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I presume you mean the article about Ferguson looming large over Moyes ala Busby and his successor?

Talking about the piece about the degradation of the houses and neighborhood around Anfield because the club has been buying up houses and leaving them empty.

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Talking about the piece about the degradation of the houses and neighborhood around Anfield because the club has been buying up houses and leaving them empty.

Got a link man to save me searching?

FWIW, Anfield is a ****hole. It may contain probably the most famous club ground in the World, but I shudder to think how much worse an area it would be without Liverpool Football Club within it's limits.


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Anfield: the victims, the anger and Liverpool's shameful truth

Policy of buying up houses around the stadium and leaving them empty has driven the local area into dreadful decline

In the blighted streets around Liverpool's Anfield stadium, residents are packing up and leaving their family homes, so the football club can have them demolished and expand their Main Stand. In the six months since the club scrapped their decade-long plan to build a new stadium on Stanley Park, and reverted to expanding Anfield instead, Liverpool city council has been seeking to buy these neighbours' homes, backed by the legal threat of compulsory purchase.

People's farewells are bitter, filled with anger and heartbreak at the area's dreadful decline and at the club for deepening the blight by buying up houses since the mid-1990s then leaving them empty. A few residents are refusing to move, holding out against the council, which begins negotiations with low offers. These homeowners believe they should be paid enough not only to buy a new house but to compensate for the years of dereliction, stagnation and decline, and crime, fires, vandalism, even murders which have despoiled the area. Their resentment is compounded by the fact that they are being forced to move so that Liverpool, and their relatively new US owner, Fenway Sports Group, can make more money.


I'm not Liverpool bashing, btw. I want to hear the other side of the story. Sometimes these stories are trumped up. Sorry, I didn't link it earlier, I was on my mobile and it's a pain to cut and paste the link.

---------- Post added May-14th-2013 at 08:21 AM ----------


I always knew there was something funny up at Citeh. Slytherin had taken root.

Edited by Elessar78
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Yeah, complete stain on the club and it's bullying tactics. Ian Ayre is a complete corporate dick. He doesn't give a flying **** about anything except £ signs. Terrible guy in the position from a fan perspective. But brilliant from the American's POV as he's great at doing his job. Making the club money.

The complete lack of communication between the football club and local residents through all this has been disgraceful. The bullying tactics/ buying houses on the cheap under the market value says it all about modern day EPL clubs.

The whole ground situation has been a complete sham from one regime to the next. The transparency on the clubs plans still isn't there. It begs the question whether Fenway actually do have the money to fund expansion. There's already strong rumours that Rodgers will have a very limited budget to work from again this summer. Worrying times allround.

No problems with the premiss of the article. It just reflects a shambolic, shameful period from the football club to the local residents of the community it serves. But it's not sending Anfield in deprived decline. It's been like that for years.


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They don't - he is a shadow of the player he was. Pace was never his strong suit but now he is painfully slow and teams know if they can isolate him and play balls either side of him he turns like an oil tanker. Whoever the manager is for Chelsea next year finding a new quality centre half should be top of the to do list, Luiz is much better in midfield IMO.

The game is for the young, so I'm told. But Terry is by far and away my favorite player. Don't care what anyone says, he leaves out on the field and I love that.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 02:46 PM ----------

Ball has dropped

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Chelsea are missing Hazard - Ramires has been a liability. Need to keep the ball better in the second half and get Mata on the ball in the final third.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 02:50 PM ----------

The game is for the young, so I'm told. But Terry is by far and away my favorite player. Don't care what anyone says, he leaves out on the field and I love that.

Terry has been a great player for Chelsea and a good player for England. He can still offers a lot in terms of his influence (though that's not always been positive off the field) and he is certainly a guy who gives everything he has but his lack of mobility has become a liability even at club level. He's getting more and more injuries as well as his body breaks down as a result of his physical style of play.

You need a quality replacement for next year.

Edited by MartinC
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Torres gives Chelsea the lead.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 04:05 PM ----------

Roughly 60 minute mark.

Ha, hyperbolic announcers aside (I think this is iTV) it was a nice ball for him to play, beats the iso-man and shimmy-shakes the GK.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 04:12 PM ----------

ugh, penalty kick and benfica equalizes.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 04:32 PM ----------

Lampard shot hits the crossbar, had it sunk would have gone.

---------- Post added May-15th-2013 at 04:37 PM ----------

O yes, at + 2:30 minutes beyond 90:00, a header by Ivanovic - corner kick ball by Ramires (I believe).

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A Leeds fan congratulating the rent boys ..... Something seriously wrong in that .....

The Wings gig flick made for what would of been a horrid night. Nothing else to add.


Will always cheer for an English team in European competition - although Man U does test that principle to its absolute limit :-)

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Because I like yers, I'm SO glad you didn't walk into a Leeds pub saying that last night.

I suck at obituary writing. :ols:


Yes, cheering for Man U (and probably Chelsea) in a Leeds pub is only something you would do in any circumstances if you are tired of life.

Edited by MartinC
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Potential winner takes all European playoff in the reckoning .....

If Chelsea draw with Everton Sunday, and Arsenal beat Newcastle 2-1; then there'd be a single game playoff for the first time in English top flight history to determine who finishes third (automatic champions League qualification); and who finishes fourth. (Entry into the last qualification round.).

With Tottenham still in with a chance of 4th, it should be quite the day for ass clenching for the three London clubs this Sunday.

That aside, Sunday for me is ALL about paying tribute to Jamie Carragher. Bootle born and bred, career one club man. 736 appearances the past 17 years for his home town club with 5 goals. With 38 England appearances to boot. 7 domestic trophy's (2 FA Cup/ 3 League Cup/ 2 Charity Shields); along with 4 European trophy's (European Cup/ UEFA Cup/ 2 Super Cups) and an FA Youth Cup thrown in for good measure. All encompassing the greatest ever European Cup Final; the greatest ever UEFA Cup Final; and arguably the greatest ever FA Cup final. The memory's from playing in those three games alone are worth there weight in gold. Never the quickest, and certainly not a skilfull ball playing defender; but Carra has always been an old school center half. He's what his job requires. A DEFENDER, plain and simple. His football nounce and positional sense have made up for his lack of pace. Along with his heart on sleeve, 100 % commitment in everything he's ever done for Liverpool Football Club. A man who should of been our captain for me, and not vice captain. Far more of a natural on-field leader than Steven, although he has lead by his playing example more often than not to be fair to him.

Seems forever since this fresh faced, cropped haired giant kid from the youth cup winning side made his full debut around the turn of the year; scoring with a header from a corner in a defensive midfield role against Aston Villa. And so an absolute all time living Liverpool legend was born. Even now, at 35, he's been our best player the second half of this season since Christmas on. Real shame he's hanging it up. Real surprise he's taking time out to do some broadcasting rather than going into coaching as he's never away from the club. Any ressie/ junior game. you'll doubtless find Carra watching from the sidelines.There's been times when he's not been playing through injury, he's travelled to away games with lads he grew up with. Sitting in the stands amongst the fans. Liverpool through and through.

Gona' be a REAL sad day against QPR Sunday his last game.

Been a privilege watching you give everything you have all these years JC. Even more of one to think you're one of my own. A true Scouser born and bred. And the best pure English center half through his career IMHO. Certainly I wouldn't of swapped him for ANY other English defender at the position over the duration.

Not bad for a kid that grew up supporting Everton.

*Sings "We all dream of a team of Carraghers ..... " ..... And just for Elessar, with a nod to a cup tie incident at Highbury many moons back ..... "He's Scouse, He's sound; He'll t wat yers with a pound; Carragher. Carragher" ;)


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Real surprise he's taking time out to do some broadcasting rather than going into coaching as he's never away from the club. Any ressie/ junior game. you'll doubtless find Carra watching from the sidelines.

I was surprised he was taking a job with Sky as a pundit as well. I wonder if they will put up sub titles for anyone watching from South of Watford .....

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Congratulations to Bradford City. Way to get promoted winning the playoff final 3-0. Fitting end to a marvellous season with the story of the season being their run to the League Cup final. Phil Parkinson would be a fitting manage of the year for me after all he's achieved on a squad assembled for just £ 7 K. (Around $ 10, 600 or so.). Magnificent achievement. Real touching moment from the Bradford fans with the standing applause 56 minutes in, in memory of the 56 men, woman and children who lost their lives in the horrific fire, ironically also at the last match of the season celebrating promotion; 28 years ago last Saturday. God rest.

Always had a soft spot for Bradford. Solid, traditional, friendly club. My mum's hometown club. My first ever Liverpool game, back in 1981, was a 4-0 win against them in the first round of the League Cup after Bradford had won 1-0 in a major first leg upset. And then the fire. Having known the acute heartache of a disaster on a football club and City, there's a feeling of empathy and connection from Liverpool to Bradford.

Absolutely made up for them. Hopefully the start of better times.


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Put this in RTT but its soccer related.

Man my leg hurts. I had a soccer game last night. 4 goals and 2 assists. The other team got chippy with me because they were sick of me getting open space in the defense(When I have room I'm not afraid to drive hard or launch one on goal). Plus I like to press to find which backs are nervous about being pressured. Well they had enough so when I was battling for a loose ball and I managed to get it the other team's player fully swung a kick right to the achilles(remember guards only protect the shin) causing me to literally fall backwards on the ground holding my leg. Thinking of a sweep the leg or direct kick to the leg in Karate Kid. It felt like that.

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Ouch Richmond. What an A-hole.

Rest assured if I'd of been on your team, the offender would of been going you on the sidelines soon after. Been the unwritten rule in any team I've played. You do one of ours. One of ours will do you.


Thanks man. Yeah the other team was very divided. At one point one of the opposing players whispered to me that earlier in the game he backed off on purpose when him a teammate double teamed me. Why? Because he was sick of the guy ordering around the team like he was the second coming of Messi. Funny thing was the shot to the leg came after I took on 2 players along with the goal keeper on a counter(I didn't have any help( I saw a great counter opportunity but my teammates didn't realize it). I got around around all of them with one last fake out on the keeper to slide the ball in. Like 4-5 mins later was when the kick came.



I came across this. Man look at that park bounce LOL. Sad the Rangers are still in the 2nd division after coming back from bankruptcy. Atmospheres like that are incredible.

hmm embedded it but the video thing isn't working...

Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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Put this in RTT but its soccer related.

Man my leg hurts. I had a soccer game last night. 4 goals and 2 assists. The other team got chippy with me because they were sick of me getting open space in the defense(When I have room I'm not afraid to drive hard or launch one on goal). Plus I like to press to find which backs are nervous about being pressured. Well they had enough so when I was battling for a loose ball and I managed to get it the other team's player fully swung a kick right to the achilles(remember guards only protect the shin) causing me to literally fall backwards on the ground holding my leg. Thinking of a sweep the leg or direct kick to the leg in Karate Kid. It felt like that.

It sucks, but take it as a badge of honor. I tell the kids I coach: no one bothers to foul players that suck. :)

Coincidentally, getting hacked in the back of the leg is one of the worst pains I've felt in soccer. Put a move on this big guy and as I was driving past he just swung a big leg after me. It was painful, I thought my shin bone was going to crack from the back. L

---------- Post added May-19th-2013 at 06:59 AM ----------

Ouch Richmond. What an A-hole.

Rest assured if I'd of been on your team, the offender would of been going you on the sidelines soon after. Been the unwritten rule in any team I've played. You do one of ours. One of ours will do you.


Ghh, completely unrelated but do kids still play informal soccer in the UK? As in, street soccer, at school? Do random games still pop up? I've travelled extensively through Europe and sad to say I haven't seen many of these types of games.

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