Cowboy fan is a front-runner, a bandwagoner. Cowboy fan's loyalty is as deep as that of all the Chicago Bulls "fans" of the '90s who now sport their Kobe Bryant gear. As I tell every "Cowboy fan" I meet here in the Richmond area - it's just 95 to 85 to Route 10 and you can be "home" in 16 hours.

Unless you were raised within 100 miles of Fort Worth, the only explanation for being a Cowboy fan is bad parenting.

Redskins fans have based their loyalty to the team on passion, character and deep knowledge of football. While the same might still be said of a portion of the Cowboy fan base, in the overall, Cowboy fans are just like the '90s Bulls fan or the equally pernicious Yankee fan who has never been within 100 miles of Yankee Stadium - arrogant frontrunners who seek to sponge off some distant success to fill a terrible void in their own shallow lives.

With all that said, I must now take Redskins fans to task - starting with owner/fan Lil Danny. I am glad to see that he has apparently upgraded the game day experience at FedEx. But, amenities are not enough. Until he takes charge of his stadium by endeavoring to make sure that Redskins fans attend in force and not fans of visiting teams or businessmen bringing corporate clients to a game or Washington's elite that treat the game as just another night at the opera or the theater - the franchise and its fan base will not return to their former glory.

My last trip to FedEx was on November 3, 2008. The stands were filled with Steeler fans. I was told to be quiet by stadium security because I was upsetting nearby Steeler fans. I did not engage in any profanity or direct comments to any other spectator - I merely rooted loudly for the home team. That night was a disgrace to the Redskins as Lil Danny allowed FedEx to become a Terrible Towel-filled Three Rivers by the Potomac. Get a grip on this, Lil Danny.

And, with regards to Redskins fans ourselves, I heard a chant of "Dallas Sucks" during the telecast of the Bills preseason game a couple weeks ago. Not "We Want Dallas" - no, "Dallas Sucks." This chant reminded me of the sickening habit of FedEx fans to sing some "hey, hey you suck" song during games. These chants and songs are offensive to the history of Redskins fans. Stop it!

We want Dallas! Hail!

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We don't have a reputation for being arrogant, in your face fans..... although.... I kind of am. :)

They keep claiming they're "America's Team" but they are the only ones who think so.

Kinda like the ugly fat girl in school that thinks she's not only pretty, but gorgeous & has that belief reaffirmed every time she goes home to her family who constantly tell her that she's gorgeous, even though they also know that she's really just fat & ugly & then dress her in short skirts & tube tops. :puke:

The Cowboys fans are among the few that I know that can justify (in their own minds, of course) wearing another teams colors. I can't even bring myself to buy another teams jersey for a friend, muchless wear someone else's jersey. And I don't mean like a Walter Payton jersey or a Jim Brown jersey but a current player from another team.

I have never run into a Redskins fan that could even stomach putting on a Wesley Walls jersey or David Carr jersey. But Cowboys fans have no trouble with it. Even the "die-hards".

I would never even think of wearing another teams jersey for any reason. I wouldn't want someone mistakening me for being a fan of that team, no matter who they are.


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And, with regards to Redskins fans ourselves, I heard a chant of "Dallas Sucks" during the telecast of the Bills preseason game a couple weeks ago. Not "We Want Dallas" - no, "Dallas Sucks." This chant reminded me of the sickening habit of FedEx fans to sing some "hey, hey you suck" song during games. These chants and songs are offensive to the history of Redskins fans. Stop it!

We want Dallas! Hail!

Dude, that's not new. Redskins fans have been chanting "Dallas sucks" for years. The "Hey you suck" song is unique here & the only time I think it's stupid is when we are down points, any amount, & score & start singing it then. It's one thing when we are up 17-0 or 28-3, but when it's even 10-7 them, singing "Hey you suck" is a little out of place. But I like it.

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Ugh! I get so ****ing pissed when people say you can't be a fan of a team because you're not from there. **** that. I'm a Redskins fan. Always have been and always will be. Regardless if I live here in West TN or Germany. Saying one can't be a fan of a team because they're not from there is ridiculous.

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Ugh! I get so ****ing pissed when people say you can't be a fan of a team because you're not from there. **** that. I'm a Redskins fan. Always have been and always will be. Regardless if I live here in West TN or Germany. Saying one can't be a fan of a team because they're not from there is ridiculous.

I feel like I have been offending my brothers and sisters of the burgandy and gold with my comments so let me AGAIN clarify my position. You can absolutely become a fan of a team while not living in the locality. I am talking about specifically becoming a Dallas Cowboy fan and not living in Texas. There is a difference.

If you are a Vikings fan but you live in Florida, I don't think you're doing it because you want to be a part of the "national team" and to annoy Tampa Bay fans or Dolphin fans in your home state.

A DISPROPORTIONATE amount of Cowboy fans have become cowboys fans for no reason other than to annoy their friends and family. I am willing to bet that the largest segment of non-texas Cowboy fans are right here in this area. Why? While I am sure there are Cowboy fans everywhere throughout the country, I am willing to bet anything there are significantly more here in the DC metro area than in Seattle, Oregon, Minnesota and Chicago combined! Why is that? Let me tell you where the next highest level of non-texas Cowboy fan is - - Philly. Do you see a pattern here?

My friend, I have absolutely no doubt you are a skins fan through and through. One reason I know that is nobody becomes a SKINS fan to be a part of a national group and annoy the people around them in tennessee!!

Cowboys fans (that don't grow up and live in Texas) are just haters of their local team and by proxy their local community and ultimately their lives themselves). They don't live and die with the Cowboys, they live and die with being able to annoy the people in their hometown. That's also why you NEVER see them AFTER a loss. You see them everywhere after a win, and before a loss, but NEVER after a loss. They are pathetic.

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This is going to sound horrible, but I went to Texas wanting to give it to the Boy's fans. I wore Redskins jerseys, a Redskins hat and even Burgundy and gold underwear I think. I was begging for someone to say something, and at the end of my vacation, I felt like the jerk cause the Texas people never made any mention of anything I was wearing and were nothing but the friendliest warmest people I have ever met. Other than that annoying fan that used to burn the Redskins banner, I have absolutely no problem with any of the Cowboy fans. That said, I am from the 70's and hate Dallas with a passion. The rivalry means almost nothing anymore.

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They say that the cowboys are americas team, which always makes me laugh. I dont know exactly how that came to be, but there are alot of cowboy fans threw out the country, maybe that has something to do with it. But it is the same with the skins. If you look on this site, there are fans from everywhere. Also, two years ago when the skins played at seattle I was there, and there were skins fans everywhere I looked rockin the burgundy and gold. Just goes to show we are all over america too, AND REDSKINS NATION IS STRONG!

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This is going to sound horrible, but I went to Texas wanting to give it to the Boy's fans. I wore Redskins jerseys, a Redskins hat and even Burgundy and gold underwear I think. I was begging for someone to say something, and at the end of my vacation, I felt like the jerk cause the Texas people never made any mention of anything I was wearing and were nothing but the friendliest warmest people I have ever met. Other than that annoying fan that used to burn the Redskins banner, I have absolutely no problem with any of the Cowboy fans. That said, I am from the 70's and hate Dallas with a passion. The rivalry means almost nothing anymore.

I had a different experience when I went to see the skins play at dallas stadium I was with my girlfriend at the time and we were also decked out in redskins gear before the game I had a couple of vedors who would'nt sell us beer, and after the game when the skins lost thats when they arose talking **** not stop saying ignorant and arrogant stuff almost fightin words, but ya know imma classy redskins fan ;)............. On the other hand I just loved my time in MD I got nothing but pure love when I was there everywhere!

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Well I'm a mexican diehard Skin fan since '87.

Some bros are talking about the fan base, I never have been in Virginia, even never benn in the USA but I certainly know my love for the redskins was a first love sight.

"All" Mexico supports the pukes (at least 80%), since I was a little kid I love football, then besides of picking Joe Montana and the niners, I saw a beatiful uniform,with the best helmet in football history and D. Green and A. Monk stole my heart.

I remember every now and then I asked myself why in the hell all youth support the pukes. I mean, my skins always play as a team, the names are big because everyone wants to win every game, they not want to play for thesemlves, they don't want to appear at local news and national news with big smiles and talking BS about how great they are by themselves.

This team are a team, always.

I never saw in all my life a skins fan supporting another team because our teams sucks.

I always see puke fans doing this.

I know a lot puke fans (americans, mexicans, southamericans) that love too the yankees, the bulls (NBA), the celtics, Michael Schumacher, and all the most popular soccer teams in their respective country.

They only follow the so called "leaders" but they noy have a f!"·$% idea.

So is plain and easy, we will die loving B&B to our last breath, and the others ... the others just love his team when the score is a wining score.

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I live it every day here in Dallas. There are very few pokes fans that deserve respect. They are all about Dallas when the team performs. When they do not, fans seem to have "other interests". I pay for the Ticket every year as I have for a decade now no matter what. I bleed B&G where as a pokes fan will latch on to wich ever local team is winning. I am a Rangers fan too and I am excited that they should win the division for the first time in over 10 years. Would trade that in a heartbeat for 9-7 and a wildcard position.

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I live it every day here in Dallas. There are very few pokes fans that deserve respect. They are all about Dallas when the team performs. When they do not, fans seem to have "other interests". I pay for the Ticket every year as I have for a decade now no matter what. I bleed B&G where as a pokes fan will latch on to wich ever local team is winning. I am a Rangers fan too and I am excited that they should win the division for the first time in over 10 years. Would trade that in a heartbeat for 9-7 and a wildcard position.

Wow, i feel your pain Bro! Many people don't know that the Rangers were originally from Washington DC. Yes, they have stunk up the league for over a decade and actually have the worst franchise post-season record of any franchise in any sport with as long a history:


The Rangers (when combined with their predecessor the Senators) hold several distinctions for playoff futility:

* They are one of only three current MLB franchises which have yet to appear in the World Series (the others are the Seattle Mariners and the Washington Nationals), and the oldest active MLB franchise yet to appear.

* They are the oldest franchise in all the four major American pro sports leagues (MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL) to have never appeared in the league's championship, as well as the only Dallas-Fort Worth area team yet to do so.

* They are the only current MLB franchise which has yet to win a playoff series.

* In their history the Rangers have won only one playoff game, on the road at Yankee Stadium in the franchise's first playoff game; they have never won a home playoff game.

You're like a man trapped in a womans body!

Where as if you lived in DC you would be a woman trapped in a mans body!

If the Rangers moved back to DC and you had both teams there and moved as well, than you would be a Lesbian trapped in a Man's body...Just like it's supposed to be!!!


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I would say that more than anything it's loyalty.

It's not hard to see that when they're losing games, the fans aren't around nearly as much. If they get hyped or have a chance of playoffs, they come out of the woodwork. I know that here in Oklahoma, they are everywhere to begin with. But the majority can't tell you any history or 3 people on the offensive line.

Prime example: A friend of ours about 3 months ago is having the Skins/Boys argument with me and says "I was a fan even when we went 1-12."

Okay, well it was actually 1-15, but who cares with little things like details right?

She had the ultimate point. Point being that they sucked and she stayed with them.....nevermind if she didn't have said details of her fandom.

Dumb **** like that is what i notice the most. They try, but really don't have the history which further lends credence to them being bandwagon.

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