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Am i a loser or Just getting older?

boston skins fan

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Hey all,

i need the advice of my fellow es'rs.

I am 27 single and live alone. I used to love and look foward to going out every weekend until a about a month ago. I used to love going out with my friends when i had the time because i work way to much. Lately ive had no motivation, or felt like going out.

So i ask this am i a loser or just getting older and growing up.

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It's normal. I'd go out about three or four times a week a few years ago. Now, I might only go out once a month. Much easier to avoid all the trouble and just hang out at home. I however live with my girlfriend, so... yeah.

PS: TLC, you should probably change your location. We already fired Vinny. :)

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There's your answer. You were in it all the time for six years.

That means you had your fill, at least for awhile. Humans are strange like that, even something you love can get tiring or annoying if you're subjected to it frequently enough.

I've gone up and down with partying and would isolate myself at times because I didn't want to do anything along those lines.

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You're just maturing.

But don't get carried away.

I'm not saying that you have to "party" to be young. Enjoy life.

You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today

And then the one day you find ten years have got behind you

No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking

And racing around to come up behind you again

The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older

And shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time

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Thats the way i feel. my friends call i tell them i just dont feel like going out and stay in. except for work iv locked myself in my apt since new years.

Be careful not to get too isolated. It can spiral into a depression of sorts and make it progressively more difficult to break out of the funk. But if you use the alone time constructively, there's nothing wrong with that or if you're trying to save money or the like.

I recommend:

going to the shooting range. Wearing military garb. Getting a high from stalking and killing a living thing. Reading books about End Times, fascist and communist political movements and serial killers. Nursing your resentments against women, the world, possibly some global conspiratorial elite like the Bilderbergers. Wear knives...everywhere.

Do this and really immerse yourself in being alone for a good ten months to two years. You'll be good as new!

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Nah, you're just growing out of the "out-evey night" scene. I was out probably at least 4 nights a week all through college, right after college, and at the start of grad. school (don't even ask me how I graduated, lol), but I noticed about 1.5-2 years ago I just wasn't into going out so much anymore...and it's only gotten worse. I still like hanging out with friends, and definitely need that interaction, but I'd much rather hang out at each other's houses these days and screw around. It's much cheaper and I'm sick of primiping to go out, ugh.

I figure this change is due to me getting old...sooooo....sorry buddy :D

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Be careful not to get too isolated. It can spiral into a depression of sorts and make it progressively more difficult to break out of the funk. But if you use the alone time constructively, there's nothing wrong with that or if you're trying to save money or the like.

I recommend:

going to the shooting range. Wearing military garb. Getting a high from stalking and killing a living thing. Reading books about End Times, fascist and communist political movements and serial killers. Nursing your resentments against women, the world, possibly some global conspiratorial elite like the Bilderbergers. Wear knives...everywhere.

Do this and really immerse yourself in being alone for a good ten months to two years. You'll be good as new!

Ill take that into consideration but im not nuts or depressed. I have just been working alot the last 2 years and think ive hit the perverbial brick wall. In which i though when it did happen i would want to go out alot more instead of the opposite.

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Nah, you're just growing out of the "out-evey night" scene. I was out probably at least 4 nights a week all through college, right after college, and at the start of grad. school (don't even ask me how I graduated, lol), but I noticed about 1.5-2 years ago I just wasn't into going out so much anymore...and it's only gotten worse. I still like hanging out with friends, and definitely need that interaction, but I'd much rather hang out at each other's houses these days and screw around. It's much cheaper and I'm sick of primiping to go out, ugh.

I figure this change is due to me getting old...sooooo....sorry buddy :D

it is ok ive been comming to that realization little by little. Graduating college, working tons of hours, and oh yea then theres the grey hair.

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You're at sea without any idea of where you are going bud. The reason I say this is that if you were happy staying home you wouldn't be asking anyone if you're a loser. It's normal to grow out of the bar scene. It's too damn expensive and it gets to be a grind.

What you need to do is figure out what does interest you and DO IT QUICKLY. You don't want to get used to solitude. Find a martial art or hobby you are interested in and get to it. Travel. Volunteer. Anything. Life is short, either get out there and live it or meet someone that you can share it with.

Everyday that slips away is a day you don't get back. Win the day.

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To the OP man dude I am the same way. Admittedly if I had more friends it would be different, I have like two friends in this whole cursed city, but even then I don't have much motivation to go out. I can go spend $30 on parking and a few drinks looking lame by myself at the bar unsuccessfully trying to talk to girls. No thanks.

I am lame I must admit. Youth is a fleeting thing, I must take advantage! Dammit.

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To the OP man dude I am the same way. Admittedly if I had more friends it would be different, I have like two friends in this whole cursed city, but even then I don't have much motivation to go out. I can go spend $30 on parking and a few drinks looking lame by myself at the bar unsuccessfully trying to talk to girls. No thanks.

I am lame I must admit. Youth is a fleeting thing, I must take advantage! Dammit.

hey man dont feel bad ive lived in this city 8 years and have only 3 friends that live in the area.

and trust me your not the only one being shot down from the opposite sex the thing is you cant get discouraged and keep trying.

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Yea its definitely you getting older. I grew out of that scene earlier than most of my friends. I go out once or twice a month (Im also married but still). Doing the same thing all the time gets boring. Just gotta mix things up and find new ways to meet girls. Find a hobby. Take cooking classes. Do something else with your free time for a while and you may meet a new crowd of people and then the bars every once in a while will be a good time again. Just need some variety in life is all.

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