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Kick Off 2010 with PD93 FINAL


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Give me your questions and I will answer the best that I can. Remember that I will not be answering anything that my heart the team or a teammate. Please follow me on twitter @Thatboyphil93 and @APRsports. Also add yourself to my fan page on facebook and the APR Sports Management page.

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Who has benefitted the most from the switch to the 3-4 and/or the new-look offense?


I would have to say our outside backers. They will get more opportunities to rush. With Andre and Orakpo on the outsides that is a good thing. :D

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What's the single biggest change you have noticed around Redskins Park since the new front office has had some time to start making changes?

Thanks for taking the time to do this, Good Luck this season and Hail To The Redskins!

Whoop some Dallass!!!

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Hello Phil!!!!!!!!! Awesome your doing this. You're truly a Great Redskin!!

Wish you and the team all the best this season.

What do you think of TrenT Williams so far? Think he will be able to take over for Chris Samuals?

Trent is doing a good job for us. I think he can take over. Chris is also helping him out.

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Hey Phil, I don't really have any questions at the moment, but I'd like to take the time to wish you good luck and that you stay healthy and have an awesome camp and season. Looking forward to the season!



Thanks for the support.

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Hey Phil,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time out to do this. It's greatly, greatly appreciated by all of us here

In the brief OTAs so far, who on the defense has impressed you the most, someone who may have surprisingly caught your eye? Is there someone in particular that you expect to blossom in training camp/this coming year?

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How has the defensive side accepted the change in philosphy and are they excited for that change?

And thanks for doing this.

Everyone has accepted it. Anything that can help us be better and win is all good.

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