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Kick Off 2010 with PD93 FINAL


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PD! Welcome!

How has the arrival of a bonafide offensive leader like Donovan McNabb affected those on the defensive ball? And was it easy allowing a longtime rival become someone you let lead your team?

Thanks for your time. We appreciate it more than you know.

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Hey Phil,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time out to do this. It's greatly, greatly appreciated by all of us here

In the brief OTAs so far, who on the defense has impressed you the most, someone who may have surprisingly caught your eye? Is there someone in particular that you expect to blossom in training camp/this coming year?

Everyone has caught my eye but if had had to single out anyone it would probably be Carlos Rogers. This is a good fit for him.

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Everyone has accepted it. Anything that can help us be better and win is all good.

It is good to hear that you think it is going to help, there has been hours of discussion here about the benefit of the change. I hope to see you guys unleashed this year, it has always seemed to me that you guys were tied to a tree trying to get to a QB. :beatdeadhorse:

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PD, a Follow up to some of the D questions. I have read different articles saying that Hasslet wants the D more aggressive to create turnovers. Will that translate in to more stunts on the line for you and the other guys?


I think we will be aggressive only when needed. Turnovers is something we must have to be successful.

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Jeremy will help wherever they see fit. He can do both.
Everyone has caught my eye but if had had to single out anyone it would probably be Carlos Rogers. This is a good fit for him.
I think we will be aggressive only when needed. Turnovers is something we must have to be successful.

These are really great things to hear especially coming from you.

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Thanks PD for taking this time. How is the SS and FS positions panning out thus far. Hope to see Laron be the beast he can be this year.

All those guys are looking good back there. There is a lot of talent and I like what I see out of those guys so far.

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Hey Phil, one quick question...

Gas or Charcoal?

Both. Not picky.

Just to set the record straight, the correct answer here is charcoal. But Phil covered his bases well expecting this to be a trick question. :)

Phil, how you guys react to a rookie refusing to carry a vet's pads? Has Shanny outlawed hazing?

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Everyone has caught my eye but if had had to single out anyone it would probably be Carlos Rogers. This is a good fit for him.

Next to drafting Trent Williams, this is probably the best news i've heard the entire off season. I jus got real excited when i read that!!

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Hey Phil, thanks for doing this man! I hope to see you repeat your 4 sack performance vs. the Cowboys to open the season!

My question is, what is your initial impression of Donovan McNabb, what type of affect has he had on not only the offense, but the defense as well in your estimation?

I've been impressed with him since day one. He is definitely a good leader and will help us win games this year. I think he has had a impact on us all because of what he has done and will do for out team. Just great to have him with us and I won't have to chase him around and miss him anymore. Lol

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Most memorable sack came against Philly when Sean Taylor picked it up and ran for a touchdown which put us in the play-offs.

I remember that play by heart.

On that topic, aside from his locker being moved, is there anything done in memorial for Sean Taylor and do the rookies and free agents coming in keep his memory alive?

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Of all the guys that retired or went else where this year which guy do miss the most?

I miss all of them but we understand that this is a business. I had good relationships with all of them. I guess CG and RW were closest to me because we played the same positions. Can't help but miss Randy because he could cook and make you laugh.

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