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What he giveth with one hand, he taketh away with the other.

******! :mad:


*Edit* I would imagine you took an extra special bit of satisfaction from proceedings in Munich given where it's landed 'Spurs now.

To be honest I was torn. Both outcomes would've made me happy.

Chelsea, big evil spenders, miss out on Champion's league completely. An extra needle into Ashley Judas Cole.

I like Bayern. I love the city of Munich. Robben was one of my favorite players back in the day and would've wanted to see him win.

Spurs missing out is just the icing on the cake. One of my favorite sayings of the year: "Best Spuds team in 40 years, worst Arsenal team in a decade . . ." :D

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Lol. That's my one consolation from tonight (well, maybe Liverpool jumping a qualifying round but UEFA will probably find a way to squash that next week), Redknapp in the Europa league. One of the most overrated managers in living memory, who's never won jack to the acclaim he receives down to being good buddies with the Southern based media. (Although he has left a **** storm behind at most clubs he's left if that counts.).

I had to laugh going into the final day when he said 4th would be a fantastic achievement that he'd of gladly taken on day one. This from a man who was talking about Tottenham being genuine Championship contenders back in January before they imploded.

I SERIOUSLY dislike that man and still question that Jamie really is his son.


*Edit* As for Cashley, he was busy telling anyone that would listen after that this was the reason he came to Chelsea, nobody could say jack to him now blah blah blah. And here's me and the rest of the civilized World thinking it was down to the fact Chelsea offered him riches his (supposed) boyhood 'heroes' (stop laughing at the back) wouldn't.

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Chelsea: luckiest team in soccer history.

I thought it was a pretty straight up win and trek to the final. They took the best the other, better, teams threw at them. I think they could've played like this all season except none of the players wanted what AVB was serving up.

---------- Post added May-19th-2012 at 10:42 PM ----------

Lol. That's my one consolation from tonight (well, maybe Liverpool jumping a qualifying round but UEFA will probably find a way to squash that next week), Redknapp in the Europa league. One of the most overrated managers in living memory, who's never won jack to the acclaim he receives down to being good buddies with the Southern based media. (Although he has left a **** storm behind at most clubs he's left if that counts.).

I had to laugh going into the final day when he said 4th would be a fantastic achievement that he'd of gladly taken on day one. This from a man who was talking about Tottenham being genuine Championship contenders back in January before they imploded.

I SERIOUSLY dislike that man and still question that Jamie really is his son.


*Edit* As for Cashley, he was busy telling anyone that would listen after that this was the reason he came to Chelsea, nobody could say jack to him now blah blah blah. And here's me and the rest of the civilized World thinking it was down to the fact Chelsea offered him riches his (supposed) boyhood 'heroes' (stop laughing at the back) wouldn't.

There was one of those "open letters" from a gooner to RVP. It was a sob story, which I never care for, I'm under no illusions about professional athletes anymore. Anyway, it made a good point—Arsenal have been criticized for "lack of ambition" but really it was, as you pointed out, "Pay me." They've had great players come through and leave: Cesc, Nasri, Reyes(arguable), Adebayor (pretty good), Hleb, Ljungberg, Pires, Flamini, Bendtner (JK!). Had Arsene purchased these players at their peak then he would be "ambitious" but instead all he had was a boat load of foresight.I guess all ambition is is pay me a lot of money.

Few athletes have made great philosophers. I'd respect these guys if they just said "I left for the money". Cesc is different, he PAID his way out (out to a 2nd place finish and an exit one round later than Arsenal from Champions League). Cesc is going to get what Cesc wanted to play in Barca, with his friends. It'll be interesting to see how things hold together without Pep, with Puyol and Xavi aging.

As far as RVP, I may just even let him leave on a Bosman next summer. We may get one more good year out of him then what do you do with a 32 year old striker? Yeah yeah Drogba is 35. Then again, he might be a little ***** and just refuse to put forth effort. Again, no illusions about "professional" athletes anymore.

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Chelsea: luckiest team in soccer history.

They certainly rode their luck last night, but defending - as a team - is as much a part of football as attacking.

I'm no great fan of Chelsea but pleased an English club won. An English team beating a German team - in Germany - on penalties. Maybe the world really is ending .....

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I dipped my toes into the soccer world during World Cup 2002; was full in during the 2006 and 2010 years.

Drogba and Petr Cech are names I definitely remember; I think Drogba is probably my favorite name for a sports superstar... oh and he's awesome at the soccer as well. Also Schweinsteiger.... for some reason I can't stand the English fellows though... Rooney seems annoying, though Beckham was over-hyped and Terry doesn't seem all that impressive to me... although for some reason I like Suarez (in spite of him cheating for Uruguay) and on the Spanish team I like Puyol.

I suppose I recognize them from the national team; but its fun watching the club matches and seeing players off their national team.

This thread caused me to find the highlights on YouTube and watch BTW...

It could be the fact that the English team always performs like that entitled team trying to re-capture the glory again during every world-cup.... I don't know what it is but they aren't likeable at all... its enjoyable watching them suffer heartbreak (if there are Brit's here I suppose that makes me a ****.... sorry mate).

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Chelsea: luckiest team in soccer history.

I think they had a little bit of luck but they came with a game plan: catenaccio. They got what they were looking for, generating frustration from the Germans. 64% domination, almost 40 shots on goals (mostly out of range) and 20 corners.

Heynckes let Robben kick the penalty, a costly mistake. Robben was totally shut down by Chelsea's defense, the guy is so predictable when he keeps on starting on the right side, runs towards the left and kicks the ball when reaching the middle of the box. He was probably the most frustrated player, that's why I wouldn't have let him kick the penalty. Last but not least, Heynckes didn't tell his players to kick their PK on Cech's right side when it was so obvious he kept on diving left (penalty and PKs). Overall I think it was more about Bayern losing than Chelsea winning.

Now Löw will have to deal with 8 frustrated and demoralized players, not the best way to get ready for the Euro.

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.... for some reason I can't stand the English fellows though... Rooney seems annoying, though Beckham was over-hyped and Terry doesn't seem all that impressive to me...

For someone relatively new to the World game, those are very astute observations my good man.

Rooney is indeed annoying, although he's the closet thing to World Class England currently possesses. (I say closest as he's head and shoulders natural ability wise above every other English man, but until he sorts out his attitude he'll never be in the real top echelon alongside the Messi's of this World. As exemplified by him being banned from the first two games of this summers European Championships through hot-headedness.).

The ridiculous expectations yet again this summer from the average moronic England fan from a Country that's done absolutely jack outside of hosting tournaments on a team with some VERY average talented players, and those that are good or better ageing and on the tail end of their careers; really does have to be seen to believed.

May God and every other help you can get go with you Hodgson. Your gona' need them all man with the vultures here.

Beckham is indeed one of the most over hyped players of all time for someone with such limited ability. One footed, no pace, poor goal scoring record, woeful free kick record for the ratio of free kick taken (yet he's always been perceived to be a dead ball expert. A great example was the free kick he scored for England to give them a barely deserved draw and qualification for the 2002 World Cup against Greece. He finally connected with one late on to become a National hero, yet everyone fails to mention the multitude of completely wasted free kicks prior to that in the game that almost cost England dear); but he crosses a good ball. (As would 99% of players worth their salt if you afforded them the amount of time Beckham was afforded in his days playing in the English Premier League.).

David Beckham has been a good, exceptionally hard working (which is the one thing I always have admired about him, and something MANY modern day players could well learn from) footballer through his career. But FAR from a great one if people are totally honest. But I don't blame him for that hype at all. He just dropped lucky to be born in the right era and media age where folk were crying out for a 'celebrity hero' to hang their hat on. His marriage to his completely talentless but media whore wife (who's rode her husbands career being as she's never had one of her own) just fit that dynamic perfectly. The new Charles and Di that the English had been aching for, for some bizarre reason. And he seems a genuinely nice guy, who certainly puts back through a ton of good charity work.

But over hyped he most certainly is.

As is the other player you listed, the incredibly one dimensional John Terry.

Terry's never been anything more than an old fashioned, physical, 'stopper' center half who's a threat from set pieces at the other end. He's never had any pace to speak of, but his positional sense has often compensated for that to be fair. (Although now that's gone to **** he's getting more and more exposed.). And like another very similar player over the duration, who was equally as good if not better in what he did than Terry, Jamie Carragher; he thinks he's a far better 'footballer' than he ever was. When John Terry try's to play his way out of defense it's beyond comical. He should stick to what he can do. Win it, then give it to someone who can play. The hype surrounding him from the Southern based/ biased media in England has been beyond nauseating too. Even more so when you take into account all his off-field 'incidents' that tell you everything you need to know about his character and the type of guy he actually is.

For him to be England's #1 defender still going into this summers Nations Cup say's it all about both the dirth in talent in England; and the ridiculous way every England coach/ manager continues to be biased to the top clubs regardless. Often at the expense of better quality but lesser names elsewhere.


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Nice boy. Hope they keep it up all year for you guys. But man alive how poor are Toronto? 9 straight defeats. Geez.

And a personal bugbear of modern day soccer ..... just watching the news with the Chelsea bus parade back in West London, and John Terry on a mic singing 'Champione, Champione, Ole, Ole, Ole ..... '; this following on from City doing exactly the same thing the other week when they won the league. All started by Utd in the 90's, presumably to be different from us.

It's CAMPione, not CHAMPione, morons. We brought it back from Italy the 70's when Europe was more or less exclusively our playground. If your gona' nick an Italian word, use it right for Peets sake.

*Walks out quietly singing 'Campione, Campione, Campione Liv-er-pool' in happy, if long lost, memories.


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Nice boy. Hope they keep it up all year for you guys. But man alive how poor are Toronto? 9 straight defeats. Geez.

And a personal bugbear of modern day soccer ..... just watching the news with the Chelsea bus parade back in West London, and John Terry on a mic singing 'Champione, Champione, Ole, Ole, Ole ..... '; this following on from City doing exactly the same thing the other week when they won the league. All started by Utd in the 90's, presumably to be different from us.

It's CAMPione, not CHAMPione, morons. We brought it back from Italy the 70's when Europe was more or less exclusively our playground. If your gona' nick an Italian word, use it right for Peets sake.

*Walks out quietly singing 'Campione, Campione, Campione Liv-er-pool' in happy, if long lost, memories.


Your taking this quite well ..........

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Lol. I'm not surprised Martin.

Even aside from 'Spurs now missing out on a Champions League place, and all the riches that brings; there's not a more ugly rivalry in the capital. I don't care what anyone say's. Millwall/ West Ham; Arsenal/ Tottenham; Millwall/ Chelsea; the worst and most violent by far in London is Chelsea/ Tottenham. And White Hart Lane is still the worst top flight London ground to visit as an opposing fan. That LONG walk down the High Road from Seven Sisters is NOT one to take for the naive.

I feel the Tottenham guys angst. I don't think I've ever seen a more one sided European Cup Final than Saturday. And certainly nobody as outright lucky since Munich where on the receiving end of their own profligacy again back in '99 against Utd.


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I thought they and other teams that play Chelsea respect Peter Cech TOO MUCH. When Muller finally scored it wasn't some spectacular finish, it was the most basic of attacking headers—off the ground and should've been a simple save for Cech but he botched it. All night Ribery and Robben were trying to place that ball perfectly in the corners and they were flubbing their shots. Cech is really good, but he IS human.

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I feel the Tottenham guys angst. I don't think I've ever seen a more one sided European Cup Final than Saturday. And certainly nobody as outright lucky since Munich where on the receiving end of their own profligacy again back in '99 against Utd.


Well as a Leeds fan my mind goes back to 1975 Leeds versus Bayern in Paris. We battered them and had a perfectly good goal and a penalty turned down and ended up losing 1-0. I think its fair to say the Leeds fans in Paris did not take it too well. I recall I was a bit upset as well as a 9 year old watching at home with my Dad .....

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Lol @ 'I think it's fair to say Leeds fans in Paris did not take it too well'

'Worst destruction Paris has seen since the War' I believe the headlines were, or words to that effect. I wasn't at the Parc des Princes in '81 for our 3rd (my first European Cup final came in Rome in '84. If you think Paris was bad, you should of witnessed the reaction of bloodthirsty Romans in a pre-cursor to what happened in Belgium a year later, but that's another story); but I'm told you couldn't move on the streets of the French capital for armed bizzies with machine guns strapped across their chests ready for more of the same after Leeds visit 6 years before.

Just looking at the highlights again it's hard to think the ref wasn't bought. That Lorimar goal is totally legit from whatever angle and whatever other players in the box I'm watching. You where indeed robbed blind that night la.


*Edit* You may be onto something there Elessar man. Cech is still a top 'keeper, but he's lost something and never has been the same since his head injury.

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Just looking at the highlights again it's hard to think the ref wasn't bought. That Lorimar goal is totally legit from whatever angle and whatever other players in the box I'm watching. You where indeed robbed blind that night la.

There is no doubt in my mind that referee was bent - money changed hands that night.

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I watched the first half of the game at home. Then I headed over to tailgate for the DC United game and they had a TV with the Bayern/Chelsea game going in the parking lot. So I got to watch the OT/shoot out there with a bunch of other people. It seemed about 90% of the people were cheering for Bayern. There were a couple people with Chelsea jerseys that were getting hassled every few minutes which was pretty funny.

It was a great game. I knew once Chelsea blocked their first PK that the momentum had shifted and they were going to win. Epic game for Drogba

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I'll just go on to add that NOT having John Terry on the field for Chelsea helped them immensely.

I tend to agree with this.

Terry can still play and is great at communicating and positional play but he lacks pace and can be exposed if he gets isolated one on one or with someone playing off his shoulder. He also cant trap a bag of cement and has a VERY limited passing range. The two center backs for Chelsea were great - perhaps not as strong in the air (but Drogba made up for that at set pieces - he would have been a great center back if he was not a world class striker) - but they had more pace than Terry which allowed them to cover more ground and take away the threat of runs behind them and they both used the ball much better than Terry is capable of.

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He's too loyal to Chelsea. I seen those same rumors about him going to Barcelona, but I think he'll come back to Chelsea.

Today he told his teammates he's leaving, he didn't tell his future destination. Rumors saying he'll play in China.

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I heard something ridiculous that Abramovich has spent $2 billion up to this point. Hope it's worth it, comrade.

Even that looks cheap over the duration when you consider Man City's £340 million net spend on transfers alone in the last 4 years.

The changing face of modern soccer .....


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