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E3 2010


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Uh-oh, Kinect does not work while seated, even the media controls:

'd be worried less about this sitting thing — and I would stop asking the "sitting question" — if I had not been made to watch a movie via Kinect while standing up.

On Monday evening I participated in a brief demonstration of how Kinect could be used to control the Xbox 360 dashboard. This demonstration had me standing in front of the Kinect and using both hand-waves and voice commands to flip through menus on a TV and load applications such as movie-watching and video chat. There were chairs at this demo, but they were off to the side. I had to stand up.

The Kinect is superb at recognizing a standing player. It reads the presence of your body, detects 19 or so key joints in your frame and tracks your movement with magical immediacy. I had no more trouble swiping through the Kinect menus than I did steering the car in the Forza demo. Voice commands worked nicely as well, though I lamented that the Kinect couldn't distinguish my commands from anyone else's in the room. What I didn't understand is why I had to stand through all of this.

I liked telling the Xbox 360 to pause a movie. I liked extending my hand and dragging the movie's progress bar left or right, as if I was using the Star Wars Force to fast forward and rewind. But, I asked the Microsoft people running the demo, could I drag a chair over and try this sitting down?



IGN is reporting the same thing. Kinect is going to bomb so hard!

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True Crime looks pretty good. That franchise had always seemed like it was not quite there yet. THe driving was never very good, though I really did like the hand-to-hand combat in TC:NYC
The combat in this one looks sweet. Environmental interaction FTW. And the Motorcycle Gunner play looks badass.
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wth did they do to the infamous character... he used to look bad ass.

Now he looks fruity :beatdeadhorse:

From the latest GI:

"The goal I have is to make a more appealing, more compelling main character," says art director Mathias Lorenz. "We're trying to get more out of him."

Cole's new persona goes beyond the obvious visual overhall. "It's changing the look, but it is also diving a lot deeper into who the character is," animation lead Billy Harper tells us. "One of the things we looked at is what would an extreme sports star - like Travis Pastrana, Tony Hawk, or Chris Sharma - what would they be like if they had super powers?"

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I was never able to get into Dead Rising 1. I mean the concept was simple/cool enough: You're in a mall full of super slow and dumb zombies and you had a myriad of fun and entertaining ways you could kill them. Something about the controls (first person gun fight in food court) really kept me from gushing the over this game the way others do. I'll keep an eye on the sequel, though. Maybe improvements were made to the presentation and the controls....the first one was a (shortly after) launch title afterall.

wth did they do to the infamous character... he used to look bad ass.

Now he looks fruity :beatdeadhorse:

yeah I know what you mean. Hopefully the they'll be some backstory on how he's made so much of a change. Major overhauls like that would scare some people off. I'm sure the gameplay will be solid though.

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Thing is, SO many weapons and combos (nail bat? nail MMA gloves? Win).

I got a thorough amount of amusement just using the Mega Man Buster cannon in the first game. It would be nice if they had some cool stuff like that in the second...maybe something Stryder related.

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