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No Skins in Hamptonroads- Email Bruce Rader (Mergedx3)


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I might email him and tell him I'd rather have the PHI/DAL game.

Seriously. I'm surprised you guys really would rather watch us get humiliated by San Diego in a meaningless game.

It is the principle of the matter.

No matter which game they end up showing, if you don't speak up and express your dissatisfaction with this move, they'll take this as a sign that they can drop Redskin games when they want.

The Redskins will be rebuilding next season with Shanahan as the HC, most likely.

Redskin fans would like to see the (hopefully) positive progression of the team as the season unfolds.

But what if stations in Virginia like the ones in Richmond and Tidewater start cutting Redskin games here and there next year cause they aren't (most likely) contenders?

I mean, why wouldn't they if no one complains now?

Redskin fans all over Virginia have to make their voices heard that they will NOT tolerate their beloved franchise becoming just another team in the mid-Atlantic TV market in 2010.

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I want give a special thanks to all ES members for helping us fight this media battle in Hampton Roads. The Redskin fans in this area are just as passionate about the Skins as the fans are in the DC area. Please keep voting in the poll and sending e-mails. Thanks.

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I live in Richmond so I guess I won't be able to watch the game. Question though. If I were to go to a bar that had the NFL Package would it still be on one of those channels or is the game not being shown at all anywhere? Thanks!

I'm pretty sure it would be on. The game is not being blacked out due to a lack of ticket sales for a home game. It is just not being shown. However, if you want to be 100% sure,

Fredericksburg VA gets Fox 5 out of DC. There's a Buffalo Wild Wings in Central Park near exit 130 off of I95.

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all I got to say is if he does this then he should not be allowed access to training camp or better yet when the skins come to town for bash at the beach. If you dont show the skins loyalty then they dont have to show him any. PERIOD

>> We should at least harrass the heck out of him at training camp by asking him why he is not at the Dallas or Phil training camp?

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It is the principle of the matter.

No matter which game they end up showing, if you don't speak up and express your dissatisfaction with this move, they'll take this as a sign that they can drop Redskin games when they want.

The Redskins will be rebuilding next season with Shanahan as the HC, most likely.

Redskin fans would like to see the (hopefully) positive progression of the team as the season unfolds.

But what if stations in Virginia like the ones in Richmond and Tidewater start cutting Redskin games here and there next year cause they aren't (most likely) contenders?

I mean, why wouldn't they if no one complains now?

Redskin fans all over Virginia have to make their voices heard that they will NOT tolerate their beloved franchise becoming just another team in the mid-Atlantic TV market in 2010.

I agree. Like you posted with Shanahan as our coach I'm wiling to give our Skins that benefit of a doubt that they will have a good season. But it needs to come together and early in the season or stations will see it a necessary to drop it again. I do hope its not a new era of removing our Skins from the market. If it is I understand why.

I love the burgundy and gold. But these past few years have taken the joy out of me and replaced it with total frustration and embarrassment. Why sit and watch them continue to play soulless inept football for all to see again and again? I despise the Cowturds and all their inbred fans but it is what it is.

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die hard skins fans watch every game they possibly can come hell or high water

i havent lived backhome in DC since 1995 and still get my hungover self out of bed... put on some burgundy and gold and head over to my local sports bar ready to brawl with any and all non skin fans

this soulless parasite bruce rader doesnt get it and never will

he's nothing but geeked out lemming...

that said this is a dangerous attitude from a person who has the ability to effect fellow fans...

he must be stopped

Hear Hear. My bar isn't even local. I have to drive to the train station, take a 1 hour train ride and then walk 20 minutes across Manhattan. As big of a PITA that is, I will be there tomorrow.

It's not just a bar it's RedSky. Home to Redskins NYC fans. I don't expect it to be as crowded as the first Dallas game was, but there will still be a good number of us to watch the last game.

Pre-empt the home team with a Cowboys game? BLASPHEMY!!!

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It's all about the $$. Guess Fox wants the highest ratings possible for Eagles and Cowpukes game.

Decided to watch Ravens game instead. I sent an email to program director at Fox43, but got the 'out of office' reply.

Just don't send the stations emails, but the advertisers as well. Let them know you and they can put pressure on station.

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It's all about the $$. Guess Fox wants the highest ratings possible for Eagles and Cowpukes game.

Decided to watch Ravens game instead. I sent an email to program director at Fox43, but got the 'out of office' reply.

Just don't send the stations emails, but the advertisers as well. Let them know you and they can put pressure on station.

Thanks for the tip. I'll email the advertisers next.

I just emailed Fox Richmonds GM. It went like this:

Hello Steve Genett. I'm a very disappointed Fox Richmond has decided not to show the Redskins-Chargers game on Sunday afternoon. This is Redskins territory. I don't care if the Redskins were 0-15, I still want to see them play. I hope you don't think you will get better ratings by showing the Eagles-Cowboys game, because you wont. True Redskins fans like myself won't support this dumb, treacherous decison. I've been a Redskins fan all my life in this is the first time I can remember not being able to watch my team play on Fox Richmond. As you can tell my my email address, I bleed burgendy and gold. I'm sure it's too late too change now, right? Lastly, I hope you are happy. You now have a really pissed off fan base, who are not very happy with your station.

Sincerely, Redskins Nation & Vernon

His email adress is: sgenett@foxrichmond.com

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Like many other i sent Bruce an email.Surprisingly i gotta reply....

There will be no skins game to end the season and start a new year.Thank you very much to the washington redskins.Yall SUCK so bad that i gotta watch the pukes play in your place.Get it together already!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Hey Bob,

I understand how you feel, and your frustration. This was not an easy decision for me. I grew up a Redskins fan, my father was the assistant director of the Redskins band for 30 years. I started in 1973 as the spotter for the Redskins radio team and produced the George Allen Coaches show. I have covered just about every Redskins home game since I moved to Hampton Roads over 30 years ago, including every single Super Bowl and every summer camp. I have season tickets, many games this season I could not give them away, because nobody wanted to go.

At six o’clock last night I asked the viewers to email their thoughts on which of the two games we should show. It was not a vote, but I wanted to gage the feeling of the football fans in the market. From 6:30 to 8pm I received 150 emails, the most emails I have ever received for any story I have ever done.

Less than 10 of the 150 said we should show the Redskins game. Half of those 10 were from Redskins fans, who as much as they hate the Cowboys had to admit the Cowboys-Eagles game would be a much better and more meaningful game to watch.

I am sure we will get more viewers for the Cowboys-Eagles game than we would have for the Redskins-Chargers game considering the way the Redskins have been playing and the fact that San Diego has already clinched their playoff spot and probably won’t play some of it’s starters.

At some point I have to the right thing and not let my personal feelings about the Redskins cloud what is best for the majority of the sports fans in the area.

By the way, I will continue to cover the Redskins as much as I have in the past, and doubt if I will make this suggestion in the future. At least I hope I don’t have to.

Thanks for the email.

Bruce Rader

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Like many other i sent Bruce an email.Surprisingly i gotta reply....

You shouldn't be surprised you got a reply, that's the same standard reply he has sent to everyone that has e-mailed him. It's just one bs letter that he had someone write, saying how he's been a fan for over 30+ years, blah, blah, blah...and he hates that the Skins have put him in this situation to show the Eagles/Boys game.

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You shouldn't be surprised you got a reply, that's the same standard reply he has sent to everyone that has e-mailed him. It's just one bs letter that he had someone write, saying how he's been a fan for over 30+ years, blah, blah, blah...and he hates that the Skins have put him in this situation to show the Eagles/Boys game.

Yeah i'm aware of that.I know i wasent the only person that got a reply.Or that my email interested him enough to actually write back.I was just surprised that i/we got any reply at all.IDK.I usually dont go outta my way to email/gripe about things to people who could care less what I think.Just thought id share it.If only to confirm that we,in the hampton roads area,will not get to see the game.Unless i guess you have direct tv?Which i do not.Or maybe go to a bar?But i have my kids on the weekends so i wont be seeing any of it.

Sucks man.:doh:

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BTW, this was the email I sent him a couple hours ago...

Dear Mr. Rader,

I am a die-hard Redskins fan who drove to Landover to watch us get beat down in a depressing game last week against the hated cowboys. I think that myself, and the others who have supported our team for all these years, myself since I was 3 years old watching Jay Schrader play qb, deserve to watch us beat San Diego tomorrow. Well, maybe that might be a little unrealistic, but we love our team & would love to watch them play! Even if it is poorly, we need one more Maroon, Yellow, and Black fix. (Sorry, Coach Zorn was in my ear) I meant Burgundy and Gold!


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Even on Monday (if the decision holds), we should continue with the pressure - especially with the sponsors.

I would also recommend calling the station at 4:16 PM and asking where the Redskins game is (pretend like you were out of town for Christmas last week and just got back).

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