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JMU "Springfest" Riot

Dan T.

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I don't excuse the behavior of the party goers. But the fault lies on Harrisonburg PD. These guys know that every year there are two major block parties on this lane. It should come as no suprise that the party would be especially big after seeing the weather report.

The cops did a terrible job controling the crowd. If they had dictated the flow of the party from the get go, riot shields would have never been neccessary.

After the 2000 riot. The cops were out in full force every fall and spring. They set a policy in stone. If you had a cup in the street you were getting a ticket or going to jail. What made this year different?

Instead they go with a different approach. They gave everyone a 6 hr drinking lead, before they decided to break it up. The Police chief should be fired and there should be a major overhaul of policies regarding their protocol and crowd control.

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I don't excuse the behavior of the party goers. But the fault lies on Harrisonburg PD. These guys know that every year there are two major block parties on this lane. It should come as no suprise that the party would be especially big after seeing the weather report.

The cops did a terrible job controling the crowd. If they had dictated the flow of the party from the get go, riot shields would have never been neccessary.

After the 2000 riot. The cops were out in full force every fall and spring. They set a policy in stone. If you had a cup in the street you were getting a ticket or going to jail. What made this year different?

Instead they go with a different approach. They gave everyone a 6 hr drinking lead, before they decided to break it up. The Police chief should be fired and there should be a major overhaul of policies regarding their protocol and crowd control.

And this is the logic that amazes me. The bolded portion especially. How did the police make late teenagers and adults throw bottles at them? How did the cops make the college students light dumpsters on fire? How did the ploice make the college students assault each other? How did the police make college students, kids/young adults that have graduated high school and gone on to an institution of higher learning, act like a prison population and act solely on the mob mentality? How do educated young adults act so stupid?

Secondly, there should be social responsibility inherent in college kids that allows them to drink for 6 hours without causing mayhem and property destruction. It happens all across this country all the time, so don't blame the police for "allowing" 6 hours of drinking before trying to disperse. This board would be outraged if the police had prevented the block party.

Lastly, actions have consequences. If I owned those apt buildings, I would scour the internet for proof of some wrongdoing on my tenants behalf and throw them out on their heads. If the cops can identify any bottle thrower, they should be charged with felony assault. Maybe next year you think back on "Joe" who was convicted of a felony and now will likely never hold a "good" job, and I am sure blame the police for ruining his life. There is an old saying, "Can't do the time? Don't do the crime."

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I don't excuse the behavior of the party goers. But the fault lies on Harrisonburg PD. These guys know that every year there are two major block parties on this lane. It should come as no suprise that the party would be especially big after seeing the weather report.

The cops did a terrible job controling the crowd. If they had dictated the flow of the party from the get go, riot shields would have never been neccessary.

After the 2000 riot. The cops were out in full force every fall and spring. They set a policy in stone. If you had a cup in the street you were getting a ticket or going to jail. What made this year different?

Instead they go with a different approach. They gave everyone a 6 hr drinking lead, before they decided to break it up. The Police chief should be fired and there should be a major overhaul of policies regarding their protocol and crowd control.

Were you actually there?

The cops gave people PLENTY of time to leave, and they refused then began pelting the cops with beer bottles/cans/coolers/rocks/wood etc.

The cops were called because people started throwing folding chairs into the crowd off a balcony. Had it not been for this, the cops wouldn't have been needed.

Honestly, I blame everything on the people throwing stuff at the cops. I think the cops did a fine job of dispersing the crowd, they moved very slowly, gave people plenty of time to leave, didn't use batons or anything like that.

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Sorry this is not normal college behavior...more like a bunch of kids acting like high schoolers at their first keg party.

wait... this isn't college behavior but it is high school behavior? lol wut

This actually looks exactly like college behavior. I'd also like to add that it's not exclusively American college behavior either. College kids be all crazy and ish mang.

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Were you actually there?

The cops gave people PLENTY of time to leave, and they refused then began pelting the cops with beer bottles/cans/coolers/rocks/wood etc.

The cops were called because people started throwing folding chairs into the crowd off a balcony. Had it not been for this, the cops wouldn't have been needed.

Honestly, I blame everything on the people throwing stuff at the cops. I think the cops did a fine job of dispersing the crowd, they moved very slowly, gave people plenty of time to leave, didn't use batons or anything like that.

The police presence was a joke. I'll spread the blaim. The university should have stepped in and helped with the cost of overtime.

They knew well in advance that this day was coming. The students didn't turn until they saw a bunch of robo cops with shields. This all would have been avoidable if the police were there from the begining. Instead the Harrisonburg PD tried to avoid having to deal with the cost of managing the situation.

10 years ago they did the same thing. And for at least 5 years they learned from their mistakes. Every party I attended after that initial riot in 2000 had cops on every block issuing tickets and arresting *******s for getting out of control.

If the police had done this, then there would be no youtube footage and destroyed cars.

If you let a bunch of kids drink for 6 hrs with no repercussions. Then you tend to see this type of behavior. I'm not excusing kids for throwing bottles. But this is something that was very avoidable. And has been for the past 10 years.

Most of you aren't familiar with the history of JMU. As soon as Linwood Rose took over he pushed the booze off campus and left the local community to deal with the problem. Instead of issuing a bull**** statement, spewing his disaproval. He should be meeting with the Mayor and discussing how he can help bear the burden of students in the community.

1. Police should be out in full force for the fall block party and the spring party.

2. Landlords can adjust their leases to include a fine for throwing keg parties (one of my landlords did this). Also set a limit for ocupancy. This is easily enforceable.

3. Set up an alternate event. The school should set something up on the grounds. Have vendors sell beer and hire security to maintain it. This would help slow down the crowds and maybe seperate legal from illegal drinkers.

It's college. Kids are going to drink. Some can hold their **** together and others can't. Shaming kid's isn't going to fix the problem. They need to have a drastic overhaul in their policy allowing the university and local community to work together.

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If you let a bunch of kids drink for 6 hrs with no repercussions. Then you tend to see this type of behavior. I'm not excusing kids for throwing bottles. But this is something that was very avoidable. And has been for the past 10 years. .

What do you think college football tailgating is?

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wait... this isn't college behavior but it is high school behavior? lol wut

This actually looks exactly like college behavior. I'd also like to add that it's not exclusively American college behavior either. College kids be all crazy and ish mang.

Cmon man it is out of control college behavior not saying drinking doesnt happen alot in college but they look like a bunch of D bags that cant control what they drink

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Thier is block party every year and nothing like this happens, it is always this big, if not bigger, it just when the cops came with thier new riot gear for the first time they got they wanted and people reacted badly.

The block party is NOT that big (or bigger as you claim every year). I've heard estimates that over 10K kids were there. That isn't typical from what I understand. If you KNOW differently, please show me where you got that information.

The block party was way out of control prior to the cops being called. When you're throwing bottles at one another and throwing metal folding chairs into a crowd, it's already spun out of control. Usually, things would just deteriorate after that with our without the cops.

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10 years ago they did the same thing. And for at least 5 years they learned from their mistakes. Every party I attended after that initial riot in 2000 had cops on every block issuing tickets and arresting *******s for getting out of control.

If the police had done this, then there would be no youtube footage and destroyed cars.

The police were there all day, my roomie went and said the police were there all day and we handing out tickets to whoever left the block party area, then he said that people started throwing beer bottles, chairs, cans, whatever they could find. He left the area because it was raining glass and other **** on the entire crowd, that is when it got out of control.

The cops didn't just show up in riot gear, they put it on when **** got ugly.

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I want to know more about the "don't throw glass, dude" guy at the end of this video:

"It's not history. It's a bad idea. HEY! [Ahhh!]"

That's my friend Jamie.

I didn't even know he was going up to SpringFest but I saw him get arrested.

He was trying to stop people from throwing things, but was too drunk to realize that the best thing would be to just run away/go inside.

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That's my friend Jamie.

I didn't even know he was going up to SpringFest but I saw him get arrested.

He was trying to stop people from throwing things, but was too drunk to realize that the best thing would be to just run away/go inside.

My roomies laughed their asses off at your friends expense.

Though, so did I :P

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I did, until another friend reminded me that Jamie is one alcohol violation away from expulsion so we're all hoping it doesn't get back to Tech.

It was kinda funny though :ols:

I would have probably gotten busted for the same thing, so I feel for him, but its hard not to laugh at.

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What did he get arrested for?

What was Jaime charged with?

Is he planning on using the video in court?

I haven't talked to him since he got out of jail, but he would get charged with Failure to Disperse or Obstruction of Justice I assume.

I feel for him, but anyone that got arrested really should have left a long time ago. The police gave people plenty of time to leave.

I would have probably gotten busted for the same thing, so I feel for him, but its hard not to laugh at.

I was standing on the front steps of 817, like 20 feet away from where it happened and waited til the cops got closer before we retreated inside. They shot tear gas right outside the townhouse I was in and it sucks.

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The police were there all day, my roomie went and said the police were there all day and we handing out tickets to whoever left the block party area, then he said that people started throwing beer bottles, chairs, cans, whatever they could find. He left the area because it was raining glass and other **** on the entire crowd, that is when it got out of control.

The cops didn't just show up in riot gear, they put it on when **** got ugly.

Yeah it was like 6 cops for 8000 people. Do the math on that ratio. I feel bad for the poor **** that got that patrol.

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