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Donovan McNabb: 'I'd Like To Thank The Ungrateful, Over-Expecting,Oftentimes-Racist Fans Of Philadelphia' (The Onion)

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no...pinhead...I object to the logic. do I have to explain in BIG BLOCK LETTERS?

the Onion is simply playing to prejuidices and is as guilty as their supposed targets of manipulating the message. the ES crowd simply played into it.

as for the rest...I can't be held accountable for the limits of your education. not my problem.

Ha. Questioning intelligence/education without any semblance of grammar. Oxymoron much.

Anyway, being the pinhead I am, I realize that The Onion's little piece is of poor taste but their hitting the nail on the head of many of the underlying issues with the Philly fan base. Their is a distinct line between being passionate and ruthless and Philly fans 9 times out of 10 fall into the latter

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ya know ima miss J.C. i took up for him over the last couple years while everyone bashed him... he jus needs a good Offensive line.. he has a lot of talent!!!! just some stability and a good line will help him in which case a trade may do him some good

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Wow, you've completely ignored what he said and instead decided that dropping the world "racists" in an absolutely abysmal response, on top of using large words to try and make yourself seem superior, was better then actually countering what he said (or what anyone said for that matter). Way to go, mate. :ols:

That's kind of what I was thinking. The article actually is refering to the comments made by Rush Limbaugh about McNabb being overrated because he's a black QB and how many Eagles fans agreed with it over the airwaves.

But, okay man, I guess you've got a lot more tied into this than the rest of RS nation. You just come off overly agressive and angered and like someon **** in your cornflakes this morning, but I will let you have this one since it sounds very important to you.

Oh, and no one uses phrases like "I have black friends", most people do, and not all of them agree. I'm just sayin'.

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I thought it was an AP wire story...

and fansince, are you really trying to say that Philly's fan reputation is undeserved? Because there's been lots and lots of anecdotal evidence over the years. Their reputation is well earned. Nobody is saying their entire fan base is comprised of knuckleheads...just a higher percentage than the rest of the league. ;)

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yes....I get it...you have no leg to stand on other than your own prejuidices......nothing like standing on "facts" that ES so prides itself on. but how apropos a day and age when incipient fascism is applauded!!! don't like some group? well then...abstract the whole lot and label them racists! what a pathetic society we have "evolved" into.

btw..I have several friends....black friends...who served in the Marine Corps and the Navy for full careers. some wanted McNabb gone...some didn't. who are the racists in that "group"? or is this special Onion missive targeted not at Iggles fans, but just white Iggles fans? be careful now when running for the pitch and tar.

The point is that there has always been the sense that white Eagles fans, for the most part, did not like McNabb and didn't think he could succeed because he was a black quarterback. I know a few Eagles fans personally that have that exact viewpoint.

I'm sure everyone does.

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First off: Black people are just as racist as white people are just as racist as Latinos are just as racist as Asians, so on and so forth....

Every group has its vicious, hate-filled knuckleheads. NO group has the patent, it's just easier to pick on white folks as being racist because it's become accepted (by both the government and the media).

Secondly or "C" or whatever we're on: It's the Onion.

They're pretty evenhanded in their spoofing of everyone, so don't take it so seriously.

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People need to leave the socio-political hijack material for tailgate threads as that's the forum for those matters. This thread is about a joke piece in the onion. Per FS62, he is on temp ban for a rule #5 violation so will be unable to reply to posts.

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That was great.... :ols:

McNabb then wished probable Eagles starting QB Kevin Kolb luck winning the next 25 Super Bowls "because nothing else will be enough," gave all Philly fans the finger "because I can't give them all cancer," sighed with pleasure, and went to turn in his Eagles playbook to the Redskins' defensive coordinators.

Hmmm ....Haslett spending time talking to McNabb about the eagles offense.... Hmmmm


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In todays PoliticallyCorrect society, it is all too-often required that you suspend disbelief....

Sonny, I posted a warning last night just a couple posts before this stating to knock off the politically-orientated comments and here you are again. You should be sitting the next week out for that, but you get one more chance.

Please help each other keep this on the comedy piece that is the topic, and football. That way what's supposed to be a funny thread won't beget any temp bans for the socio-politically inclined who get the tailgate and the stadium confused.

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no...pinhead...I object to the logic. do I have to explain in BIG BLOCK LETTERS?

the Onion is simply playing to prejuidices and is as guilty as their supposed targets of manipulating the message. the ES crowd simply played into it.

as for the rest...I can't be held accountable for the limits of your education. not my problem.

Are you really getting bent out of shape about an article in the Onion? Really? Really? Really?

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