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PC Gaming


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Most people on ES game on consoles and I see very few people who play on the PC. I am wondering why this is so.

Obviously a gaming capable PC is going to cost more than a console but a PC can do so much more so the extra money also improves your general PC experience in terms of speed and productivity.

PC has better graphics, more customization, cheaper games, better controls, more options and a way better community.

Consoles offer more convenience, are easier to setup, and are better to play with friends locally.

But what your reasons for choosing on platform over the other?

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Well one reason I'm likely to never be a PC gamer... I hate windows. I try to avoid it like the plague. another reason is that consoles are standardized. You don't have to worry "will my hardware be capable of running this game? What settings? Also, I'm a fan of controllers over M&K. Sure, you can get a USB controller (which I do own), but many games just don't have the support for them and you really have to force the support. And of course, one of the most important reasons... Nintendo doesn't make PC games.

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Most people on ES game on consoles and I see very few people who play on the PC. I am wondering why this is so.

Obviously a gaming capable PC is going to cost more than a console but a PC can do so much more so the extra money also improves your general PC experience in terms of speed and productivity.

PC has better graphics, more customization, cheaper games, better controls, more options and a way better community.

Consoles offer more convenience, are easier to setup, and are better to play with friends locally.

But what your reasons for choosing on platform over the other?

Think cheating and hacking are bad on the xbox and ps3.. on a pc it's a million times worse.. No thank you

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Think cheating and hacking are bad on the xbox and ps3.. on a pc it's a million times worse.. No thank you

Yeah its way easier to cheat on PC but if you play on well modded servers then its seldom an issue. Same way on consoles... you can play on servers that are a cluster**** of hacks/exploits or you can find a server that has an older more mature community.

My biggest reason to stick with PC gaming is because its a more expensive platform so it generally cuts down on the 12 year old mic spamming situation that I find a lot of on the 360.

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I shifted to PCs in the 90s. And am not up on current console capabilities, but my reasons are:

*I like to watch TV at the same time I play games, and don't feel like buying a TV just for consoles, which I'd also want to play while watching TV

*At the time the quality of RPGs (my favorite genre) was better on PCs. Not sure if this is still the case

*Ease of patch and mod download. Do consoles now get patched directly from the internet? One possible downside here though is that some PC games are released in beta states, the publishers knowing they can just push out a patch later

*Keyboard input seems better for complex "cerebral" games, console controllers for "twitchy" games, so I figured PC games would be better for my wants. And I prefer mouse to joystick or gamepad for shooters or RTS's.

*I'd own a PC anyway for the internet, word processing, etc. I wouldn't own a console anyway.

*The available games by platform seems a bit better. It's old vs. new PCs and graphic cards for PCs as to whether you can play a game. It's which console you have, and old and new consoles for them. Another thing here is that new PCs can also play most or all games over the previous decade+, or even really old console or PC games through emulators. If I got a new Playstation I don't think I could play old Nintendo games I have.

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Laziness and unwillingness to upgrade PC, like my situation where I could easily play GTA IV and BC2 if I wasn't so lazy and upgraded this AMD 64 Single Core chip

PC Advantage

Easily moddable games

Piracy ;)

Ease of control with mouse or USB controller

PC Disadvantage


Laziness by marketers refusing to port games to PC anymore, or porting insulting versions of console games to PC

Console Advantage

No upgrades needed


Console Disadvantage

Controller problems

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Good stuff

Pretty much the same reasons for me, although not the watching TV part, but that's only because of where my PC is now. Games, Performance, Controls, Flexibility.

I do own an X360, but its pretty much used for Rockband and thats all.

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Pretty much what Perky said, including the part about watching TV while he plays. I do not actively watch it, but I like having it on in the background. Plus, I want to be able to minimize the game and look something up on the net, or tab in and out of game while working on papers or research, etc. which I cannot do on a console.

I originially used my pc for gaming instead of the playstation and such because, at the time, the better football games were on the PC. Not graphically, but in the ability to run leagues, play over the internet, etc. Yes, I know this is not the case today, but I also do not play football games much anymore - I have Madden 2010 on my PS2, and I will play it every now and then, but that is it.

I play mmo's, which are PC games. The few times I tried playing them on consoles, like EQOA, they felt clunky and unfinished. Same with RTS and RPG games. Part of this is controller vs. keyboard, and I just prefer using the keyboard over controllers. I do not play shooters very much, but when I play BF2 I prefer using my mouse. To be fair though I find controllers much better for sport games or simulators (GT4, etc).

Plus, I just do not see the point in dropping $200-300 on game consoles to play $50.00 games that I beat in a week *shrug*

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No doubt PC has some excellent games but seeing that my old rig can run Half Life 2 with no problems and I don't play MMOs, I have not upgraded my PC in quite a few years and see no reason to now. Sure, on a new PC you may get better graphics but for the same price as that you could buy a Wii, a PS3, and a 360 ($700) and get all the amazing Sony and Nintendo games that will NEVER be on PC and get most PC games on 360. The bottom line is that game developers realize that the real money is in console gaming so pretty much all games are made for PCs AND consoles or are console exclusives. I still want a new gaming PC sometime but I just have to wait until I see more really compelling PC only games that I can't run on my old computer to upgrade.

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I still game on my PC but since I've bought my PS3 ive decided to not move on to the next Generation of PC games. Just because it costs so much to keep upgrading your PC and staying up to date.

I definitely prefer FPS games on the pc though. And you can't play games like Diablo or any RTS game on your console either.

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Eventually PC gaming will be completely dead.. Some upcoming MMO's are set to be released on the Xbox and PS3 including TOR (rumor) and FF14 for the PS3. Also heard Everquest 3 will be a PS3 exclusive, meaning no PC support at all. Right now the only gaming I do on my PC is Lotro and WOW very occasionally.

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Another thing here is that new PCs can also play most or all games over the previous decade+, or even really old console or PC games through emulators. If I got a new Playstation I don't think I could play old Nintendo games I have.

These days, with console hacking, you can get emulators running on 'em. I've got an N64 emulator, SNES emulator, NES emulator, Genesis emulator, DOS emulator, and a PS1 emulator on my Wii. there are more, I just don't have them.

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Eventually PC gaming will be completely dead.. Some upcoming MMO's are set to be released on the Xbox and PS3 including TOR (rumor) and FF14 for the PS3. Also heard Everquest 3 will be a PS3 exclusive, meaning no PC support at all. Right now the only gaming I do on my PC is Lotro and WOW very occasionally.

I highly doubt TOR would go to a console as it would be like trying to port WOW. A controller simply can't support it and is terribly inefficient for larger rpg's anyway. Games like Mass Effect and Red Faction work across both platforms because they're single player and streamlined.

And do you mean FF 13? 13 is coming out on both consoles already, and could potentially port to pc, which has happened in the past.

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And you can't play games like Diablo or any RTS game on your console either.

I think that the new Sony Motion controller and Natal could be awesome for RTS. Motion control combined with voice recognition should be an awesome combination for this genre. EndWar from Ubisoft already used voice recognition quite well and R.U.S.E., another Ubisoft game, has already been announced for PS3 using the upcoming motion controller.

Also, speaking of Ubisoft, another thing that turns me off of PC games right now is that there is so much piracy that most devs treat their paying customers like criminals. Ubisoft's new DRM for Assassins Creed 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction means that I would never buy these games for PC. Funnily enough, pirates have already bypassed the system so they will get to play a better version of the game than legal purchasers. Note to Ubisoft, don't treat your customers like criminals especially when you are going to charge them $60 for a PC game.

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I highly doubt TOR would go to a console as it would be like trying to port WOW. A controller simply can't support it and is terribly inefficient for larger rpg's anyway. Games like Mass Effect and Red Faction work across both platforms because they're single player and streamlined.

And do you mean FF 13? 13 is coming out on both consoles already, and could potentially port to pc, which has happened in the past.

You can use a USB or Bluetooth keyboard with a PS3 if you want.

FF XIV is a new MMO coming to PS3 and PC this year.

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Theres only one reason to use a PC over a console... REAL TIME STRATEGY games. What will you console freaks do with Starcraft II comes out and kicks your collective asses??? Oh and of course MMORPG's like World of Warcraft.

The only people who I know use consoles are FPS (first person shooter) players and/or action games like God of War.

So really, thats how games are divided. RPG/RTS vs. FPS/Action games.

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Theres only one reason to use a PC over a console... REAL TIME STRATEGY games. What will you console freaks do with Starcraft II comes out and kicks your collective asses??? Oh and of course MMORPG's like World of Warcraft.

The only people who I know use consoles are FPS (first person shooter) players and/or action games like God of War.

So really, thats how games are divided. RPG/RTS vs. FPS/Action games.


I don't hate consoles, but the strategy and RPG games I like to play require a full keyboard, not just a controller.

The games that are about twitch reflexes are better on a controller, but I have no use for them.

Plus, my PC serves other significant functions. :evilg:

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I highly doubt TOR would go to a console as it would be like trying to port WOW. A controller simply can't support it and is terribly inefficient for larger rpg's anyway. Games like Mass Effect and Red Faction work across both platforms because they're single player and streamlined.

And do you mean FF 13? 13 is coming out on both consoles already, and could potentially port to pc, which has happened in the past.

The made FF11 for the console, what's the difference? Actually FF11 is BETTER on the console imo. No one knows enough about TOR yet to determine whether or not it would be better on one system over another.

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The only people who I know use consoles are FPS (first person shooter) players

I don't know man... a lot of hardcore FPS players play on PC because of the accuracy of KB+M. You can't get twitch reflex kills with a controller.

Counter Strike, Quake, Unreal Tournament for example are games that just cannot be played with a controller.

I am not into RPG games much but yes playing those on PC is the only way to go.

I see it as RPG + FPS as the domain of the PC.

Sports games, action (3rd person) and racing games are owned by the console.

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I don't know man... a lot of hardcore FPS players play on PC because of the accuracy of KB+M. You can't get twitch reflex kills with a controller.

I've always thought KB&M was too accurate. I think it takes a bit more skill to head-shot someone with joystick because you need not only the twitch, but the precision of thumb. Just my take on the argument. The Wii, on the other hand, has the best FPS option. It employs the same twitch as a PC, but the accuracy factor is much more realistic.

I am not into RPG games much but yes playing those on PC is the only way to go.

I see it as RPG + FPS as the domain of the PC.

I'm not quite sure what makes RPGs need a PC. They've been just fine on consoles since the days of the NES.

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Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I play both. Recently I have purchased more games for the PS3, but thats probably because I hadn't had a console in a while, (like 15 years :-) . I would definitely agree that FPS games are better with the mouse. I realize you can plug in a mouse/keyboard into the PS3 but haven't tried that yet

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