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Your Redskin Super Bowl Memories


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I really feel for you young people that have not experienced a Super Bowl win, but I have a feeling y’all won’t be waiting too much longer for one.

Super Bowl 17.

I was 23 and I had a SB party at my apartment in Gaithersburg. Just about everyone in my building had their doors decked out in B & G.

When Riggins Scored his TD in the 4th quarter (The 4th and 1 play) we all were jumping up and down so much I was surprised we didn’t go through the floor to the apartment below us. :ols:

After the game, we all jumped in our cars and drove down to my old home town of Wheaton and as we were driving down Georgia Ave everyone was honking their horns (So was I) and waving our arms out of the windows, but when we got near the intersection of Georgia Ave and University Blvd it was shut down.

Traffic was not moving so I got out of my car and looked down the road to the intersection to see people dancing in the street.

All of us then got out of the car and ran down to the intersection and joined them celebrating with high fives and general mayhem of the excitement of just winning our very first Super Bowl.

On the way home I found out that I had worn out our car horn to where it did not work anymore. The wife was not very happy about that (It was her car :D) but I fixed it a few days later.

Super Bowl 22.

I was 28 and went at a friends SB party with about 20 people. All of us were Redskins fans except for 2 Broncos fans. During the first quarter the Broncos fans were giving us so much crap and by the end of the first quarter when it was 10-0 and Doug Williams just went down with his ankle injury they were all in our faces saying that the game was over and the Broncos got this game.

Then the second quarter began.

Needless to say our 2 Bronco fans were very quiet as the second quarter went on. We gave them crap right back and sang HTTR in their face every time we scored. At halftime they left the party and didn’t return. :ols:

Super Bowl 26.

I was 32 and went to a friends SB party where he rented a big screen TV and set it up in his empty garage along with his living room furniture and put in a propane heater so he could have room for everyone.

He also set up a BBQ pit in his backyard and roasted a whole pig that he started the day before.

Before the game a bunch of us stood around the pit in the snow drinking and watching the pig when one of our friends showed up with a bushel of oysters and clams, so we threw them on the grate and cooked and then ate them while the pig was still going.

Then of course the game. I had no doubt we were going to win this game that I really got to enjoy this one instead of being a nervous wreak like I was for Super Bowls 17 and 22.

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i remember 91 i was like 5 or 6 and we had a HUUUGE party at my parents house. I remember this friend of mine who was a dolphins fan kept giving me a hard time and calling the team the "deadskins" i was so mad and then i was confused that he was calling us that while we were winning...

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91 - Was a junior at Ithaca College in NY and watched the game with fellow Redskins fans. After the win I returned to my dorm and sang Hail to the Redskins down the halls to the disgust of all of the Bills fans who said the Bills would kick our butt.

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I always read the posts here, but I never really post replies... I feel compelled here. I love talking about my Skins, and I especially love talking about events that I have been to with them!

1982 -- I was in junior high school, in PG County... I got a "Redskins Super Bowl" T-shirt, but it might as well have read "My Dad went to the Super Bowl and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"!! We did not get an excused absence from school for the parade, we had to skip!! What a great day that was -- what excitement!! I had been sight-seeing a million times on that same path in DC and never had I seen so many people crammed into those streets!! What a season!!

1987 -- 19 years old, just out of high school and recently married. After going to see my Skins outside of RFK during the "Strike", and lucky enough to see "The Replacements" practicing, I then stayed home, pregnant watching an unbelievable season unfold. When parade time came around, big as a house that I was, I decided not to fight the crowd in DC. I regret that decision.

1991 -- LOL... pregnant again! But thoroughly enjoyed the season! :)

2010 -- HERE'S HOPING!

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I remember vs. the Broncos (I was 5 at the time) being down early and the amazing onslaught of the 2nd quarter. But what really stands out is my dad making me go to bed after the 3rd quarter and being bummed about not seeing them hoist the Lombardi.

Then vs. the Bills, I was in 5th grade and a friend of mine bet me $50 that Buffalo would win...I have yet to see the $$$ but every time I see him, I remind him of it haha


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1982-83 - Super Bowl XVII - I think I enjoyed the Championship game more, I think a lot of people can say that. Remember at the end of the game with Irv Cross on the field, Chief Zee behind him with other fans celebrating shouting 'We are going to the Super Bowl gdammit'

I was 12 and made a poster with Christmas lights around it with all sorts of things but remember a big can of Raid I drew that said it was especially effective on Killer B's. After Riggins run, I didn't know what to do so I ran outside and whooped and hollered.

1987-88 Super Bowl XXII - I had to work that day but got off before kickoff. Ran to the store and got a bag of Rold Gold pretzel rods and some french onion dip, great combo huh? Every time the Redskins scored, I lit off fireworks on the front sidewalk. I ran out of fireworks by halftime!

1991-92 Super Bowl XVI - Hey! I can drink this Super Bowl. Watched this one with some friends, had a great time. No doubt that whole year that we were winning the Super Bowl, I knew during the first game, When I saw Brian Mitchell leap sideways in the endzone on the punt return TD in the 45-0 pasting of the Lions, I said right then, we are going to win the Super Bowl. A little anti-climatic since I was so sure but a great cap to magical season.

Just to tie things up full circle, when I got back to my apartment, I changed my outgoing message to "We are World Champions gdammit'. First person to call and get that message? No one other than Art (from ES)we were attending VCU together and I was playing in his Fantasy Football League that year. He drafted all Redskins and killed us all that year.

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The only super bowl I really remember is 1991, I was alive for the 1987 but I was only 1 year old. The 1991 Super Bowl was great. I really didnt get what it really meant. But we had a Bills fan has a neighbor. I remember after each score, knocking on his door and signing "Hail to The Redskins" after the 2nd time he didnt answer the door. So we called him and did it over the phone. I am pretty sure he went to bed before the game was over.

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This is back in the 80's. I remember my moms pinning a redskins pin to my shirt and sending me to school.

I knew during the first game, When I saw Brian Mitchell leap sideways in the endzone on the punt return TD

I remember that play. Mitchell was lights out.

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1982- Really too young to remember the whole game but I do remember watching it on a small black and white TV when Riggins made the run but that's about it.

1987- At a church function, we fall down 10-0 and Williams is hurt and I snapped a pool cue in two. I almost gave up especially aftr Schroder got sacked but alas after the incident they told me to sit down and glad I did as Williams hit Sanders, Frank Gifford goes "hello sportfans" and it was on

1991 At home on a snowy night. Remember my mom's car was fishtailing and I started to tell her "please get home so I don't miss the Super Bowl". Safe to say we made it home and it was a great game

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I really feel for you young people that have not experienced a Super Bowl win, but I have a feeling y’all won’t be waiting too much longer for one.

Super Bowl 17.

I was 23 and I had a SB party at my apartment in Gaithersburg. Just about everyone in my building had their doors decked out in B & G.

When Riggins Scored his TD in the 4th quarter (The 4th and 1 play) we all were jumping up and down so much I was surprised we didn’t go through the floor to the apartment below us. :ols:

After the game, we all jumped in our cars and drove down to my old home town of Wheaton and as we were driving down Georgia Ave everyone was honking their horns (So was I) and waving our arms out of the windows, but when we got near the intersection of Georgia Ave and University Blvd it was shut down.

Traffic was not moving so I got out of my car and looked down the road to the intersection to see people dancing in the street.

All of us then got out of the car and ran down to the intersection and joined them celebrating with high fives and general mayhem of the excitement of just winning our very first Super Bowl.

On the way home I found out that I had worn out our car horn to where it did not work anymore. The wife was not very happy about that (It was her car :D) but I fixed it a few days later.

I remember my cousin telling me about people getting out at every stop light and doing the FUN BUNCH celebration...that had to be a fun night on the town

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I was too young to stay up for '87. When I woke up the following morning, my mum made it out the Redskins hadn't won, so when I read the report on teletext it took a while to sink in, but boy was I excited. I wore my Redskins sweatshirt to school that day and the headmistress came up to me and said "they won the superbowl, didn't they?" and the excitement came flooding back. I've watched that game several times (dad recorded it on the VCR) and the second quarter is always enough to clear away the blues.

'91 I was old enough to watch, missed school the next day. I remember being nervous, but very excited. I was wearing a jersey, but can't remember which - I either squeezed into my tiny Art Monk one or sat lost in my huge (still too large) Darrell Green one. I felt good about our chances, given the 14-2 record and the playoff domination. After a few jitters, things went the way the should and it's one of my favourite games.

Off-topic, but my greatest Redskin memory of all is travelling to DC to see the Skins beat the eventually-superbowl-bound Cards in 2008. I'm hoping to take Ol' Poppa Goo next season as I've got the bug for live games now!

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87-88 was at college....dancing in the streets outside the Bus Stop (bar not the actual bus stop ;) in Radford VA.

91-had a party at our house, made a huge party foul by tapping the kep at noon....celebrated, put on my Super Bowl champ tee shirt and promply passed out on the bathroom floor....naked....happy. (wife was not)

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Super Bowl XVII

I remember hearing constantly about the Killer Bs (The Miami Defense because over half of their starters last names started with B) and as a 10 year old I thought we weren't being given a chance. The two things that stand out to me during that game were Joe Theismann's break up of an interception right be half and then of course Riggo's run on 4th down. I taped the game on my VCR and watched it quite a bit.

Super Bowl XVIII

Most of this is stricken my memory. The interception of Theismann returned for a TD and Marcus Allen's field reversing run will forever be etched in my head however. We were favored and after the season we had I was probably over confident. That was so disappointing.

Super Bowl XXII

I was totally deflated after the first quarter being down 10-0. My mom wouldn't dare say anything to me. My heart went in my throat after Doug Williams went down and Schroeder came in. That was all forgotten after the 2nd quarter explosion though. Good times.

Super Bowl XXVI

I was a junior in college and got the flu that morning. I spent the whole game curled up in the fraternity house in front of the tv. Thank goodness I felt we had it in hand the whole time because I didn't have the energy to be nervous. It was a very satisfying win because a bunch of fraternity brothers were sick of watching the Skins games every week, but they couldn't deny our dominance.

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VII- My dad and brother went with my uncle, who lived in California at the time, even though he was still a skins season ticket holder. Whem he came home, someone had painted his front door black and wrote "Hail Mary full of grace, now the Redskins are in second place."

XVII- I was there in Pasadena with same brother. Got to Rose Bowl really early and it was a real late game. I remember Riggo's run and waking up the next morning but not much in between. We took a "world airways redskins flight" out of BWI. 300+ redskins fans--all decked out (some in loincloths, feathers and war paint) and 20 Dutch dairy farmers headed to a conference in LA who were very very confused and frightened.

XVIII-Wasn't there, though a different brother was. After the way we whooped up all season and creamed the Rams (wasn't it like 51-7) was expecting huge win. Worse than losing to Dallas.

XXII- San Diego. Sat next to bronco fans. Remember them saying after 2nd Q- "this is even worse than last year." Even though I lived in Virginia, my home office was in Dallas at the time, and I remember thinking than even though it was huge win, I had more fun when we won at Dallas--maybe because my whole office was there.

XXVI-exactly what everyone expected all year, skins beat buffalo. Giant ice sculpture in freezing frickin Minnesota.

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1987 - I was just 8 years old, but I remember being down 10-0 and almost crying. I will NEVER, EVER forget the 35 2nd quarter points. That was the most amazing quarter ever. My dad had some friends over...they had a few beers, I had a few slices of pizza and some cokes.

1991 - I was 12 years old, and was pretty confident since we were playing the Bills. I watched it with my family and a friend...we were huge nerds and cut up a bunch of paper and threw it around like confetti after the game.

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Packers vs Chiefs.

Senior in HS sitting with my mom in the rec room wondering

how cool it would be to have a team like those two playing for a "world championship".


Could not believe that the Jets beat the Colts

Namath is a little too ****y and flamboyant

big fur coats and the pantyhose thing

left the moniker "broadway Joe" open to interpretation.


Csonk, Kiick, Morris et.al. vs Over the Hill Gang.

We had just won our "superbowl".. Dallas at RFK.

Remember feeling "wow, we actually made it.

Maybe we do have one of those teams".

Too bad we couldn't get it done against Miami.

The year was still pretty good.


The strike is a total bummer, involuntary coitus interruptus.

Skins playing OK not sure what to think of the team,

feels like a lot of tight games.

Riggo drill, Moseley's snow kick, Monk out for the playoffs.

We want Dallas, Dexter does Danny, WTF Hogeboom?, Grant's interception.

Superbowl, another tight one

Theismann's defense on tipped ball and Riggo's run.


We have one of those teams, the makings of a dynasty.

Green, Riggo(Rangers), Little Joe, the Hogs, Moseley, Theismann, Monk, Smurfs, Butz, Grant, Manley,

Nelms, Coleman, Olke' and that +43 take away stat.

Hellava season,even the two losses were entertaining.

Hated that first one to Dallas but the crazy Green Bay game was an offensive show to behold,

"We really stunk" on defense for sure and Moseley missed to win but

47-48 with over a 1000 yards of total offense was amazing.

We run the table after that one

Our strike shortened SB title was no fluke.

Rocket screen, Marus Allen, the day was miserable a friggin blowout.

This one weighs in heavily during later discussions on annointing the team of the 80's.


Da Ditka Bears, the effin' Parcells' Giants plague

a pretty damn good Skins for several years.

Come '87 I had no idea what was going on,

another stinkin' strike but the "Replacements" did us proud

especially at Dallas and our regulars held firm.

The QB position in flux, Williams/Schroeder, Schroeder/Williams

and some goofy lookin' dude holding the clipboard.

This team does not look particularly dominant,

several outstanding playmakers do their timely thing

but overall the whole season is a struggle to win.

I remember barely getting up the TV antenna in time for Superbowl

folks over for the party lending a hand.

Did not feel real good about this game

the favored Denver's second in a row, Elway the stud MVP QB

the "Three Amigos", all of the hype

The first quarter was deflating,

looked like we'll have a good meal, tip a few

and acknowledge Elways success.

One of my buddies had to take a leak at the start of second quarter

"bam".... he came running out ... "what happened, why yall goin' crazy?"

We explained the Sanders score....

later, same guy goes back and finish his business..

"bam"... "hey man, just stay back there, we need some more".

The poor guy did get to see the rest of that second quarter

what can you say, the most astonishing quarter ever..... period.


Golden "brat" boy Schroeder traded, Williams retired and that goofy lookin' dude Rypien appears to have a good long ball.

The '91 season is incredible almost beyond belief, the NFC East still gave us fits

but everyone else was pretty much shut down and blown out by these Skins.

There was, however, another team doing the same thing in the AFC.

The repeat AFC champion Bills, it took our own nemesis, the Parcells' Giants and a "perfect" game by Simms to beat these guys the prior year

I'm always antsy anytime the Skins played, the "on any given Sunday" thing Gibbs always preached didn't help.

I mean c'mon…. Kelly, Thomas, Smith, Bennett, Lofton, Reed, Talley.. crap... how are we gonna' beat these guys.

The Art Monk series ending with the toe on the line was enough.....we could do it.

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1972 - Watched the game at my parents house on a B/W TV. Crushed that the Skins lost.

1982 - In college, got to the student center about 2-3 hrs before kickoff to secure a seat on a couch in front of a Big screen TV. Lots of Skins fans in the room, huge standing room only crowd.

1983 - Hosted a SB party with the guys I was sharing an apartment with. Everybody getting pissed at how the skins are playing. I go nuts on the Squirek pick-6 and totally lose it after Marcus Allen's long TD run. I stand up and shout "I can't take it anymore" and walk out.

1987 - Go back to my parents house to watch the game with my dad. I have a bunch of bottle rockets that I plan to set off a few after every Skins TD. I ran out of rockets before the end of the first half.

1991 - Due to the 1984 SB, I decide to watch the game at home w/o ANYBODY coming over because I don't want to lose it again in front of a crowd if the skins should lose. No worries, but my wife runs the vaccuum cleaner while the game is on....WTF???

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1972 - Watched the game at my parents house on a B/W TV. Crushed that the Skins lost.

1982 - In college, got to the student center about 2-3 hrs before kickoff to secure a seat on a couch in front of a Big screen TV. Lots of Skins fans in the room, huge standing room only crowd.

1983 - Hosted a SB party with the guys I was sharing an apartment with. Everybody getting pissed at how the skins are playing. I go nuts on the Squirek pick-6 and totally lose it after Marcus Allen's long TD run. I stand up and shout "I can't take it anymore" and walk out.

1987 - Go back to my parents house to watch the game with my dad. I have a bunch of bottle rockets that I plan to set off a few after every Skins TD. I ran out of rockets before the end of the first half.

1991 - Due to the 1984 SB, I decide to watch the game at home w/o ANYBODY coming over because I don't want to lose it again in front of a crowd if the skins should lose. No worries, but my wife runs the vaccuum cleaner while the game is on....WTF???

Ha! Check my post about a page or two back with regards to Super Bowll XXII, I was lighting fireworks and ran out as well.
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