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H.P.: Your request is being processed... Tea Party Federation Expels Mark Williams Over 'Offensive' Response To NAACP's Racism Charge


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Those groups exist, but there is an extra need for the NAACP because of the problems blacks had in the recent past.

Of course those names aren't used. White people have groups like the Tea Party and the Heritage Foundation, Wall Builders etc

Now granted those groups don't focus on race they focus on other things important to white people, like preserving wealth, and the established cultural norms. The NAACP focuses on race because of racism was a problem for their supporters, not taxes etc

White groups = Tea Party, Heritage Foundation, and Wall Builders??? Prove it. Here is a hint - you can't.

Preserving wealth is only a white race thing? Is it racist to preserve wealth?

Cultural norms? What cultural norms? Does that mean every cultural norm should have a "black perspective" and everyone should act like they are in a "black culture" (whatever that means)?

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Discrimination by ©BCU's. Can you imagine a university that used to be exclusively white returning to that policy? And getting away with it by calling itself "historically" white?

What? It is an HBCU. H is for HISTORIC - as in its history. There is a proud long history behind why these schools were created (much like women only colleges). A story of triumph and education in a time of bigotry and hatred. There is nothing proud or to be celebrated about the white only policies of hundred of other schools. Sorry - that is just how it is.

As I said - that is history. They are not "black schools" now. Anyone can go - and anyone is welcome to apply.

I am white. I was practically offered a full minority scholarship to Howard on the spot during an event at my HS. I went to a predominantly black school (90%) and they were VERY interested in recruiting white students. They we begging for me to apply even called my house at one point.

I turned it down but if being begged to get a free education is discrimination - SIGN ME UP FOR MORE!!! :ols:

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HH, it is 100% true that most, if not all of the historically black colleges actively recruit "minorities", especially whites. It has been that way for a long time. I can personally attest to this fact and can say that it was an honor to be considered. However, I wanted my undergraduate degree from one place only. :)

And the graduate degree from Drexel was due to the proximity of where I live.

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HH, it is 100% true that most, if not all of the historically black colleges actively recruit "minorities", especially whites. It has been that way for a long time. I can personally attest to this fact and can say that it was an honor to be considered. However, I wanted my undergraduate degree from one place only. :)

And the graduate degree from Drexel was due to the proximity of where I live.

I'm not disputing the fact that they recruit tokens. I'm aware of that. But can you, or anyone else show me a truly diverse HBCU? One that has, I'll make it easy, let's say, 25% white enrollment?

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I'm not disputing the fact that they recruit tokens. I'm aware of that. But can you, or anyone else show me a truly diverse HBCU? One that has, I'll make it easy, let's say, 25% white enrollment?

There was nothing token about it. Your last sentence = none. But I take you back to the first sentence of this reply - unless, you think I am nothing but a token. Ditto for several friends who took advantage of said offers at Norfolk St.

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There was nothing token about it. Your last sentence = none. But I take you back to the first sentence of this reply - unless, you think I am nothing but a token. Ditto for several friends who took advantage of said offers at Norfolk St.

So because a handful of deserving white students were offered scholarships to HBCU's, that means they're not currently black colleges/universities? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying that.

Here's the black enrollment at HBCUs as of 2006 (the most recent year I found.)

The chart blew out when I tried to print it, but here's the link: http://www.dll.org/hbcus/gateway_files/FAQs.aspx#Students

I say again, CURRENTLY black colleges and universities.

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And a wonderful job they're doing, too. :rolleyes:

Spare me. The "historically" is utter bull****.


Yes. No matter how much you think it is bull****. They are "historically" black colleges and universities. A tribute to their proud and brave history during a time of horrible biggotry.

They now offer education to anyone and strongly recruit white students - even offering money.

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And a wonderful job they're doing, too. :rolleyes:

Spare me. The "historically" is utter bull****.


It's really not "bull****."

I went to college at FSU in Tallahassee, but Tally is also home to one of the most prominent HBCUs in the country, Florida A&M University. The tradition and history they celebrate from their founding in the late 1880s is pretty inspiring.

And yeah, it's mostly black students (I think it has 5 or 6 percent fully enrolled white students in the school's population), but a lot more white kids than that from FSU dual enroll there because they have a journalism program and a pharmacy program that attract a lot of kids (both programs that FSU doesn't have).

Honestly, there would be no (good) point in having an exclusively white college or university under the guise of it being "historical." That's not anything to celebrate in this country, and that's also not a true parallel to what the HBCU's are like.

Could the HBCU's be more diverse? Sure. But it's not an issue they have because of their own policies. That's just from people segregating themselves into groups they identify with. If you or I wanted, we could apply to an HBCU tomorrow and be considered fairly enough (probably more so since we'd be minorities).

You're taking the wrong angle on that issue is all.

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Yes. No matter how much you think it is bull****. They are "historically" black colleges and universities. A tribute to their proud and brave history during a time of horrible biggotry.

They now offer education to anyone and strongly recruit white students - even offering money.

"In 83 out of the 96 HBCUs classified by the table, African Americans represent more than 75 percent of total enrollments."

....and about 13 percent of our total population.

By these standards, the Tea Parties qualify as a minority advocacy group.

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It weakens any chance the TP has for attracting independant voters like myself.

You DO realize that Independents make up a sizable portion of the Tea Party, do you not?

The Tea Party has a problem in this upcoming election in that they begrudgingly have to accept some less palatable RINOs running as Republicans simply in order to achieve their goal of stopping the radical 0bama/Pelosi agenda. 2012 will have a far greater chance of seeing the more powerful Tea Party (whether it ever becomes a true Party, which I doubt) reshape the Republican Party .. and they will be far more powerful as a movement after the almost certain landslide in 90 days.

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And you'd support it if we had institutions for white kids who want to do the same?

By default, it was basically like that at FSU. Last I saw about a year ago, FSU had 10 or 11 percent of its undergrad population comprised of African Americans. I'm pretty certain that the University of Florida is about the same, if not a little bit less (so that covers the two major public universities in Florida for the sake of discussion).

More spread out diversity would be great, but it's not the institutions themselves that are enforcing such small numbers between the predominantly white schools or black schools.

Given the history of forced segregation in this country, no, I certainly wouldn't support a school that was embracing or celebrating its old ways of being white-only. Again, the HBCUs aren't pushing being black-only, they're celebrating what they were able to overcome when that was all they were allowed to be.

Have you visited an HBCU?

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];7642970']If there was any one guy who would speak on Teabaggers behalf' date=' wouldn't it be teh Spokesperson?[/quote']

Where did you find that "he is the spokesperson" of the Tea Party?! He wasn't! He was the spokeperson for "Tea Party Express" which was a PAC created, traveling road show which promoted the ideals of the Tea Party.

He has nothing to do with the actual Tea Party, other than being a vocal supporter. The Tea Party itself is made up of thousands of small local groups who share the same ideals of lower taxes and smaller government.

And seriously .. while it doesn't offend me (nor anyone else that I know) to hear Tea Party supporters being referred to as "Tea Baggers," it really does show how truly juvenile and ignorant Liberals are! I guess your leader, Keith Olbermann would be so proud. All I can say is that NOvember will be a wonderful change that has been a long time coming!

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By default, it was basically like that at FSU. Last I saw about a year ago, FSU had 10 or 11 percent of its undergrad population comprised of African Americans. I'm pretty certain that the University of Florida is about the same, if not a little bit less (so that covers the two major public universities in Florida for the sake of discussion).

Considering that they're about 13% of America's population, that's about where you'd expect it to be.

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ABQ - don't worry, I don't think O is a fiscal conservative. My problem is, neither was Dubya (imho.) If you don't account for inflation or percentages, you are probably 100% correct for claiming that O has spent more money than any other president in our history...however that would also put Dubya in the solid #2 spot :D

So why didn't the TP complain during the Bush years? Racism? No. Hypocrisy? Yes.

Actually, I think you would find a large number of TP supporters WERE critical of Bush's (and for that matter, the Republican Congress') excess spending! I know *I* was. For certain reasons .. partly that his opponents were absolutely horrid (Algoron and John Frickin' Kerry?!), I voted for Bush twice. But Bush was NO "fiscal Conservative" as he claimed. I supported the tax cuts, but NOT the excess spending.

However, we come to Bammie who has now set the record of deficit spending for all Presidents. He has now outspent ALL 43 previous Presidents combined, in just one year. And he has NOTHING to show for it, except for an economy and job market in decline.

If you want to see the economic discontent that Republicans and current Tea Party supporters had toward Bush and the Republicans in 2006, look at election turnout and results of those elections.

What is absolutely hilarious is to watch the SAME people who pilloried Bush for his deficit spending then turn and defend 0bama for his spending -- even after quintupling Bush's worst deficit in just one year! And you want to talk about "hypocrisy?!"

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it really does show how truly juvenile and ignorant Liberals are!
(Algoron and John Frickin' Kerry?!)
And you want to talk about "hypocrisy?!"

Funny. To me anyway.

And speaking of ignorance, the Tea Partiers were calling themselves Teabaggers at first. And now they refer to themselves as the TP. Also funny. To me.

Either way--from both sides--it's lame, juvenile and annoying. From Faux News to Obummer (or whatever). I mean seriously.

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Considering that they're about 13% of America's population, that's about where you'd expect it to be.

That's a fair point. I probably should have elaborated and said that a lot of the black students at FSU associated themselves with Florida A&M and FAMU's own organizations (fraternities, sororities, student groups, etc.), over most of the FSU organizations of the same type. So even with the 10 or 11 percent of black students at FSU, a fair amount of that percentage was more involved on campus at FAMU than FSU.

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Funny. To me anyway.

And speaking of ignorance, the Tea Partiers were calling themselves Teabaggers at first. And now they refer to themselves as the TP. Also funny. To me.

Either way--from both sides--it's lame, juvenile and annoying. From Faux News to Obummer (or whatever). I mean seriously.

You know what? I actually agree with you. Point noted.

BTW .. the TP'ers actually never called themselves "Tea Baggers." The whole movement started after the Trillion Dollar (no)stimulus Bill was passed and people started mailing tea bags to their Congress critters ( oh .. there *I* go again) out of frustration. The "Tea Baggers" moniker was given them by CNN and MSNBC hosts (and wasn't an endearing reference).

TP isn't used by the Party (which really isn't a Party .. rather, a movement of concerned citizens) or at its functions. It's used by us in forums such as this .. because we're too lazy to type TEA PARTY.

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BTW .. the TP'ers actually never called themselves "Tea Baggers." The whole movement started after the Trillion Dollar (no)stimulus Bill was passed and people started mailing tea bags to their Congress critters ( oh .. there *I* go again) out of frustration. The "Tea Baggers" moniker was given them by CNN and MSNBC hosts (and wasn't an endearing reference).


The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.


It doesn't matter though. (I just wanted to make sure I didn't imagine that.) Like I said, it's all played out. All the little pet names for the "other" side.

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Look at where the upward trends begin. It seems at least the republicans from Nixon and before practiced what they preached somewhat when it came to spending and deficit, however Neo-cons seem to give a rat's ***** about the deficit and are only paying lip service to a duped group of people because it will unite them to defeat incumbents.

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And seriously .. while it doesn't offend me (nor anyone else that I know) to hear Tea Party supporters being referred to as "Tea Baggers," it really does show how truly juvenile and ignorant Liberals are! I guess your leader, Keith Olbermann would be so proud. All I can say is that NOvember will be a wonderful change that has been a long time coming!

Yet you decide to mention it.

Sure it doesn't bother you or the rest of the Tea Baggers at all.:jerk:

It's not juvenile, it's just a way to show how little respect we have for "the movement".

Sort of like what conservatives have done for years with liberals.

Is it contructive or productive? Nope. But then again we are under no illusions that Tea Baggers or Pubs are interested in working with anyone who does not think as they do.

Again there are two types of Tea Baggers.

You have the lunatic Palin worshippers. You know, the Birthers, the Obama is a mooslim, Obama is a commie. Those nuts.

Then you have the "just found religion" Tea Baggers who now decide to cry about spending and taxes. No Tea Party was formed by these boobs when Bush was President. Hell, deficits skyrocketed under their idol Reagan and not a peep is heard. So since they are nothing but of partisian hacks and don't really have a "concern" about government spending, just liberal government spending.

The "serious" Tea Baggers deserve as much scorn and redicule as the "fringe" does because in the end there is only one reason and one reason alone that the "Tea Party" exists. A bunch of pissed off right wingers are mad that they lost power. It's that simple and that's fine, but please spare me the garbage that you all are "independent" and that are fighting for some greater good.

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