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BG: Obama aggravates Israel’s mistake


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An interesting bit of criticism from a former member of the Clinton Adminstration.

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Politeness notwithstanding, the announcement by an Israeli bureaucrat that additional housing had been approved in East Jerusalem, made while Vice President Joe Biden was in Israel and just after the Palestinian Authority had finally been persuaded to resume peace negotiations with Israel, however indirectly, was stupid and indefensible.

And that is why the Israeli government made no pretense at defending it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized abjectly for the announcement, took immediate steps to effectively suspend it — and then apologized some more. This was all appropriate. Equally appropriate was Biden’s acceptance of the apology, and his statement that it was time to get back to the work of negotiating peace.

Still the Obama administration has opted to turn these events into something that borders on ugly. Knowing full well that the Israeli governmental coalition is a complicated affair that the prime minister has worked hard to carry with him in order that Palestinian demands can be met, and knowing that Netanyahu had already apologized for the announcement, the Obama administration deliberately took a course that it knew would inflame anti-Israeli intransigence throughout the Arab world, and would undermine support for Israel in the United States.....

.........No one has a monopoly when it comes to the stupidity market, just like no one has a monopoly on the desire for peace. But the Obama administration’s performance over the past week has taken a real mistake on the part of the Israeli government, and managed to make matters worse."

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the Obama admin has been borderline incompetent in the foreign policy realm from Day 1. the Israelis are just now figuring out that these people don't know what they are doing and wil lhave to attend to their own defense needs. they always have, of course. it will just be more overt now.

Joe Biden.....what a bufoon!!!!

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This author's entire rant is based on this from the Obama Administration...

First, the president sent out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to condemn the Israeli bureaucratic stupidity as an “insult to the United States,’’ and then he sent out spokesmen Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod to continue the assault on Israel, feeding the outrageous nonsense that Israel’s internal debate over how to protect its citizens constituted a threat to American servicemen.

AFTER Israel did something it admitted was stupid.

Could the author be any more of a whiny *****? Good Lord

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For somebody who starts out saying Israel's behavior was indefensible, he goes on to try to defend it pretty vigerously; laying all the blame for the crisis on the Obama adminstrations feet...

Fact is Israel is a huge political player in the US... Just like the US is in Israel. The noise currently being generated is the political machines of both countries trying to coax the oposing administrations to back down. The question is who has the bigger stones, and who has the better domestic political support. That's what we will find out in the next few weeks.

If Netanyahoo backs down his government could collapse. If Obama backs down the indirect peace talks could collapse. Does Netanyahoo believe his ambassidor that this stance on settlemtns represents a significant crisis in American Israeli relations, one which trumps his domestic political concerns. That's the bottom line.

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By going the extra mile to dump on the Israelis, Obama upped his status in the Muslim world,....... which I suspect was his purpose.

"Extra mile" huh?

Am I the only one who thinks that this is a ridiculous premise for an article?

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By going the extra mile to dump on the Israelis, Obama upped his status in the Muslim world,....... which I suspect was his purpose.

I think you guys are pretty gullible...

The Israeli anouncment of more settlements during Biden's high visibiliby high level visit to restart peace talks was no mistake by the Israeli's. It was giving the finger to the American administration......

Netanyahu might have appologized, but what the Administration asked for immidiately was for netanyahu to suspend the construction effort. something Netanyahu refused and still refuses to do.

The United States is totally justified in being cross at Israel over this flap. The Israeli's just trashed two year effort to try to get peace talks, even indirect ones started again. And they did it by dishonoring the entire process and this administration.

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"Extra mile" huh?

Am I the only one who thinks that this is a ridiculous premise for an article?

From the article:

"And that is why the Israeli government made no pretense at defending it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized abjectly for the announcement, took immediate steps to effectively suspend it — and then apologized some more. This was all appropriate. Equally appropriate was Biden’s acceptance of the apology, and his statement that it was time to get back to the work of negotiating peace."

Netanyahu apologized profusely. Biden accepted the apology. Yet Obama felt it necessary to provide a few more kicks to the Israelis. For what purpose?

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This author's entire rant is based on this from the Obama Administration...
First, the president sent out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to condemn the Israeli bureaucratic stupidity as an “insult to the United States,’’ and then he sent out spokesmen Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod to continue the assault on Israel, feeding the outrageous nonsense that Israel’s internal debate over how to protect its citizens constituted a threat to American servicemen.

AFTER Israel did something it admitted was stupid.

Could the author be any more of a whiny *****? Good Lord

Actually, the part that boggles me the most about the discussion of "settlements" is the number of people who can claim that "shipping a bunch of your citizens into somebody else's country, and then claiming that it's yours" equates to "Israel’s internal debate over how to protect its citizens".

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From the article:

"And that is why the Israeli government made no pretense at defending it. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized abjectly for the announcement, took immediate steps to effectively suspend it — and then apologized some more. This was all appropriate. Equally appropriate was Biden’s acceptance of the apology, and his statement that it was time to get back to the work of negotiating peace."

Netanyahu apologized profusely. Biden accepted the apology. Yet Obama felt it necessary to provide a few more kicks to the Israelis. For what purpose?

I don't even see those as kicks. I mean, talk about over-sensitivity.

What did Clinton say that was incorrect? Are they REALLY that sensitive? That's my point.

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And nonniey- would you please format your thread title correctly? Thank you

First two questions

I used the actual article title (Obama aggravates Israel’s mistake) -so how did that violate the rules and second how do I adjust the title (Edit doesn't seem to work)?

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He's not the first or the last POTUS to try and make the people look away from a domestic timebomb.

"These military strikes against al Qaeda are obviously nothing more than an attempt to distract attention from the investigation of the President's sex life."

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Actually, the part that boggles me the most about the discussion of "settlements" is the number of people who can claim that "shipping a bunch of your citizens into somebody else's country, and then claiming that it's yours" equates to "Israel’s internal debate over how to protect its citizens".


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Damn, you can say nothing about anything. If Obama says nothing, he's weak, if he's says something he's over critical. My question is how can you be for peace, and still intiate activities that agitates the peace process. No matter what some one says, actions speak louder than words.

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. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized abjectly for the announcement, took immediate steps to effectively suspend it — and then apologized some more. This was all appropriate.

Ok, I'll bite. What did Netanyahu do to suspend the new settlements?

I read his statements as being "sorry we embarrassed you Joe Biden, but the settlements are still going in. We should have been polite and waited until you left to announce them."

Am I wrong?

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