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The NFC East is ripe for the plucking

E-Dog Night

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Temper your enthusiasm. The Redskins are in no way in position to pluck the NFC East. Your not giving the other teams enough credit. We were 0-6 in our division. We have so many holes.

The Pukes, Midgets, and Beagles are good teams. They draft well and are coached well. We don't know yet what kind of coach Shanahan will be.


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Not in 2010, but in a year or two.

I know it may sound crazy, but I think our offensive line falling apart may have been a blessing in disguise. It forces us to rebuild so that we can have a great unit for 5-10 years. It seems like the Giants and Cowboys offensive lines are where we were a couple of seasons ago. Injuries and age are starting to creep in. I wouldn't be surprised to see those units collapse over the next two years. Similar with the Eagles too. Between the injuries to the Andrews boys and Jason Peters not quite living up to the hype.

A lot of our young talent should be coming into their primes soon. We have the most defensive talent in the division and our superstar just completed a Pro Bowl rookie season. Our young pass catchers are finally getting their footing. If we get our QB and build the offensive line over the next two seasons, we can definitely be in a position to lead the pack in the NFC East.

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These types of threads don't usually pop up until July.

Agreed. While at first blush my optimistic side thinks that Shanahan will be able to get us back to about .500 next year, I'd like to see what the roster is going to look like (namely, who is going to be behind center in 2010) before assessing if we go much further than that.

Than there's the matter of the schedule. Aside from the home-and-home against the divisional opponents, here's what we have for next season:

Home: Green Bay, Minnesota, Indy, Houston, Tampa

Away: Chicago, Detroit, Jacksonville, Tennessee, St Louis

More often than not getting to 10+ wins requires you to go over .500 at home. With this schedule, can you see the Skins doing better than 4-4 at FedEx next season, especially if Favre returns to the Vikes?

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plus a little insight on the Eagles, don't be surprised if DeSean Jackson holds out. He is only supposed to make $470,000 next year. Oh, and Drew Rosenhaus is his agent.

Umm... you're joking right? He won't hold out. With an uncapped year, the most he can make is around $640,000 because he can only increase his salary by 33%. I don't see him holding out for 200k, and even if he does, the Eagles would ablige him immediately.

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I agree with the OP with a slight exception...that this thread is just 1 year to early.

McNabb and Philly are really close to folding it up, while New York will probably comeback with a better defensive performance next season and their offensive line is still intact. I give them one more year of solid play. But the Cowboys offensive line is just minutes away from a breakdown. They are nearly ancient on the line and being the healthiest team 2 years in a row is not very likely to occur with that much age going against them.

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So a team that went 4-12, and 0-6 in the East.... that has a new coach, that hasnt even signed or released a player or drafted anyone... they are going to win the division in 2010?

Arent you a tad curious to see who they even have on the roster as QB next year before you make a case for the 2010 team?

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So a team that went 4-12, and 0-6 in the East.... that has a new coach, that hasnt even signed or released a player or drafted anyone... they are going to win the division in 2010?

Arent you a tad curious to see who they even have on the roster as QB next year before you make a case for the 2010 team?

It's just a gut feeling, more based on my observation that two of the teams in the NFC East seem to be in decline right now than anything else. But I do get a real sense that Shanahan is doing everything the right way, and will make moves this offseason which will put the Redskins in the best position to win. Between those two factors I think it's possible.

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Let me guess, you thought they were going to win the NFC East was Bruce Allen was hired. And then you thought the same when Shanny was hired. When Bradford gets drafted you will think the Skins are the best team in the NFC East. Why didn'tyou act like most Skins fans are predict the Superbowl as well.

Stop getting your opinions from heisman and Larry Michael

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Call me crazy but I see it happening.

:) :logo:

Please stop. I don't want to get my hopes up prior to the beginning of the season. Dang you! It happens every year! Every year I think we can make the playoffs, and every year, I feel like I am kicked in the jimmies and some guy who is hung like a horse runs off with my wife.

:cry: Dang you!

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Now we have the Cowboys.... He's been a coach in the NFL for 9 seasons with 4 different teams and just got his first playoff win against an injury-riddled Eagles team that had pretty much given up hope.

I'm trying to figure out how a team who won six straight games prior to its season finale against the Cowboys had "pretty much given up hope."

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Let me guess, you thought they were going to win the NFC East was Bruce Allen was hired. And then you thought the same when Shanny was hired. When Bradford gets drafted you will think the Skins are the best team in the NFC East. Why didn'tyou act like most Skins fans are predict the Superbowl as well.

Stop getting your opinions from heisman and Larry Michael

I'm not sure why I'm bothering to respond to this, but just so you know, not one single thing you said is even remotely true. I don't know who Heisman is, and Larry Michael? Are you serious? I don't want Bradford, I would prefer the Redskins trade down and fill their various needs (as I've stated on several posts), especially on the offensive line. And I just had this gut feeling a day or two ago.

And there is no way the Redskins are ready to win the Super Bowl. What I'm saying is that they could surprise people and sneak up to win the division.

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Not a bad outlook E-Dog, regardless what analyst say, this team does have talent on both sides of the ball. Yes we need an O-line, and Shanny will get his O-line in order, he always has. I think our biggest step will be because of the new coaching staff and GM. We now go into 2010 with very competent leaders who know how to win and game plan. A huge difference from a QB coach trying to lead an NFC East team into battle, Jim Zorn just couldn't get this team together and ready to play every week.

Although every new coach needs a few seasons to get "his" team together, it's very possible for this team to take such a leap in it's first season under an elite coach. It sure would be a great thing to win this division our first year under this new system, and even have a home playoff game.

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When Miami goes from 1-15 to 11-5, it is always possible to have a great bounce back year. The real question is can redskins have stability and stay healthy to achieve that. I simply think the main problem with the team is depth. No depth on OL, WR, LB or DL. Fatigue and injury always keeps this team from excelling.

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