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Can I have like Sakho. 


Potentially a great leader, both in their on field attitude and physical dominance but this soon?




I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I think they'll be a very noticeable drop off when Steven is no longer at the club. 


Not least in the interim. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Can I have like Sakho. 


Potentially a great leader, both in their on field attitude and physical dominance but this soon?




Exactly, not ideal - but if you have a young group and you're doing an overhaul, you pick out the alpha of the bunch (well, the most responsible alpha) and you give him the arm band.  I think the youngins will follow Can and I think Sakho is a strong vice.


I'd rather the large crop of purchases from last year grow with a guy like Can, then the futures will follow suit.

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I would love to have a World Class keeper!! The problem is that you can't just go out and buy them. Cech and De Gea aren't coming to Anfield. I would like to see the young Italian in Anfield next year. If I am working with a limited budget (we are not Man United), I would rather spend £40+ million on a Worldie to take Stevie's spot. A good CB and striker will cost £20 million each and good RB £10-£17 million. How big do you think his transfer budget will be? After the De Gea and Cech transfers, a World Class keeper will probably cost £25+ million...

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Exactly, not ideal - but if you have a young group and you're doing an overhaul, you pick out the alpha of the bunch (well, the most responsible alpha) and you give him the arm band.  I think the youngins will follow Can and I think Sakho is a strong vice.


I'd rather the large crop of purchases from last year grow with a guy like Can, then the futures will follow suit.


I could well go with that. 


But don't expect miracles and be prepared for the natural drop off when Gerrard is no longer here for a spell. 

I would love to have a World Class keeper!! The problem is that you can't just go out and buy them. Cech and De Gea aren't coming to Anfield. I would like to see the young Italian in Anfield next year. If I am working with a limited budget (we are not Man United), I would rather spend £40+ million on a Worldie to take Stevie's spot. A good CB and striker will cost £20 million each and good RB £10-£17 million. How big do you think his transfer budget will be? After the De Gea and Cech transfers, a World Class keeper will probably cost £25+ million...


There's better options than Mingolet IMHO without paying a Kings ransom. 



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as far as captain, I think Can will be the captain in a couple of years. If Sturridge can figure a way to stay on the pitch, he would be my choice. All the young players look up to him. He seems to enjoy the 'big brother' role. When he is healthy, he is relentless. I think he would make an excellent captain. I like Sakho, but language might be a problem. I'm surprised I'm the first to suggest this, but what about the feisty Brasilian? He is their best player. He never shrinks away when the competition get tough. He is fearless. I think he would make an excellent captain.

What's up with Ibe? Is he injured?


We'll have to find someone. And Boston seems to want BR to use the academy, but outside of Rossiter, Sinclair, and maybe Yesil (if he ever gets healthy) there isn't much down there worth looking at. But he needs to give those guys time to actually see. If they are healthy, in my opinion - they play the last few games if we aren't still fighting for a top four spot.

That is the FSG model. To produce commodities out of the youth system. If they can find a superstar, great. If not, they will use the starlets to fund transfers. They will never spend like Man United did last summer...

There's better options than Mingolet IMHO without paying a Kings ransom.


I agree there are better options. I figure they could get the young Italian (who's name escapes me) for around £15 million. Maybe we can offer Balo in the deal?



His name is Mattia Perin from Genoa

Edited by jobaga
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 DavidDunn retweeted

FedEx Field RT @montgod2 Indoor mob, no organization present & excuses of being short-staffed. Luckily son & I werent hurt, scary situation



Ok, @Hockey442 and @ScottSAllen have convinced me: the FedEx Field mystery anthem was.....Isle of Man!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdcaR4

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Just HTF does America, hosting two foreign Country's on it's soil, manage to play the WRONG  National Anthem for one of them?




Talk about a foot in mouth, disgraceful International incident. 




My honest guess is one of the following two happened - 1) dude in charge was dumb and didn't care to research... or 2) dude in charge was taking a shot, or from a rival alliance of MS13.  That's huge in northern VA.


Oh - and VAMOS ****ING UNITED, boys!  Take that LA Galaxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!  I needed that win in my life.

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Mouching around youtube and came across 9 minutes of greatness .....


Gods honest, I would give my right arm to travel back in time and have just ONE game stood on the Kop bowing to the Messiah. How could anyone NOT be inspired to give EVERYTHING, EVERY game for this man? And Mourinho thinks he's a 'character.' Jose, you don't have a ****ing clue son. 


He was made for this City as this City was made for him. He knew how equally important our support was as any player. A true adopted Scouser cut from the exact same cloth. 


Those clips of him at St. Georges hall preaching to his adoring public ..... One of my favourite post triumph celebration speeches there ..... 'Chairman Mao has never seen such a show of red strength' 


God rest. We owe ALL we have to you. And we'll owe everything yet to come. 




Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I was bouncing around listening to legends Alex Morgan and Abby Wambach on the BS Report and they said they were pissed off that FIFA didn't allow them to change the turf for the World Cup but hey, it's FIFA, when would you ever expect them to do anything logical. Most corrupt organization on Earth. Hey, let's allow women players to play on this artificial grass which has been SHOWN to increase the probability of injury and shorten careers. Don't tell me that you can't grow grass in Canada. I've been to Canada. I have seen grass. You can grow grass there without a problem. 
Regardless everyone should listen to that podcast immediately and cheer on our women as they dominate the world in the Women's World Cup in Canada 2015 

Women's Football rankings









rest of world  :lol:

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Raheem Sterling turned down 180k a week.


Yeah... start finding the highest bidder.


He can rot on Madrid's bench...


Whilst it wouldn't surprise me, I find that hard to believe whomever's reporting it as contract talks have been put on hold until the season's over. 


That was announced a few weeks back. 



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Whilst it wouldn't surprise me, I find that hard to believe whomever's reporting it as contract talks have been put on hold until the season's over. 


That was announced a few weeks back. 



 more importantly…did you stop the flights leaving Liverpool to Barcelona and Madrid?

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 more importantly…did you stop the flights leaving Liverpool to Barcelona and Madrid?


I am working on it. 


I had it all planned then it turned out I was more or less housebound hobbling around like a 90 year old. 


I'm going to plan B. Which Is so cunning I don't quite know what it is yet but it's a cunning plan all the same. 



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Frustrating news out of our household this week.

Does anyone have any experience with a sacroiliac joint injury?

My son, fell a couple games ago and has been nagged by soreness and back spasms since.

Doctor has him down for two weeks which is killing my son, I've never seen him go two weeks without running, kicking or otherwise being overly active.

He's already missed two games, one for middle school and the other a non-point scrimmage for his travel team. Both were losses and he feels terrible.

I'm trying to figure out what he can study in his down time.

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Frustrating news out of our household this week.

Does anyone have any experience with a sacroiliac joint injury?

My son, fell a couple games ago and has been nagged by soreness and back spasms since.

Doctor has him down for two weeks which is killing my son, I've never seen him go two weeks without running, kicking or otherwise being overly active.

He's already missed two games, one for middle school and the other a non-point scrimmage for his travel team. Both were losses and he feels terrible.

I'm trying to figure out what he can study in his down time.


Sorry to hear that, man.  That's gotta be tough for the little dude.


I'd ask the doc to give some exercises and stretches that he can do during his recovery.  There is ALWAYS some alternative exercises that someone can do.


He should be able to stretch and ride a recumbent bike and kick the resistance up pretty high.  That way he won't lose too much in the legs.  But I'm not a doctor - I do deal with a ton of injuries with my body from years in the military. :P

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Frustrating news out of our household this week.

Does anyone have any experience with a sacroiliac joint injury?


Rest is the best cure I'm afraid. That term covers a lot of different injuries and pain types and treatments will vary - but rest is key. If there is inflammation some cold compresses will help with the pain/stiffness and your doctor might prescribe anti inflamatery tablets (though personally I dont like taking tablets unless I REALLY have to and avoid them for my boys as well unless explicity needed). If there is no inflamation heat pads can help reduce muscle stiffness.


Once the pain starts to settle down stretching is a really good idea (and should be part of his regular training to prevent this becoming an ongoing issue).


This kind of back pain is something that can nag and come back unless you really let it heal up (trust me I know!) - especially in someone whoes body is still growing like your son.


I feel your pain though - my youngest sprained his ankle early in Feb and was out for just over 3 weeks. So from training 2 hours a night 3 times a week and playing Sundays he was down to zilch. Bouncing off the walls does not begin to cover it ...He was not very keen on having to dunk his ankle in freezing water for 20 miuntes 3 times a day either!

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I'd consult with a physical therapist. Depending on your doc, I feel that doctors can diagnose but they are not as current as a good PT would be on the health and maintenance of an injured area. More importantly, the best course of action to take to get the player back on the field at the appropriate time. 


Since the ACA passed, I believe that you can now see a PT directly.


I just got back on the pitch after a high ankle sprain kept me out for about six weeks. I went to the PT this time, because after two weeks I could walk but there was still pain. I still don't have full range of motion back yet. 

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