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Even more interestingly I don't consider you part of our 'German' contingent being as you change clubs like you change your socks. So you're free of having nothing to do with that bunkum.

You'll always be a Utd fan to me.  ;).


I need to learn to follow your example.



Horrible 24 hour period.  Between the Caps losing and having to wake up at 4am so that I could jump out of a black hawk with a German (to my knowledge it wasn't BT).  But I did get some German jump wings out of it.


Off the rest of the day and ready/NEED something positive in my life.




I never knew I was German (well, only a small part on my mom's side).  Mostly Irish actually.  And the only way I would get into a black-hawk that was flying is if I could push out BOTH DC9 and GHH.  :P



<too much to read>

Not too shabby for a 'little' club that apparently continues to live in the past.




I agree 100%  :D

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I never knew I was German (well, only a small part on my mom's side).  Mostly Irish actually.  And the only way I would get into a black-hawk that was flying is if I could push out BOTH DC9 and GHH.  :P


As long as I'm hooked up.


Not me in this, but this is what it looks like.  Though I've actually jumped that DZ before up in Alaska.




Who do you like in both finals?  You think it's a Spanish sweep?

I agree 100%  :D


Real, Milan, Barca.


The only 3 clubs that have more European finals appearances.


And two of the three print their own money.


EDIT:  And none of us 4 get bye weeks for playing in Bundesliga.  It's full go the whole time...

As a matter of fact we do my friend.


Thank goodness!  No one else in here even knows Neal Maupay... let alone believes me that he'll be a boss in just two years according to FIFA 14 :lol:

He's okay.


Love him!


I was hoping he'd have something a little more sinister planned for the VIL manager, who was a proper **** during the 1st leg.  But he just gave him a quick shake and left it at that.  Which frankly is how he should've done it.


I'm not sure we get him if we fire Rodgers after 6-1 to Stoke last year, but my mind often wanders about if we did and he got to spend the Sterling money.

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^^^^^ Ignore the brat! He think's he's all tough and **** because he was the favoured brainy one who got to go train to jump out of things and kill folk with one finger. 


But what he doesn't want you to know is his ass would of TOTALLY gone if he was being chased down Tottenham High Road by some 'Spurs fans wanting to say more than 'hello' to you back in the '80's unlike the dumber older version who stayed closer to his roots! 


AND I can still kick his ass! 



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^^^^^ Ignore the brat! He think's he's all tough and **** because he was the favoured brainy one who got to go train to jump out of things and kill folk with one hand. 


But what he doesn't want you to know is his ass would of TOTALLY gone if he was being chased down Tottenham High Road by some 'Spurs fans wanting to say more than 'hello' to you back in the '80's unlike the dumber older version who stayed closer to his roots! 


AND I can still kick his ass! 




This one used to leave me home on aways... and all I had was a VHS of "Road House" and a set of boxing gloves.


Do the math lol

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This one used to leave me home on aways... and all I had was a VHS of "Road House" and a set of boxing gloves.


Do the math lol



See that's the thanks you get for protecting his little punk arse! 


And whilst we're on the subject, I shall now semi-embarrass myself to make a point! 


One of my earliest memory's of going away with the 'big boys' was a game I should never of been at. But I was a brat! (Ok, that might be a family trait now I think about it.). Coventry City. I was ..... young. It was sone time around the early/mid 80's. I'd bunked (in layman terms not paid) on the footie special (trains BR used to lay on out of Limey just for football fans. Which went well until one memorable day at Leicester when they had a mail carriage on the back which some young scals broke into and ransacked the bags, They then thought it prudent to set the evidence on fire before the police could make it down the train as we're hurtling up the tracks with the end carriage ablaze like something out the old West. British Rail for some reason said enough was ENOUGH after that and stopped the specials. Shrugs. But that's another story ..... ) to Coventry. And after nearly getting thrown off by the 'big boys', they decided '**** it. Everyone needs a rights of passage. So wanting to fit in, my 14 year old self (or something like that) thought I'd look hard by literally drinking a full bottle of vodka on the way down. (The first time I'd ever drunk anything substantial. This was a day of stupid firsts) ..... Back then, at Coventry, the train used to pull into the sidings and wait until after the match. I went the toilet to relieve  my young self of the vodka (an experience in itself as I now could barely stand up) ..... And the next I remember is being woken by a thud as the train is starting to pull out again. So I'm back in the carriage going 'right, let's do these Coventry ****s' ..... to great hilarity and a 'Sit down soft lad. We won the game 2-0. We're on the way home!' ..... Apparently the vodka had won and I'd flaked out the toilet and my new found 'friends' had just left me there and gone the match! Yeah, THAT was a fun journey home. Then I got smacked off me Ma when I got in feeling like utter ****e wanting to know where I'd been all day! Preceding to then throw up all over her newly mopped kitchen floor probably wasn't the right answer either. 


But the point being, I didn't wait to be 'taken' away like some! I branched out and MADE it happen! 


So ignore him. And Mom STILL doesn't know what happens that day. And it STAYS that way! BRAT!



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As long as I'm hooked up.


Not me in this, but this is what it looks like.  Though I've actually jumped that DZ before up in Alaska.





<Real View>

So, this post goes outside of the normal give and take among all of us.


If you do anything near like these guys, you are a major league bad-ass-mother-(you know the rest).  Period.


Men and Women like  you are the reason people like me can sit here in America and type pretty much whatever we want whenever we want.  Freaking ridiculous.  You are a better man than I.

</end Real View>

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Who do you like in both finals?  You think it's a Spanish sweep?


Real, Milan, Barca.


The only 3 clubs that have more European finals appearances.


And two of the three print their own money.


EDIT:  And none of us 4 get bye weeks for playing in Bundesliga.  It's full go the whole time...

Now back to regular posting as usual.


Athleti in the finals.  Hate to see either, but watching RM the last few weeks they look old, tired, and seem to have injuries to Bale, CR7, and Benzema.  Don't look the side to win it all.  Sucks because just like when Inter won under Mou and Chelski won, hate to see the negative sides get the glory as it just encourages more sides to play like that.


To be honest, I would have bet the farm that Dortmund would beat you.  Villareal aren't on that level.  Gun to my head, I pick Sevilla because (1) they are some Europa League Savant the last 2 years and (2) no home games.  Not all that assured and won't be surprised to see Pool win.


Agree that Barca/RM don't only print their own money, they get lots of government direct support.  Citeh and Chelski simply keep printing Euros.


I have no idea what you mean by your 'bye' week BL games. Please expand.

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Jordan Rossiter looking like leaving for Rangers the summer for £250 K out of contract compensation. 


Pity, looked a decent prospect the few games we seen him the first team. But his small size and injuries haven't helped. Presume he's also a victim of the numbers game with Stewart and Brannigan his position that have been healthy for Klopp to have a look at and have both taken their chance well. 

Shame it's compo as a sell-on clause would of been nice in case he does make it big. Nice step up for him playing in front of 50 thousand or so at Ibrox next year with possible Europa League footie if they win the Scottish Cup. 

Good luck to him. Like to see local lads carve out a career. 



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Been at the golf tournament all week. Sporting an LFC cap, had a guy wearing a pullover stop me yesterday, and we chatted a while about the big win and prospects for next year.

Wear LFC gear, make new friends! We are everywhere!

Getting ready to head out now, and I'll have the cap on again. Wearing a bright pink shirt also, if the temps warm up so I can lose the pullover.

Think I'll pester Rory some more today, as I've heard he's a big Man U backer. Made sure he could see LFC and crest whenever possible yesterday afternoon. :)

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I SERIOUSLY need to stop watching Cologne matches. My man crush for Jonas Hector is getting off the charts haha. 

5th time I've watched him playing for his club the second half this season, along with 3 Germany games, and getting more and more impressed by the game. He's now progressed to captaining Koln. (Very vocal and cajoling his teammates into the right position this afternoon.). And for the first time he wasn't at LB, but in a defensive midfield role in front of the back 4/ deep lying playmaker. Like a classical German sweeper, but not as deep, covering his teammates and breaking things up whilst spraying the ball around and elegantly breaking forward when the opportunity arose. And for good measure whipping in some great corners from the left. 


Two great feet, great in the air, composed striding forward, strong in the tackle, reads the game superbly and has great positional sense, a leader ..... If we sign just ONE player this summer I want this man damn it!

*Nottin' to report on Horn as he had next to nottin' to do all game again.



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So my dude says we have a keeper already locked up but it's hush who it is.  I've thought it was Horn this whole time.


BTW, I know you hate big Sam, but holy **** this is exciting to see Sunderland have a go here at Chelsea. 


Sloppy football, but they've nicked 3 past Cortouis and would have the points if nothing changes.

I have no idea what you mean by your 'bye' week BL games. Please expand.


Bayern Munich absorbs all the talent... you're b-team could probably qualify for Champions League in Bundesliga.  Meaning you can pick and choose who you need to play and when.


It's not quite as bad as Ligue 1 and Scotland, but it's pretty close.  It would be if you didn't have Dortmund to contend with.



 you are a major league bad-ass-mother-




Thanks, brother. :lol:

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Jordan Rossiter looking like leaving for Rangers the summer for £250 K out of contract compensation.


Here's hoping that he can help make that league interesting next year.


Took a liking to him, but aside the Scouse bias he's not our quality player. 

To be honest, I would have bet the farm that Dortmund would beat you.  Villareal aren't on that level.  Gun to my head, I pick Sevilla because (1) they are some Europa League Savant the last 2 years and (2) no home games.  Not all that assured and won't be surprised to see Pool win.


I'll take Atleti, too.


And before the first leg I would've bet on Dortmund, too.  And then at HT the 2nd leg I was like, "as long as we can grab 2 this second half I'll be alright."


Was never really shook by Villareal.  Sevilla obviously know how to win this competition.  I can respect that.

Saw this on twitter earlier, it's interesting if you put it this way:


Messi World @MessiWorId May 5

Real Madrid knockouts:



Man City


Liverpool in knockouts:

Man United



Which is UCL and UEL level ?

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Patrick Ekeng: Pro soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch - CNN.com


I'd honestly never heard of him before today (Romania. Why would anyone?), but your heart goes out to his family and anyone connected. Terrible tragedy. To happen doing the thing you love, your job just adds to that. Only 26. No life. 

God rest.



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Following on from the disgrace (not that we haven't known all season but still relative) of the UEFA Cup Final being held in a stadium you can barely swing a cat around in and 10,236 official tickets per club; there is then the Champions League Final. With a WHOPPING 20K ticket allocation per team.


Differemt City. Different venue. Different tournament. Same UEFA ****.

'We care about the fans' my pasty white arse!



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Patrick Ekeng: Pro soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch - CNN.com


I'd honestly never heard of him before today (Romania. Why would anyone?), but your heart goes out to his family and anyone connected. Terrible tragedy. To happen doing the thing you love, your job just adds to that. Only 26. No life. 

God rest.




My brother in law were talking about this last night.


How does UEFA fine clubs for setting of flares... and then you have a ****ing ambulance AT THE GROUND without a defribrilator? 


The kid didn't get a shock for 20 minutes.  They were able to start his heart for one minute at the hospital, 20 minutes later.  That's an abomination. 


That club and that league should be made to pay this kids family as much as they want.  I know it won't bring their son back, but that is GROSS negligence.  I was ****ing lit when I heard that was what happened.


Are you kidding me?  It's 2016!

Following on from the disgrace (not that we haven't known all season but still relative) of the UEFA Cup Final being held in a stadium you can barely swing a cat around in and 10,236 official tickets per club; there is then the Champions League Final. With a WHOPPING 20K ticket allocation per team.


Differemt City. Different venue. Different tournament. Same UEFA ****.

'We care about the fans' my pasty white arse!




I heard about the initial 10k per team.


It only seats 36k or so.  Poor decision to host it there.


I think the last several were 50k plus.

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Bayern Munich absorbs all the talent... you're b-team could probably qualify for Champions League in Bundesliga.  Meaning you can pick and choose who you need to play and when.


It's not quite as bad as Ligue 1 and Scotland, but it's pretty close.  It would be if you didn't have Dortmund to contend with.



So, are you now going to tell me how you believe in the Boogeyman, Bloody Mary, and a Tooth decays in Coke (http://list25.com/25...ill-being-told/).


The thought that Bayern 'absorbs' the best talent is another urban legend, unless you want to admit that all top clubs 'absorb' other club's players - .like Pool does with Southampton (there are more of them than Dortmund players with Bayern).


If you want to look at facts, see the BL has outdone every other league except La Liga the last 5 years in Europe.  Not that close.


If you want to look at matches, the bottom half of EPL are no better than the teams in the Championship.  Take the bottom 10, replace with top 10 in Championship, and nobody would know.  EPL sides get 10+ weeks off, but they just aren't good enough to take advantage.  I can agree that the 4 weeks off for Christmas are beneficial.  The rest is just rubbish.


Funny how you mention Scotland and France, but EPL is much closer to them on co-efficient than BL.


Bottom line is Bayern are an ELITE team, not just good team, and perform like that (and expect that).  


Lastly, here is a great chart (and by the way, doesn't count wages, which are ridiculously higher in EPL vs other leagues).


So, here's the Biggest spending clubs and trophies won by them in last 5 years (counting the confirmed transfers of 15/16) :


1 - Manchester City €628.25M : 5 trophies - Premier League (2 times), FA Cup, Community Shield, League Cup

2 - Chelsea €609.85M : 5 trophies - Premier League, Champions league, Europa League, FA Cup, League Cup

3 - Manchester United €534.86M : 4 trophies - Premier League (2 times), 2 Community Shields

4 - Real Madrid €522.5M : 7 trophies - La Liga, Champions league, 2 CDRs, Supercopa de Espana, UEFA Super Cup, FIFA Club WC

5 - Barcelona €479M : 12 trophies - La Liga (3 times), 2 Champions leagues, 3 Supercopas de Espana, FIFA Club WC, UEFA Super Cup, 2 CDRs

6 - PSG €470.95M : 8 trophies - Ligue 1 (3 times), 2 Coupe de La Ligue, 2 Trophée des champions, Coupe de France

7 - Liverpool €437.94M : 1 trophy - League Cup (sorry)

8 - Juventus €400.83M : 6 trophies - Serie A (4 times), Supercoppa, Coppa Italia

Source : Checked every transfer window manually (Wikipedia, Transfermarkt..)



Just to be complete, Bayern were #11: €378.49M 9 trophies - BL (4 times), German Pokal (2), DFB/DFPokal (1), Champions League (1), FIFA World Cup (1)

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Mingolet; Flanagan, Skrtel, Lucas ©, Moreno; Allen, Stewart; Ojo, Coutinho, Ibe; Benteke. 


8 changes but that is still a much stronger side than I expected. Great to see Flano fit enough for this one. Gutted for Danny Ward that his club season is done and he's robbed of a potential UEFA Cup winners medal. 

Go 'ed Red Men. Box off that UEFA league spot before Basle. 



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Mingolet; Flanagan, Skrtel, Lucas ©, Moreno; Allen, Stewart; Ojo, Coutinho, Ibe; Benteke. 


8 changes but that is still a much stronger side than I expected. Great to see Flano fit enough for this one. Gutted for Danny Ward that his club season is done and he's robbed of a potential UEFA Cup winners medal. 

Go 'ed Red Men. Box off that UEFA league spot before Basle. 




You feel that?


Benteke is going to go HAM today.

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So, are you now going to tell me how you believe in the Boogeyman, Bloody Mary, and a Tooth decays in Coke (http://list25.com/25...ill-being-told/).


The thought that Bayern 'absorbs' the best talent is another urban legend, unless you want to admit that all top clubs 'absorb' other club's players - .like Pool does with Southampton (there are more of them than Dortmund players with Bayern).


None of what you said has anything to do with what I said.


Take it on the chin.  Bundesliga is an inferior league... like we've been trying to tell you for a couple of years now.


And to compare us taking Clyne, Lallana, and Lovren from Southampton (I don't count Lambert... I think Martin was the only one who saw that as a solid move.  I wanted Wilfried Bony that year) to you guys taking Lewi and Gotze from Dortmund is laughable.




But don't believe me.  At the end of the day there are two leagues with clubs in the finals.  And you were the lone German club left for the semis.


Learn the lessons of PSG and Celtic... if you aren't challenged domestically, you aren't prepared for Europe.

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