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Made up to welcome Barcelona as one of the great European Clubs to win 5 or more European Cups.

Wah wah Juve and the lying French ****. *Sings ...... Like Nottingham Forest, you've only won TWO!


"The Champions League final is the main reason Juventus recruited me. Every time I play in this competition, I was going to play in the final. I will try to show the best performance in the final later, "said Evra as quoting Sky Sport Italia, Thursday (05/14/2015).

Now you're 0-5 moron !

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Best side won.

As an aside Pogba is very very good. If he does come to the Premier League which ever side gets him will be instantly much better. If Chelsea get him with Pogba and Matic in front of him Terry could play until he's 40 ...

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China was on defense all of the second half and Canada kept missing opportunities but they were the better team and they deserved the win. China showed they had a lot of potential though but they're still a young team. Surprised they even stayed scoreless that long.


Congrats Canada


Have no complaints about the call either Can't do that and I didn't even want Canada to win


Second half they were just dominating China and had a ton of shots on net, they just weren't capitalizing. China did well defensively but near the end of the game it was 12-5 in shots for Canada, they were simply dominating possession, they just weren't getting anything done. Get the call, convert the kick, and the better team deserved to win

No complaints


What I'm really impressed by is China's effort, this is a team that is still raw (youngest team in the tournament) and has been rebuilding for some time. The president has said he wants to make soccer relevant again, but this is a team that missed the World Cup last time and is very raw. I believe many of those players were playing their first World Cup game. For them to go out that strong and shut down Canada for 90 minutes, I'm impressed. I don't expect much from China but a strong showing like that is very impressive, even if they lost

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RT @BryanDFischer And that's the scary part. RT @RyanRosenblatt: Lionel Messi: 27 years old
Neymar: 23 years old
Luis Suarez: 28 years old
Get used to this.



Don't think so.  Their defending is mediocre, especially on the wings where it is outright poor.


Healthy Bayern or RM would tear them apart.  Barca just happened to be the healthiest team in CL at the end.


Guarantee they don't win it next year.

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We had a one day break from the FIFA turmoils, but as soon as the CL final game was over news kept on coming out.

Now, it's the germans who are charged with getting WC2006 for weapons.

According to Die Zeit, Gerhard Schröder's government in 2000 convinced Saudi Arabia to vote for them in exchange for a supply of weapons, in this case grenade launchers.

The German newspaper is claiming that the country rally was so big would for the World Cup, that major companies like Volkswagen and Bayer had committed to invest in Thailand and South Korea to persuade these two countries to vote for Germany . Even more troubling, the Daimler company would have injected huge amounts of money in the Korean brand Hyundai, in the hope that one of the son of the founder, a member of FIFA, would help the candidacy of WCGermany.

To be continued......


Update: Qatar to be stripped of 2022 World Cup, according to country's whistleblower

Who Is Phaedra Al-Majid?

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Don't think so.  Their defending is mediocre, especially on the wings where it is outright poor.


Healthy Bayern or RM would tear them apart.  Barca just happened to be the healthiest team in CL at the end.


Guarantee they don't win it next year.

I agree their D is average and Piqué is a big joke. I think nowadays the key is to manage the season the best way, start slow and finish strong. Last Sept. Paris beat Barça 3-2, 6 months later the evil empire got his ass kicked 1-3 in Paris.

I wouldn't guarantee anything right now, anything can happen, but the fact is that Barça never won 2 in a row.


Breaking news: Buffon is back for another season.

Evra became the first player to lose 3 finals (5 total) with 3 different clubs !

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Don't think so.  Their defending is mediocre, especially on the wings where it is outright poor.


Healthy Bayern or RM would tear them apart.  Barca just happened to be the healthiest team in CL at the end.


Guarantee they don't win it next year.


Barca are instant favourites next year. They've won 4 of the last 10 finals and have attacking power NOBODY can match. Madrid included. Oh yeah, and the best player on the planet who's still only 27.


And are you really attesting Bayern would of won the semi with the addition of ..... Ribery and Robben? Pep got his tactics well and truly wrong the first leg. And the 'false' plaudits you got for the comeback the second were just that. As soon as Neymar got the away goal the tie was well and truly over and Barca weren't assed and just consolidated. 


Bayern are a very good team. And I know you don't like hearing this, but this isn't Germany were you can rape and plunder your way to domination down to FAR superior financial muscle. Munich are a level below Spain's top guns. 2013 was supposed to be the dawn of a new Bayern era. The two years since, you've been absolutely annihilated in the semis by Spain's top 2. And you have some pretty big key rebuilding to do. 


I'll make a friendly bet with you that by the time Messi retires, with Liverpool and Milan in dire straights, of all the teams on 5 European Cups or more Barcelona will be the closest to Madrid.


This is their era and it's showing no signs of slowing up any time soon. 



Evra became the first player to lose 3 finals (5 total) with 3 different clubs !


You Sir are one of my favourite posters ever! 


Keep up the good work.  :D



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The Brazil team would be made ​​up by the sponsors of the Federation

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All reports in Spain are saying Benzema isn't interested in leaving. 



That's going to be interesting, he's been Perez's darling, and Benitez doesn't want him.

He wants to play CR7 at the tip of the offense, and Bale left winger, KB being the fifth wheel of the wagon.




Barça winning the CL means that the Gunners will earn €4 millions (Vermaelen contract clause).

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I actually fell asleep for about a minute after the 5 minutes of stoppage - woke up to see the refs letting Neymar score 7 minutes after stoppage....


You've got to be kidding me right?


Couldn't let Suarez have the last say could you?  :lol:   #StillScoredTheGameWinner 

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