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Just got back from seeing one of our teams win the State Cup final!

We have a terrific striker that's the son of a former NFL pro and current Steelers asst. this kid took a pass from just inside half, defender on his inside shoulder and another coming up in front. He fakes to split them and cuts outside with a deft double move. Rounds the, blows past, defender and uses his speed to go 1v1 with the keeper. Finished audaciously with an outside of the foot tap in to the near post.

Won it 3-0!

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Rumours are rife that FSG have had enough and Rodgers will be sacked as soon as Stoke is out of the way. Been hearing them all weekend here and now Twitter is running wild with the same.

If they are true, presumably Klopp or Ancelotti are being lined up as I type.

One can only hope.


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Rumours are rife that FSG have had enough and Rodgers will be sacked as soon as Stoke is out of the way. Been hearing them all weekend here and now Twitter is running wild with the same.

If they are true, presumably Klopp or Ancelotti are being lined up as I type.

One can only hope.



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I honestly didn't know this had turned up on YouTube. I thought only those of us lucky enough to of been in the ground that night would be the only ones to ever witness my all time favourite Anfield goal as there was a TV strike at the time. (Heck knows where this VT comes from but there's no commentary.). 


1985. Blood and thunder League Cup fourth round tie between L'pool and Utd. Back when the Football Legaue Cup still meant something. Two full strength sides giving everything on a particularly violent night outside the stadium in this hate filled rivalry but that's another story. (IIRC the League game later in the season was when the Utd players got attacked with ammonia getting off the bus. Relations were at an all time low.). 


Just posting so you can share Jan Molby's brilliant equaliser. The way he wins the tackle from the Shankill thug Whiteside in his own half, shrugs him off and sprints past Gibson in a 40 yard charge upfield (quite the sight from Big Jan), and then bullet's the ball past Bailey from 20 yards in trademark Rambo style. Sighs. Great memories. 



PROPER football. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Breaking news on Sky that Sterling won't be signing a new contract (NO surprise there) and that he feel's both 'bullied' into signing by Liverpool and feels the club should of done more to protect him from the negative headlines. (Which he and his agent have brought around.). 


The sooner this jumped up little gob****e is out of our club the better. 



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Sterling as more front that Barbara Windsor... Take the money and tell him to don't let the door hit your arse on the way out! I know his a talent.... But what drives me crazy about him, the slightest touch and he goes down! I know it's the modern game but, he would fit in so well playing in Spain.

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Sterling is all flash with no end product. I said it a long time ago, I belive Ibe will be a much better player. Let him go somewhere else and frustrate their fan base with his so-called finishing. I hoping teams will pay a premium for his age and Englishness.

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Just posting so you can share Jan Molby's brilliant equaliser. The way he wins the tackle from the Shankill thug Whiteside in his own half, shrugs him off and sprints past Gibson in a 40 yard charge upfield (quite the sight from Big Jan), and then bullet's the ball past Bailey from 20 yards in trademark Rambo style. Sighs. Great memories. 




Good find! Thats probably film taken by one of the clubs for their own post match analysis - probably Liverpool. 


Couple of references above - Norman Whiteside first. I played against Man U A team early 80's cant remember exactly what year but around 1981. They had this big 16 year old Irish lad up front who had just signed as an apprentice - there had been a lot of chat about him in the week because he was tagged as the next Georgie Best since he had been brought over by the same scout as Best from the same area etc. He was one of the dirtiest players I ever came across - every corner or free kick he was standing right on me, elbows out, treading on my foot etc etc all the tricks. Anyway we were getting battered (despite my heroics in goal obvioulsy :D) and at some point in a pretty normal tackle Whiteside had his knee badly injured - it was that injury which robbed him of the yeard of pace he lacked later and which finally ended his career early.  


Then Jan Molby. I stopped playing serious semi pro non league football in my mid 20's - too much else to do and I was getting more money playing cricket at the time. I played some local non league still though with my old mates from the area I was brought up in and one game we played was held at Kirkham Prison in a game against the prisoners (no away games etc etc). Anyway big Jan was walking around the touchline watching the game since he was a guest at the time after a drinlk driving incident! He looked like he was enjoying the food from the size of him  :)

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Football league playoffs haven't really held my attention much as I don't really have any interest, but I would've liked to have seen Plymouth get promoted.  They've had hard times last few years and it's good to see them play well, so would've been nice to have them advance.  I guess stories like that give me some hope.

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With tonights Inter loss at Genoa, next year will be the first ever season of UEFA competition in which neither Milanese club, AC or Internazionale, have competed. Think about that for a moment. The first ever season of European completion was 1955-56. 60 straight years that the Municipality of Milan has had at least one club competing. Quite the record. And a sad reflection on the state of two great, storied, World renowned football clubs that it's now at an end. 


Talking of .....


As per a lot of conversation on here, I know quite a few are very interested in youth coaching/ development. Came across this fascinating look at the ideology and structure of Milan at every level of youth and figured those mentioned would find it as interesting a watch as I.


This is how it's done at one of the Worlds great football clubs:




Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Sorry Sterlings on the bench. 


Should of started the ****bag and let him get all the abuse he deserves. 




I agree.


But look at this...




Your MOST CREATIVE player is the lone striker...

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Say's it all lil' bro'. This is what three years rebuild gets you. and even if they weren't Rodgers signings per se, he still should be able to mould them into a cohesive unit and, yer know, play both players that deserve to play and play them on their CORRECT positions and ****. 


The sooner he's no longer here the better. 



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Is this clown going for the most ever bookings in a Premiership game?

I wouldn't normally advocate reading the Daily Third Reich, but there was a brilliant piece in yesterday's Mail from an all time Liverpool legend interviewing a GOAT World legend. Fascinating read:



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