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ABC: N Korea seeks $75 trillion in compensation


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Well gee wiz Skippy, I guess if I were a card carrying conservative, I might take offense to your PMS-like response.

Sorry for besmirching your Heroburger. I'll take note of your sensitivity for future reference.

And for your post, which began with Jesus, and ended with Shut The **** Up, (how Christian of you, BTW) I'm filing a $76 trillion lawsuit for attempting to hijack this thread, which has nothing to do with whining, either.

1) Really helping to disprove my point.

2) I'm not Christian. It's the vernacular of the America that you love to defend so much.

3) You being an ass isn't helping anyone see your point of view.

4) Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. Grow up.

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1) Really helping to disprove my point.

2) I'm not Christian. It's the vernacular of the America that you love to defend so much.

3) You being an ass isn't helping anyone see your point of view.

4) Your last sentence doesn't even make any sense. Grow up.

1. Your point was based on the incorrect assumption that I am a conservative. Which, these days, is anyone who doesn't kneel at the altar, right?

2. Nor am I. That alone disqualifies me for membership in the Conservative Club, doesn't it?

3. The point was, kind of a joke, about a, kind of a joke, in a thread where the subject is, kind of a freakin joke! Get your head out of your ass.

4. NO!:pfft:

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1. Your point was based on the incorrect assumption that I am a conservative. Which, these days, is anyone who doesn't kneel at the altar, right?

2. Nor am I. That alone disqualifies me for membership in the Conservative Club, doesn't it?

3. The point was, kind of a joke, about a, kind of a joke, in a thread where the subject is, kind of a freakin joke! Get your head out of your ass.

4. NO!:pfft:

Your last point negates the first three. Carry on. :)

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60th Anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

"One large poster at the rally in Pyongyang depicted a man kicking an American soldier and the slogan "U.S. Army, Get Out." Another sign said, "Kick Them Out With a Single Punch," according to footage shot by broadcaster APTN."

Shouldn't everybody love us now?

Bush is gone. :beatdeadhorse:

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I know what you're getting at, Ax; but I think everyone can agree that our feud with North Korea goes back a lot further than that.

No question.

China has used their "useful idiot" perfectly, over the years.

MacArthur knew.

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So far, his most positive moves have been to continue, or double down on "messes" created by Bush/Cheney. Thereby vindicating them.

That first sentence can be debated back and forth by reasonable people.

The second is so ridiculous that even Sarah Palin might tap you on the shoulder and say "Hey, hey, guy, let's not go overboard here. Keep the rod in the boat."

Vindicate. Giga-LOL! :ols:

A One Term Wonder.
You can accurately predict the precise state of the economy -- or more to the point, the precise popular perception of the state of the economy -- more than two years in advance?

Because that's what you'd need to do, in order to credibly predict almost any President's reelection prospects in advance.

Given that nobody else on Earth can do that, please share your methods.

(Step 1: Find two metal rods bent in an "L" shape, and hold one loosely in each fist...)

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That first sentence can be debated back and forth by reasonable people.

The second is so ridiculous that even Sarah Palin might tap you on the shoulder and say "Hey, hey, guy, let's not go overboard here. Keep the rod in the boat."

Vindicate. Giga-LOL! :ols:

Well, he's making good use of the Patriot Act, hopefully now that Petraeus is calling the shots, the Obama "Surge" will be as successful, especially since he won't trash it, or Petraeus, like he did when Bush did it, and Gitmo is still in full operation. He increased the number of drone strikes in Pakistan. He's resisting the disclosure of information deemed necessary for National Security reasons. Even going a bit further in some instances. He's following the lead of a leader. Since his own idea chest is, well, empty. Laugh all you want. Many of his own supporters are up in arms because he has followed so many of Bush's policies. And you know it.

You can accurately predict the precise state of the economy -- or more to the point, the precise popular perception of the state of the economy -- more than two years in advance?

Because that's what you'd need to do, in order to credibly predict almost any President's reelection prospects in advance.

Given that nobody else on Earth can do that, please share your methods.

(Step 1: Find two metal rods bent in an "L" shape, and hold one loosely in each fist...)

It's only a statement. A gut feeling.

I said, before the election, that whomever won the election, Obama, or McCain, that they'd be a one term President. Neither was very impressive. Even though McCain was much more qualified, (not hard to do) he's not Presidential material, either. Nothing since the election has made me feel any different. Of course, many things can happen during the course of 4 years. If the next two and a half go like the first one and a half, or worse, there's no guarantee Obama will even win nomination of his own party, much less the general election.

Hope and Change = Smoke and Mirrors, so far.

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